Welcome John Sparkman as our latest SA Curator: He says about himself:
"My interest is not specifically in research as a main thrust, but in assisting various Family and Non-Family to overcome hurdles being experienced in understanding the workings of Geni.com with a view to linking into the “Big Tree”. I have a cynical view that “collecting” famous relatives is a no-no unless there is a logical link and purpose to claiming a connection. Far better to preserve and link the “common folk” (for want of a better expression) as it is they that founded the families across the world and opened up the various continents."
I have an interest in projects such as “Germans in Kaffraria”, “1820 Settlers”, “Early English Settlers”.
.My aim is to collect data and research done by various family groups (e.g. Robertson, Caldwell, Kannemeyer, Vercueil, Ballantine, Sparkman, Hamilton, Miller and many more) and integrate them into Geni and in the process link up fragmented small family groups into an integrated whole.
In due course, once I have caught up with the current activities, I plan to initiate a project styled “South African Railways – Past employees and their experiences”, but that is somewhat down the track.