Knut den harde - Relatives

Started by Private User on Sunday, March 30, 2014
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31st GGF
Hello relatives on this site

Knut den harde is my 31st great grandfather.

Knut den harde is my 29th great grandfather.

Knut den harde is my 29th great grandfather.

Knut den harde is my 30th great grandfather!

And I don't think a single one of you prove every link from you back to Knut. My own supposed line back to Knut as shown by Geni at the moment, meets the first problem in late 16th century, where Else Pedersdatter most certainly is linked to the wrong parents, which will ofcourse sever the link back to Knut on this line.

I think all of you stating that Knut is your xxth great grandfather will find the same problems.

These doubtful links between people should ofcourse be severed until better sources about their relationships can be found, if possible. And if not possible, their lines should stop there and not show wishfull thinking, hearsay, maybes or other things that make our genealogy uncertain.

Stop with the bullying.

Well I think Remi has a point, it is important to have the lineage right, so thats not bullying.

Personally I do not care who I am related to after the 15 - 19 lineage back.

In the year 800, there was close to 500 000 people in the danish area, in the year 1200 there where app. 1 Million. 10 % of the danish population today is somhow related to Gorm the old, that is close to 500 000 persons. well that means that 90% is not thats close to 4.5 Million people.

Is it important, well proving the lineage back, that is the challenge I am 70 to 80 % sure, I know that my Grandmother isn't my Grandmother how? My father is adopted, but I know it do not matter because it was my grandmothers sister that gave birth to my father. But that do not have to be the case back in time, one thing is 100% sure, you will always know who the mother is, but are you sure about the father? could be the milkman or the postman or anyXX man. The problem or challenge if you like is, the mother is not always mentioned only as YYDaughter(dottir) "Really", or is just convinient that the wiffe is YYDaughter, the lineage have a possible XXfather but it do not make the lineage belivable does it?

My lineage back to Knu(t)(d)(th)

Knut den harde is Per Skulason's 31st great grandfather
Per Skulason

Skuli Skulason
your father

Betty Paulina Mathilda Jacoba Jensen
his mother

Anna Cathrine Elisabeth Magnussen
her mother

Hans Peter Djurhuus
her father

Hans Djurhuus
his father

Andreas Djurhuus
his father

Maren Margrethe Wang
his mother

Anna Cathrina Olufsdatter Wang
her mother

Oluf Hansen Wang
her father

Maren Olufsdatter
his mother

Anna Jensdatter Wiberg
her mother

Anna Christoffersdatter
her mother

Christoffer Nielsen Lunov, til Rugård & Nystrup
her father

Niels Jespersen Lunov
his father

Marine Jensdatter Munk, til Rugaard
his mother

Jens Madsen Munk, til Visborg
her father

Mads Jensen Munk
his father

Jens Nielsen Munk
his father

Helene Olufsdatter Saltensee
his mother

Oluf Jensen Saltensee
her father

Jens Olufsen Saltensee
his father

Oluf Tokesen Saltensee
his father

Margrethe Olufsdatter Glug
his mother

Gyda Ebbesdatter Hvide
her mother

Ebbe Skjalmsen Hvide
her father

Signe Asbjørnsdatter Sprackling
his mother

Asbjørn Ulfson Sparckling
her father

Ulf Thorgilsson Torgilsson, Jarl af Danmark
his father

Torgils «Sprakling» Styrbjörnsson Styrbjørnsson, Jarl
his father

Thyra Haraldsdottir
his mother

Harald I "Blåtand" Gormsson
her father

Gorm "den Gamle", dansk konge
his father

Knut den harde
his father

I agree, after 15-20 generations I dont really care as much who is my ancestors. But its important to not mix theories, speculations and fantasy with real sources.. To point out weakness in sources and lineages is not bullying... Our ancestors 15-20+ are our common ancestors and that makes it even more important that our information is correct and that the research we do are traceable in primary sources.. I cant prove any of my ancestors if there isnt a primary source. Whats true before written history I have no way of knowing, but theories and speculations made by historians and genealogists has to be proved by primary sources and not just be accepted as truth..

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