Anna M Herr (Bar) - Two Anna's who married different sons of Rev./Bishop Hans Herr-1639.

Started by Dan Cornett on Sunday, October 20, 2013
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10/20/2013 at 2:33 PM

There is currently a 'smurged' profile for an Anna who is married to two different sons of Hans Herr-1639. Because that 'smerged' profile has two different sets of parents, it is more likely that there were two different Anna's that married Abraham and Christian Herr.

Please help sort-out which Anna goes with which son of Hans. (Do not re-created the "other" Anna yet; I'll see if an experimental "unmerge" tool will work on this profile ... may take a couple of days.) For the moment, just document in this discussion which Anna (and her parents) goes with Abraham and which with Christian.

10/20/2013 at 3:48 PM

To help in the discussion, I found the following:

According to: The Amos Herr House Foundation and Historical Society
1756 Nissley Road, P.O. Box 52, Landisville, PA 17538

Abraham Herr married Anna Bar as his first wife. Christian Herr also married an Anna in 1704 but they do not know her last name.

" 1. Abraham Herr 1660-1725 or 1660-May 18, 1735
m. Anna Bar
m. (2) Feronica Musselman

2. Rev. Christian Herr 1680 -1749 Settled in Willow Street - Lancaster Co., PA
m. (1704) Anna "


10/20/2013 at 6:01 PM

1) I found a duplicate Abraham-married-Anna-Bar(Bare) which helped decided that she belonged to Abraham, not Christian ... which you confirmed!

2) By looking at the timeline of the two sets of conflicting parents for Anna Bar, it was pretty easy to see she couldn't have been the daughter of one set, so that was easily resolved.

3) The other Anna (wife of Christian) has also been made an MP just so the two are less likely to get improperly connected (someone has a suspicion Christian's wife was a Hostetter).

10/20/2013 at 6:07 PM

... Also, with the other duplicate profiles found in the area, we're not going to attempt to unmerge; there is no benefit from trying to do so at this point.

10/20/2013 at 6:25 PM

Also note that Christian Herr had three sons:

Title: PA Lancaster: A Biographical History of Lancaster County: being a history of early settlers and eminent men.
Author: Harris, Alex.
Publication: 1872, Elias Barr & Co, Lancaster, PA.
Page: p 281-82
Note: Christian Herr was a Mennonite minister and came to America with Martin Kendig, John Mylin, and others in 1709. Christian built a house of sandstone in 1719 east of Willow Street. Christian had 3 sons: John, Christian, and Abraham.

10/20/2013 at 6:35 PM

Also just found this:
Title: Herr: A Modest Mennonite Home.
Author: Friesen, Steve.
Publication: 1990, Good Books, Intercourse, PA.
Page: p 41-51
Note: Describes the house that Christian built in the Conestoga settlement. Names Anna Bare as Christian's wife.

10/21/2013 at 10:50 AM

.... hmmmm ... Since Anna-wife-of-Abraham has different parents (Hans & Barbara) from Anna-wife-of-Christian (parents Martin & Elizabeth), that *really* goes a long way to explain the confusion, if, as it seems, the one is a "Bare" and the other a "Bar" or a "Bär".

10/21/2013 at 11:03 AM

I added Martin & Elizabeth, and MP'd both Anna's parents; hopefully that will help to keep them distinct! Now to find the Elizabeth Herr and Martin Bare connections!

10/21/2013 at 11:06 AM

Just to 'link' the second Anna into this discussion: Anna Herr

10/21/2013 at 11:24 AM

FYI: I see a MH Family Tree for Martin Bare m. to Elizabeth Herr, but the dates are ~100 years later (e.g.: that MH tree has Elizabeth Herr's parents as John Kendig Herr 1685 - 1756 m. Verena Frances Herr (born Brackbill) 1685 - 1768 -- and they are already on the "tree". So that could not be the same Elizabeth Herr who is the mother of Anna Bare who also had a child with Christian in 1687.

10/21/2013 at 2:46 PM

On another note and another Anna, the one listed as a child of Rev. Hans Herr:
Evidently she was born in 1679 and died in 1735. She married Wendell Bauman, the first emigrant of that family line in 1709. They lived in Pequea, Lancaster County but are buried in Lampeter. Many Smart Matches have her as Rev. Hans Herr daughter as well as her find a grave memorial. Her age is appropriate and fits into a gap for Rev. Herr's children's births and of course he lived in Lampeter and came to US in 1709.
I doubt that Theodore Herr missed her as a child so I speculate that she is a child of one of his brothers other than Christian, who is well-documented.
I completed her profile, added her husband, and wrote an overview on each stating my doubt. However, I feel she should remain in the tree as Hans Herr daughter. This will at least maintain her identity and attachment to Herr's until research uncovers her documented parentage.

10/21/2013 at 3:21 PM

About the two Christian Herr's listed as Rev. Herr's sons. They are both the same person. The one listed as Rev. Christian Herr has two mistakes. The birth year should be 1680. It also has Isaac listed as his son. Isaac was not one of his sons; in fact, if you look at the tombstone in the picture, Isaac's birth is listed as Aug 27, 1798 not the 1687 listed in the profile. 1798 is certainly not possible for Christian's son. The mother is listed as Elizabeth, which is not Christian's wife. Christian had 3 sons: John, Christian, and Abraham as well as having daughters..
On the other hand, the information on Christian K. Herr appears to be correct.

