Georg von Kornfeld

Started by Lucie Hana Friedlaenderova on Saturday, January 19, 2013
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On the list - at the first sight - I miss Georg von Kornfeld - he was from Golcuv Jenikov as my family and somehow we are connected with their family, He died in 1937.

I have not heard of a "Georg von Kornfeld", but there was a George KORNFELD (1880-1901), son of Baron Sigmund KORNFELD. Siegmund's profile is:
Baron Siegmund - Zsigmond Kornfeld

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Hanuš Grab

There was a George DeKornfeld George DeKornfeld, grandson of Baron Siegmund Kornfeld. Many of the decedents of Baron Siegmund Kornfeld emigrated to the US and changed their name from von Kornfeld to DeKornfeld.
As Peter Lowe wrote, I don't know of any other Georg von Kornfeld

Děkuji, to udělám. And I will find more information about Georg. Greetings to everybody.

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