She's my 7th great grandmother try this book
Cavaliers and Pioneers, vol. 1
also http://www.teachergenealogist007.com/2010/03/bell-330-331.html
Well one George Bledsoe b 1635 married a Jennings, but I believed her to be Joannah not Anne. Their descendent George b 1745 married Anne Cupples. If Carolyn has any more interest in learning about this matter, then I think she should state birth dates as George was obviously a favourite first name in that family!
This shows Ann Jenings, daughter of Edmund and Margaret as dying in England.......
And then there is this.....
but I see nothing to prove it....
A discusion about this....but still no answer.
Looks like her brother came after George Bledsoe's children were born. So not likely.
IS there anything showing who Anne Jenings married? only daughter I see in that Link mentioned is Elizabeth http://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/Jenings_Edmund_1659-1727#start_...
George's Will it says
I give to my loving wife Eliza. Bledsoe all that estate she finds upon the plantation she brought along with her. George Bledsoe
I, too, noticed that the Will states that his wife was Eliza. If Anne Jennings was his second wife (I think I saw somewhere that she was his second wife), then why would it say Eliza. Perhaps Elizabeth was his only wife, and the mother of his children.
Elizabeth Nelms