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 4:13 PM

Hello James. Hi Dan.
Re; The Reverend Bishop Hans Haas Herr's children . . .
There are two Christian's and two John's.
Should they be merged so that there is one of each?
I think so.
Do you?

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 4:49 PM

Also . . .
Abraham Kendig Herr has two Rudolph (10) sons who could be merged after the true mother is determined.
Your thoughts?

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 5:02 PM

Abraham Kendig Herr also has duplicates of his son Christian (11), one with each of his two wives. The two wives seem to be sharing a few children. Sort and Merge?

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 5:04 PM

Fanny S Martin is not the Wife of Abraham Kendig Herr
She is the wife of his son, Abraham (9)

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 5:14 PM

Abraham Kendig Herr also has duplicate John (12)'s, with a merge in progress.

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 5:41 PM

Abraham Kendig Herr also has two Samuel's who do not belong to him. One is a Samuel (5), son of The Reverend Hans Haas Herr, the other is a mystery.

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 6:03 PM

Abraham Kendig Herr also has a few Abraham's, but only Abraham (9) belongs here.

Profiles that are in their correct positions according to Theo W Herr's book have been given a placard with their number on it as a profile picture. Profiles that are in the wrong place, or do not belong at all, or are simply in question, either have no photo or a white-on-black Question Mark. I have so far worked through the children of Hans Hass Herr (1) and the children of his son Abraham (9).

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 6:05 PM

Wait. I meant to say that I have so far worked through the children of Hans Haas Herr (1) and the children of his son Abraham (2). Abraham (9) will be further down the line.

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 7:44 PM

Currently on the "Preliminary Check For Accuracy Completed" list;

Hans Hass Herr (1) and children
Abraham Herr (2) and children
Rev, Christian Herr (3) and children

Only a little more than 13,000 to go . . .

10/21/2013 at 8:09 PM

Sidebar: When dealing with American locations for dates prior to 1776, what is a good practice is to let Google's lookup fill in the values (in the Details), but then erase the "United States" field. If the location had a different name at that time, put it in the "Place Name" (1st detail location field) -- e.g.: "XX County, now" ... which then will be followed by the current location).

That way, the GPS coordinates of the location are recorded (even though not currently displayed), and yet there is some historical accuracy which matches documentation.

The exception is for burial location; for that, simply use the "lookup" to show the full present-day location -- because that is what one needs to go find it!

now back to the 'regularly scheduled' discussion of the Herr 'clan'.

10/21/2013 at 8:17 PM

Before going further "down the tree" (beyond The Bishop Hans Herr's grand-children) in verification, it would probably be helpful to find out as much as is currently available about the Bishop's siblings, aunts, & uncles -- and their children & grand-children, too. That may help to clarify "where people belong".

(remember to use links when referring to existing profiles; I think it makes it easier to keep things straight!).

p.s.: John Smith, that's a good ideas to use the profile pictures to help keep track of who has been 'verified'; I can use that as a guide to MP'ing them, too.

Good work, folks!

10/21/2013 at 8:34 PM

re: Anne Bauman-1679 In glancing through the MH Family Trees, I'm wondering if there might be some 'story' associated with why some have her death at Pequea Creek, while all (that note it) do have her burial in Lampeter.

As you noted, Jim, her married family looks to have been rooted in Pequea Creek, so that may be the better death location (unless she 'went home' to die ). She and her husband died the same year -- perhaps an illness or some other 'family tragedy' at Pequea Creek?

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 8:55 PM

Children of John Kendig Herr have been verified. He is John Herr (4).

After I have finished with the Grand Children of The Reverend Bishop Hans Haas Herr I will take a break and look into his siblings etc. per your suggestion.

And of course I have other lines that need my attention as well. B^]

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 9:12 PM

Children of Samuel Herr (5) Samuel Mylin Herr are now "verified" by Theo W Herr and W.

Pre-Existing Pending Merge on one son and his Wife. Did what I could.

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 9:40 PM

Children of Emmanuel Herr (6) Emanuel Kendig Herr, Sr. are now verified by Theo W Herr and W.

Please be advised that there are a few marriages between cousins in the descendants of Hans Haas Herr . . .so once in a while a spouse of a Numbered Herr also has a Herr Number.

John Smith
10/21/2013 at 11:00 PM

Maria (8) Margaretha Sieber Weber is a mess. Click over to her husbands tree (Brackbill) for a good view of the situation. This looks like a job for a Curator.

John Smith
10/22/2013 at 12:47 AM

Re the above Maria (8) situation. Merges need to be completed, correct parents need to be sorted, etc. Seems to be beyond my level of Permissions as a Basic user. I'm moving on to the next task and will come back to Maria (8).

Henry (7) is finished, as he only has the one son, Isaac (39).

John Smith
10/22/2013 at 1:16 AM

Just for fun I finished the Night Of Herr by completing the following line . . .

(2) Abraham Herr
(9) Abraham Herr
(46) Frances Herr
(205) Abraham Eshleman
(780) Catharine Eshleman
(13223) Henry Miller

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