Arminius - Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

Started by Alex Moes on Monday, November 11, 2013
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I have been fascinated to learn some ancient German history this week, no less than the first major defeat of the Roman Army.
Especially interesting is the theory that Arminius was the origin for the legend of Siegfried and the Dragon.

The Roman's 10 km long armoured infantry column snaking it's way thru the primordial German forest becoming the Dragon and Arminius the hero that slew it.

Even archaeological evidence that Arminius' army dug drainage ditches along the rear of their fortifications to direct rain water from there wall down the slope to the boggy land that the Romans were fighting on could be interpretted as being reflected in Siegfried story as the trench he digs below the Dragon to swim in it's blood (on the advice of a disguised Odin) to become immortal.

the romans raised him, treated him well, gave him all his training and he turns around and stabs them in the back. what an ingrate. if not for him the romans may have made germany a colony and we could have all been speaking latin right now and not had a thousand years of dark age stagnation.

Considering no one speaks Latin i think you're stretching a bit there.

The Romans only raised him because they'd taken him as a hostage to ensure his tribe's cooperation. They treated him well in the hope that he would become a tame vassal king when he grew up, that plan worked well often but not in this case is all.

I'm not sure you can blame him for the Dark Ages, Rome took another 400 years to collapse.

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