Hi Johan and Gideon,
Dit lyk vir my asof ek hier in die middle van n Storie inval. Wat was die die gesprekke/argumente wat julle bespreking vooraf gegaan het.
Ek merk dat Ferdinandus Appel op die stamboom ingebring is as eggenoot van Maria Kickers en vader van Theunis Botha . Volgens SAG was Ferdinandus met Lavina Cloete Oorlede 1717 getroud. Daar word nie gemeld dat hy later weer getroud is nie.
Uit watter bronne kom die inligting.
Hallo Dries
Die ander stuk van die discussion is hier http://www.geni.com/discussions/127039?msg=890184
Ek het geantwoord:
I think more evidence is needed before we should change Theunis Botha's father to Ferdinand Appel - like the Y-DNA test suggested.
During her divorce proceedings from Jan Cornelisz in 1701 she stated: "...De gedaagdesse antwoordende, segt en bekendt all hare kinderen staande huwelijck, niet bij den eij[se]r haren man; (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander, te weeten den voorn[oemde] Frederick Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert ...'
See the original transcript of the proceedings on http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g5/p5168.htm
In 1706 she again testified that all 8 her children were Friedrich Botha's: "... sustineerde dat se met beloften en trouw die se mal- kanderen ... so wel alsof se met den anderen in huwelijk waren getreeden kunnen volstaan, en dat se dierhalven als man en vrouw eenige jaren met den anderen hebben geleefd ... agt kinderen geprocreert ..." - Crim. en Civ. 1701-'08, 16 Nov. 1706. p 47
In the light of what the woman herself testified to under oath, twice, I think only DNA evidence can refute her evidence.
See also http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/lombard/I411.html
As I state I was part of Professor Greef of the University of Pretoria study into this and yes a Y chromosome test was done on 7 dependents of Theunis Botha and 8 from the remaining sons as well from Appel decedents and all 7 Y Chromosome markers match with the Appel marker he has documents that state with Maria court trial that a family member of Appel testified in court that Maria state that Thuins is the child of Appel
Yes I do agree we need to do more info on this but a DNA test has been done showing the Y chromosome results
Hi Julle almal baie dankie dat julle my op hoogte gebring het.Veral Gideon, dit is nou die taal wat ek verstaan.
Daardie oumagrootjie was darem n karnallie Ek , die Potgieter kant kom van Willem af en my vrou die Botha Kant kom van Theunis, af. toe ongeveer 1730het n Potgieter meise met n Botha getrou en is my vrou se pa se naam geskep want die eerste seun het altwee oupaens se name gekry. Frederik Johannes Philippus Rudolph Botha. Ons in werklikheid cousuins some 4 or 5 times remove. Gelukkig het my skoonma dit nie geweet nie.
Moet ons die Myheritage ouens laat weet dat ons nie daardie 54 profiele van Theuni kan confirm nie.
I think, if we show Friedrich Botha - not Jan Cornelisz - as the biological father of Maria Kickers' kids, then we may have to show Ferdinandus Appel as Theunis' biological father too (although keeping the surname Botha for Theunis - as that was the one he used.)
This will allow people to trace back the Appel connection if they want to. (I know I do – to think my Granny Botha, might actually have been a Granny Appel!)
This is the most I've fbeen able to find, Jansi - but I find it quite convincing: http://www.dieburger.com/bylae/2013-08-16-die-appel-wat-onder-die-b.... It would be fantastic to have the original report.
What do you think about my proposed solution? Are you happy with it?
Firstly thanks to Johan for initiating this interesting and debate worthy discussion, as well as to everyone who has contributed to date. It would seem that evidence exists that Ferdinandus Appel was the biological father of Theunis Botha. Although Maria never once herself admitted to it, and in court at her divorce from Jan Cornelisz, stated that Friedrich Botha was the father of all her children (See the Project - Familie Botha in SA).
In view of all this i would tend to agree with Sharon's proposed solution.
Have changed Theunis Botha (and locked temporarily, until the news gets around). Let me know that everyone is happy.
Thanks for the pic appreciation guys :-)
There is another Botha Stamvader line as well: Samuel Friedrich Bode, SV/PROG 2. I'm descended from him, but I must admit to feeling a bit disappointed that I missed out on the Appel.
Alistair Moncur Knox, there's Louis Botha on this line too.
We've been musing on Geni SA FB page if SA History would have been different if Maria Kickers had made a different decision: eg Would Genl Louis Appel have been as effective? Could you wave your finger quite so obnoxiously if your name was PW Appel? And should we all be driving down Louis Appel Drive in Joburg right now???
Ian Bowes suggested we might not have had the famous flyhalf, Naas Appel!