John Howland, "Mayflower" Passenger - There is no Howland listed see list below

Начал Private пятница, 9 августа 2013
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9.8.2013 в 7:58 после полудня

I am not sure who put this all together, however the link to Elizabeth Tilley below does not take you to a site about the Howlands or Tilleys.
I am related to John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley; they are my 10th great-grandparents according to I wanted to join the discussion etc about them but the link via Violet-Lunge/5 below is confusing.

Can you shed any light on this ?
Thanks, K

Tilley, Elizabeth, daughter, bp. Henlow, Bedfordshire, England, 30 Aug 1607. She m. about 1625 John Howland. See Howland.
[Violet Kawai Leung, ELIZABETH2 TILLEY (JOHN1), who was born about 1607, and died at Swansea, 22 December, 1687, aged eighty. Ten children. Characterized by Bradford as a "lusty young man" and manservant to John Carver. He was nearly swept to his death during a severe storm on the passage.

9.8.2013 в 9:27 после полудня

Dear Troy, Hi! Well, first of all, I've never been on in an online discussion and don't really know how they work. But, according to the info that I have read, John Howland was on the Mayflower and was later married to Elizabeth Tilley. They are my 11th great grandparents. The 2 links above shows 2 sources that I've come up with. Of course, I can't swear to it, but I thought the info was correct. Please let me know if this is not right! Thanks! Rochelle
P.S. Is this my first online discussion?

9.8.2013 в 9:48 после полудня

Erica Howton The link in the About Me of Elizabeth Tilley has gone bad.

9.8.2013 в 10:04 после полудня

I've put in a link to an version of the former link, since currently the link is just there to refer to the source for the quoted material in her About Me. Currently, the John Howland Society web page appears to have much less text about Elizabeth than it used to -

9.8.2013 в 10:42 после полудня

It was John Howland, not Bradford (Howland?) who was the "lusty young man who fell overboard on the Mayflower voyage, and became a servant to the 1st colony Governor, John Carver, married Elizabeth Tilley and died in 1673. Both John and Joan Hurst Tilley died in Plymouth in 1621, during the first winter after arriving. Elizabeth Tilley Howland did indeed die in 1687. See:, the official Mayflower Society site.


9.8.2013 в 11:32 после полудня

My Internet is down - I can't do any overview repair. Anyone else please feel free to assist. Thanks!

10.8.2013 в 8:18 до полудня

@Troy Anderson William Bradford mentions John Howland as a passenger on the ship and gets rescued in his book Of Plimoth Plantation and later in the book and in his notes he writes down the passengers who survived the first winter, married and left offspring to include John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley. Another book John Howland of the Mayflower by Elizabeth Pearson White published the first five generations of John Howland in several volumes.

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