Willem van Oranje - Weber

Started by Nicholas James Vetrovec on Monday, April 21, 2014
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Without declaring for either side in this argument i think the final sentence of the article that you linked to sums up the problem quite succinctly:

"George O. Zabriskie concludes his article with the statement (regarding the disproved notion of a royal ancestry for Anneke Jans), "Predictably, those of extreme bias and ineptitude, while basking vicariously in 'fame and fortune' will refuse to accept this and all other evidence contrary to the legendary fairytale." Despite the fact that this article was first published thirty-nine years ago, you can still find "family trees" and other accounts online that claim Anneke Jans as a descendant of William the Silent."

By any chance can you link the profile for Anneke Jans?

It seems an odd request but yes i can do that for you ma'am.

Unknown Profile

I assume this is the lady in question, her display name is Annetje "Anneka" Jans Webber but her father is currently Wolfert Webber Sr which does not match her patronym of Jans???

I think there may have been more than one Anneke Jans in New Amsterdam so wanted to make sure the legend was associated with my more distant cousin :)

Private User she definitely has profile issues ....

I haven't come across another Annetje Webber like this lady.

This is what I read about her name: "Annetje (Anneke) and her sister Marritje are often identified with the surname Jans, after the name of their mother's second husband Johan Jans."

Oh no.
If their step father was Johan Jans that should make her Anneke Johans, not Anneke Jans *sigh*

Only in America :)

I had to sigh whenever I take a look at the what happens to the Dutch names in 'Geni New Amsterdam'. The Dutch way, the they should be written, makes each individual unique. I quoted what was written about Annetje but you know too that Jans isn't even a surname.


I know for me it helps a lot if the profile is made MP and the names "field locked."

Then when I'm trying to construct names for others in the same time / place, I can examine this "nearby" name and follow it as the (visual) example.

As you know on line trees may not provide me with the best example. :)

I MP'd Annetje 'Anneka' Webber added information to it but then I did some more checking and finally found a good Dutch source which I've used before for information. It's beginning to look like she is not a Webber and is therefore not connected to her real parents whom are most likely Jan Roelofs (no last name) and Trijn Jonas (no last name) OR Trijn Roeloffs (no last name).

OK, shall we disconnect het from her present Webber ancestry which is unfortunately probably wrong? She is probably Anntetje 'Anneke' Jans with NO last name.

There is a duplicate of her in the tree. I'll send you the link to both of them. Anneke Jans and family members was already an MP. She is like I thought, not a Webber.

first Anneke; Anneke Jans.

second Annetje; Unknown Profile

From the Jenna profile (that's the one I'd seen before)

Anneke Jans’ mother came to New Netherland before the Roelofs family moved from Rensselaerswyck to New Amsterdam in 1634, and she may have come to America with the family in 1630. Her full name, as assembled from various source records was Trijntje (given name), Roelofs [datter] (patronymic, or father’s given name--from Anneke’s marriage intention), Jonas (possessive surname based on given name of husband), van Maesterland (place name, usually based on birthplace). Thus Tryntje (Roelofs) Jonas Van Maesterland was most likely born in Marstrand, now in Sweden, to a father whose given name was Roelof. Her husband’s given name was Johan, a Teutonic name usually transliterated by the Dutch to Jan or Johannes, and at times, to Jonas as in this case. Two daughters of Johan and Tryntje are known, that is, Anneke and Marritje. Their full patronymic was Johansdatter, or as transliterated and abbreviated, Jans.

Tryntje Jonas was not, as has been stated in various accounts, the mother or grandmother of (1) Wolfert Webber, or any other children surnamed Webber

Totally nothing to do with Webber's. That's all fictional.

