With some hard work we can reach the 10,000 Mormon Pioneer profile identified by the end of this year. We currently have found 8,814 pioneers.
You can help by adding your 1852 pioneers to the project or by adding any of your pioneers to their respective projects. You also help by looking up pioneers listed here: http://www.lds.org/churchhistory/library/pioneercompanysearch/ and seeing if they already have profiles on geni.
There are also lots of spouses and children of pionners that were them self Mormon pioneers that don't yet have profiles on geni. Please help where you can and we can reach 10,000 by the end of the year.
Heber Chase Kimball 14 June 1801 dead 22 june 1868 22wives 26or29 Children 8or10 brother /sister i could not add him
Kimball Family execpt me throught related mult married
Mormon Pioneers some prairie canada before Edward Flexhang mother Petra Hanson my Great Grandfather Martin Hanson in Minnesota move to Saskatewan then Alberta Latter Day of the Saint is Mormon execpt wife Heber Chase Kimball you add Many wivies and many children Kimball Family some Flexhaug FFamilly from Norway
Thanks for the info on your Flexhaug tie into the Kimball family by marriage. Its been fun to see the Heber C. Kimball family grow on a collaborative family history site like geni as more descendants hook in.
Heber Chase Kimball, Apostle, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, born in 1801, now has 768 descendants on geni although these 768 represent just a small fraction of his total descendants which in reality must number in the thousands.
To put that into perspective President Millard Fillmore, born 1 year before Kimball only has 2 descendants on geni and President Franklin Pierce born 3 years after Kimball only has 3 descendants listed on geni. That hundreds of descendants from multiple family lines of Kimball have collaborated and come together on geni is quite an accomplishment.