Someone has erased names...

Started by Private User on Tuesday, December 11, 2012
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Line Bélanger
I'd like to publicly ask you why you have changed MANY profiles to "NO NAME" or erased names out of Master Profiles? What's your point?

For the record, I've gone and changed the names BACK to the original name.

Here's a few profiles for instance. Curators or whomever, please review the history:
Jean Mathieu, Jr
Jean Mathieu, Jr
Louise Anne Letarte
François Vésinat, , le cadet
Marie Clément dite LaPointe

Private User - the best approach is to email the person on Geni, in case it was unintentional. If I don't get an answer, I escalate it to Customer Service. I did look at the first profile and saw the deletion of names.

If the email does not work, I will report Line Bélanger, but since they are a relatively new user, I'm wondering if it was done out of confusion?

"MY" personal belief it was to dismantle "her" tree as I also noticed she "No-Named" profiles she created herself, as well (check her activitiy).

I see what you mean. Well, she's online now, so hopefully she will explain herself. My rule of thumb is to wait a day or two. The activity took place last month.

For anyone reading this -- according to Geni's Terms of Service, this type of activity is considered vandalism if you are deleting information that others added / co-manage. Sometimes people do this out of confusion because they don't know how to delete duplicates or don't understand the collaborative World Tree and don't know that they are in violation of the Terms of Service and don't understand that the profile is managed by others.

You may only delete information like this from profiles that you alone manage. I report for vandalism anyone who persists at damaging other people's profiles.

I notice for all the profiles listed above, that on Oct. 4, Private User merged a version of that profile which Line managed into another version of that profile. I know it is not required, but I suspect if he had contacted Line first and found out if she wanted her profiles merged in, explained more about Geni, etc. (and possibly even respected her wishes), then life might have been happier for Line as well as for folks who understandably did not want names blanked out on profiles they co-managed.

That is good information to have Private User. As I said, with a new user, there is sometimes a misunderstanding about the World Tree.

Bonjour, J'ai recu des couriels concernant pourquoi avoir effacer de mon arbre des nom (no name). j'ai eu premièrement de la difficulter a déchiffrer certains de vos messages car je suis unilingue francophone. Puis un jour je me suis appercu que j'avais fait des erreur en transcrivant mon arbre généalogique. J'ai doubler 2 fois le même arrieres grang-père et il s'avérait donc qu'il ne se trouvait donc plus dans le bon rang de degré, et j'ai eu du mal a essayer d'en faire la corection car je ne suis pas tres habille en informatique, alors j'ai fait de mon mieux pour essayer de corriger mon erreur. de line bélanger (, merci pour votre compréhension et si quelqu'un peu m'aider, j'apprécirais votre aide. Merci

Private User
Even as a curator, I can not merge an isolated tree on Geni. The tree was already connected to the big tree (acceptance already given) or a match was identified and the merge was accepted (permission given). We perform over 1500 merges a day on Geni, whose primary goal is to create a single tree and merge duplicates. It doesn't make sense to message a manager for each set of merges I approve.

I've run into similar instances before where the user, not knowing, is trying to correct or delete something they think is wrong and starts removing data (thinking it will break the connection or something). Example ( The best action is to reverse the changes, we have the tools, and help Line address the issue. If her motives malicious, which doesn't appear to be the case, curators have the ability to suspend her editing ability until Geni can review Terms of Service violations.

Line Bélanger,
Quelle est l'erreur dans votre arborescence que vous aimeriez corriger? Si vous avez identifié une relation non valide, nous pouvons retirer cette connexion spécifique. Merci

Line Bélanger good to know that it wasn't malicious intent. At first I believed it was. I'm descended from and also co-manage some of the profiles that you changed. I'm sorry if I sounded rude.

Jeff - definitely disagree with your aside that for Geni, the "primary goal is to create a single tree and merge duplicates" - see for example.

As to "It doesn't make sense to message a manager for each set of merges I approve." - I will accept that it does not make sense to you, is not how you choose to work, etc. Personally, I think it is a courtesy and would be nicer if it was done - but considering that while one person is sending such a message, another might be completing the merge, you are perhaps correct.

In any case, am glad to see folks are willing to accept that what looks like vandalism might not be due to any malicious intent at all, and are willing to work with the person to discover and help them achieve the goals / corrections they were trying to make.


Lorsque j'avais fait la premiere fois mon arbre, j'avais mit deux fois le même ascendent par erreur, j'ai donc voulu effacer les informations inscrite au mauvais endroit et le repositionner au bon degré d'assendence et je suis pas capable d'effacer le tout coorectement. et en raison de mon erreur les autres ascendents de mon arbre n'était donc plus positioner au bon degré d'ascendance,

Alors, à partir de mon arbre il y a Moi,
1- Line Bélanger
2- Léonard Bélanger (mon père)
3- Wenceslas Bélanger (mon grand-père)
4-Louis-Ovide Bélanger ( Grand-père ascendent)
5-Georges Bélanger
6-François-Xavier Bélanger
7-Louis Bélanger
8- Jean-Baptiste Bélanger
9-Paul Bélanger
10- Nicolas Bélanger et Marie de Rainville (son épouse)

Note: il n'y a pas d'autres ascendent apres Nicolas Bélanger, mais pour Marie de Rainville son père est Paul de Rainville et sa mère Rolline Poete et son grand-père Jean de Rainville et grand-mère Jeanne Burchet

j'ai donc essayez lors de ma correction de replacer également les bons ascendents de chaque épouses de mes grands-pères ascendents au bon endroit, puis ça fait beaucoup de no name.
alors Merci de votre compréhension et votre aide et je suis désoler pour l'inconvénient que cela a pu causer.

de Line Bélanger (

Line, I will send you a collaboration request. Collaborating with people who have a shared ancestor (like you and I do) will help build a better tree. Welcome to the family. ;)

Private User can you do all the Bélanger descendants a favor and please remove the profiles above this profile: Nicolas Bélanger dit Catherine

They were all error or duplicates that Line had added and then tried to remove. :) Thank you.

Ok, I've deleted all the profiles above (J'ai supprimé tous les profils ci-dessus) Nicolas Bélanger dit Catherine.

Thank you, very much.
Merci beaucoup.

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