There is no connection to any claimed Mabille family or the recorded Mabe family.
Seargant Caspar Mabille etc. is long dismissed unproved data.
"Claes Janszen van Naerden" is recorded 26 Aug. 1636 age 33," so he was born ab. 1603(Van Rensselaer Bowier Manuscripts)
There are numerous individuals being "from Naerden/Naarden/Norden" and they are not related.
Claes Jansen is often recorded as "Ruijter/Ruyter"
He married Pietertse Jans
Claes was an Indian interpreter in 1645
his last recording is 16 June 1661 giving a report about his visit to the Esopus Indians (Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New York p. 202)
Barbara Boram