And us descendants don't get Trinity Church property in Manhattan either although the property claim doesn't seem as fictional .... :)

I still hate myself for not using MPs systematically when we were working on New Amsterdam :-( The Anneke Jans case was sorted out. But, inevitable, so much must have happened in the meantime with new duplicates, merges... As I've said a few times, We really should get back and scrutinize it all in a systematic way. But, of course, looking at over 2,000 original imigrants and their families is an ENORMOUS task. I think it can only be done with a team, and it probably requires absolute focus for a couple of weeks, given that we need once again to delve into the old church records and such. I think we need 4-5 people.
It makes me wonder if there's any benefit in thinking of, even inventing, a numbering system like the South Africans have for tracing there link to the progenitors. It might be of huge help and pretty groundbreaking.

Thank you all for fixing this. ;-)

I have spent many hours in the library of the New York Historical Library, where there is a plethora of information regarding Anneke Webber Jans Bogardus. Her father is said to be Wolfert "Weber, or Webber, her Mother, was Trintjie Jonas. Please disregard any other information that any others have put on their sites. This Anneke Jans was the owner of the land in Manhattan of which there had been such legal drams. Also the speculation regarding supposed links to William of Orange. Anneke first married Jans Roeloffson. With their tradition, Jan's children would be named Jan's son. (the children of Jan) Hence, Anneke's last name became Jans. However, for some reason, I think it was because they were now Anglicized in the New World, the children took on the last name Roeloffson. Anneke's second husband was Everardus Bogardus. For some un-Godly reason, I can't seem to change the information in this profile, even though, when I input it in my profile a few years ago, I input it correctly. I would appreciate it if someone who has the power to correct the information to do so. These documents in the New York City Historical Library are not to be questioned regarding this particular person. She is the only one bearing the names of Anneke Jans Bogardus with a Webber patronage. Her parents could never have been Roeloffson, that was her husband. The only child she had that bore a form of her name was Annetjie, but that was by her second husband, hence, the child's name was Annetjie Bogardus.

I've done some cleanup of Trijntje Roelofs

Please confirm Malcolm Edward Higbee-Glace what I believe is also needed

- disconnect her parent Roelof N.N.
- disconnect her husband Jan Jans

Also if you'd be kind enough she has the proper number of children with correct names?

You did well to disconnect the parentage of Roelof
you did well to disconnect the husband Jan Jans

Her mother was simply Trintjie Jonas, I have never seen Catherine in any form associated with her mother's name.

Anneke had a grand total of 10, possibly 11 or 12 children, because it is said that she may have had another son by her second husband that she named Jan, but died extremely young. The son named Jan from her first marriage reached adulthood, however there is dispute as to how lengthy his life may have been. It is surmised that he died rather a young adult, as he never married, never had children, and he may have died in a home set fire by the natives.

Here is a list of the children by marriage

Anneke and Jan Roelof had five children:

Sarah Roelof (she married first a Kierstead, then had two further marriages)
Catrina Roelof (married Johannes Van Brugh)
Fytzie Roelof (married Peter Hartgers)
Jan Roelof (died a bachelor)

Anneke and Everardus Bogardus had five children:

Willem Bogardus (married Wyntie Sybrant, then Walburg DeSales)
Cornelius Bogardus (married Helena Teller)
Jonas Bogardus (bachelor)
Petior Bogardus (married "Wyntjie Cornelise Bosch)
Annettjie Bogardus (married Jacobus Brower or Brewer, or combination of the 2)

It is also said that she had a child born while still in Amsterdam who died quite young and was buried there. She is said to have had other children as well, but they too, didn't live long enough to achieve significant age to even reach anything beyond newborns.

Many of the children of Anneke were married more than once. So you will find names such as Van Borsum, Stoothof, DeKay, Kregier, and Rodenburg associated with these names as well. You should be mistaken by these false leads. The names of these people are just due to remarriage. Husbands and wives died young back then, as did many of their children.

I hope this clears things up.

Thank you, Malcolm, I've added to the profiles for reference (I live by a "child" list in profiles !)

I am disappointed that i did not pay more attention to this thread in August, there are several mis-statements of facts in Malcolm's posts.

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