The Kingdom Sweden?

Started by Agneta Åhrberg on Monday, April 30, 2012
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As the monarchs now are presented it's a kind of fictional history it's based on. Sweden, or the Svearnas rike was a very small part of nowadays Sweden Nation. The nowaday Sweden started to form as nation in the 1500:s. The first person naming himself king of Sweden was Gustaf Eriksson (or Gösta) from Dalarna in Svealand.The "kings" before that is kind of his history. I would compare them to chief's. And they did not use the coat of arms until very late. (I lost a lot of my interest in subject of schoolhistory when the teachers and the books told about only happenings, people and persons in another country than mine.) Both the "Three crowns" and the swedish flag are later than the kings mentioned in the project.

E.g. until 1658 people in my hometown spoke danish. In the church built 1100-1200 there are still paintings from before 1658. If any monarchs in this part of Scandinavia they were danemän/danish men/danish monarch.

The list is based on the official list, but you bring in a problem we don't have a solution on yet: The numbering we put in the suffix or display name, and even the name itself.

For "shared" kings like Konung Karl XIV Johan av Sverige och av Norge he is known as "Karl III Johan" in Norway and "Karl XIV Johan" in Sweden as an example.

Feel free to edit the project, and please replace the English names as well.

Interesting about the "Karl III Johan-Karl XIV Johan" - mix in history. The "official list" is probarbly written and edited i Stockholm. The children in swedish schools today don't learn it in the norwegian way. My father in law never during his lifetime 1920-1996 heard very much else about the name of the blothbath i Ronneby (severel thousands were killed by svear=sweeds in one day) but had to learn everything about Stockholm blood bath (I think 8 noble men lost their heads).

I wounder if Dronning Margareta will be swedish or danish? Maybe under "Kalmarunionen"? In Ronneby last year it was a drama play about this Queen of ours. Since this area belonged to Denmark. Kalmar is situated in Småland where there was from the beginning several chiefs/kings. Småland = Small countries, and the people there did not like the swedish king and his german soldiers. They prefered Nils Dacke, who by the sweeds is named a terrorist. My grandparents talked about him as a hero.
The one and only : ).

I'm not sure, but maybe a possible way to handle some problems that are, is to name Karl III Johan as a geneaological normal person: Jean Baptiste Bernadotte (AKA Karl XIV Johan, Karl III Johan and Profession: King). It's well known the family name is Bernadotte.

I'm sure I'm not the right person to replace fictions with facts and tear down the nationalistic walls built several hundered years ago :=). (As you maybe have heard of they are now on their way to open a third grave in Stockholm to find the remainings of Magnus Ladulås

but now they have opened 2 graves in Riddarholmskyrkan and it's not his remains in "his" graves. Maybe it's in a third suggested grave? The two first graves contents is from persons who lived 100-200 years later than Magnus Birgersson "Ladulås".

But it has been a good story told during many hundered years to people by the Eriksson-family from Dalarna.

Erik Axelsson Tott (regent of Sweden)
Here is one more :) for this project
Erik Axelsson Tott

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