How can it be?, God Almighty / אבינו שבשמים / الله . is my 116th great grandfather. ???

Started by Private User on Monday, April 29, 2013
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I think this is not right?

God Almighty / אבינו שבשמים / الله .
is my 116th great grandfather.

How to test that?

God Almighty .

What do you think about that?

We must all go back to him then ?

Thanks for your time.


Ya, the biblical tree, based on the documentation provided in religious text, is contained on Geni. At the start when people would delete it, it would just get added back, so we decided to manage it as best we could based on the historical text. See the Biblical Tree project:

I believe Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן is the main curator for this.

Is my 119th great grandfather. too

I do not think it is right to put deities in a genealogical tree. Such trees should be about real people. God Almighty is my 112th great grandfather. The Hindu god Vishnu is my 140th and my 174th great grandfather. Zeus, Uranus, and others are also direct ancestors of mine, according to Geni.


How do you know What is REAL or not? You are only a Human!. And you were not there?

Who is to Judge what is right or wrong?
and What is morally correct or not?

Thank GOD, that we have a Right to THINK!

and thank God for "LOGIC" too.

Not to forget, Opinion.

If we did not judge so fast what we do not "UNDERSTAND" then maybe we could learn something (Right or wrong).

Have a Great day. (Our Grandfathers are with us).

Todos descendemos de Dios Padre todo ha sido escrito por diversas religiones, no hay por que dudar.. fuimos creados a la imagen y semejanza de Dios y Diosa, somos hijos de ellos está todo escrito genialógicamente, la cronología de la biblia es muy certera. Esto nos muestra que somos todos hermanos hijos de una misma familia cósmica y sagrada disculpen por escribir en español soy de Chile sud américa... Todos somos uno.... Amor universal e incondicional para todos!!

One theory is that Noah is Uranus; his son, Ham, Kronus; and his grandson, Mizraim, Zeus:

From there my lineage comes down through the Trojans to Thor, and farther down to another Norse god, Odin. From there, it comes down through Vikings such as Thorgil Sprakling, to English Dukes, Lords, and Barons. One of my more recent ancestors was a Knight, born in London, and listed on King James I's 2nd Virginia Charter by the age of 16!

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