Thanks Linda Magdalena Engelbrecht - I'll add. Can you put your sources on the About Me too?
Her marriage date is already given as a definite 1652. Leaving it at that and adding Amsterdam. Would be great for sources to be added so we can be certain of this certainty. Or am I just not looking carefully enough?
Her Baptism Records is on Slide 228.
Trintje Baptism Records
https:// www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XBBP-JF7
Marraige Records for her parents.. 5 May 1620
https:// www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FN41-25W
Sharon. Click on the link. Then choose the first Trintje 'Catherina' name. It will open her profile.
Then go to her Sources Tab. Choose the 5th records from the top. Not the Open Archives records. The FamilySearch one.
Then click on View record. Retype the no. 1 to 228. It will open that slide. Click on the top left icon to open full record.
Scroll up and down with the mouse to search through the names.
Do the same with her parents Marraige records.
MARRIAGE - Netherlands, Noord-Holland Province, Church Records, 1523-1948; https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-99QV-GNM4?cc=2037985&a...
Slide 606.
There are a few Roelof's, but I honestly cannot make out quite how they are married to.