You did well to disconnect the parentage of Roelof
you did well to disconnect the husband Jan Jans
Her mother was simply Trintjie Jonas, I have never seen Catherine in any form associated with her mother's name.
Anneke had a grand total of 10, possibly 11 or 12 children, because it is said that she may have had another son by her second husband that she named Jan, but died extremely young. The son named Jan from her first marriage reached adulthood, however there is dispute as to how lengthy his life may have been. It is surmised that he died rather a young adult, as he never married, never had children, and he may have died in a home set fire by the natives.
Here is a list of the children by marriage
Anneke and Jan Roelof had five children:
Sarah Roelof (she married first a Kierstead, then had two further marriages)
Catrina Roelof (married Johannes Van Brugh)
Fytzie Roelof (married Peter Hartgers)
Jan Roelof (died a bachelor)
Anneke and Everardus Bogardus had five children:
Willem Bogardus (married Wyntie Sybrant, then Walburg DeSales)
Cornelius Bogardus (married Helena Teller)
Jonas Bogardus (bachelor)
Petior Bogardus (married "Wyntjie Cornelise Bosch)
Annettjie Bogardus (married Jacobus Brower or Brewer, or combination of the 2)
It is also said that she had a child born while still in Amsterdam who died quite young and was buried there. She is said to have had other children as well, but they too, didn't live long enough to achieve significant age to even reach anything beyond newborns.
Many of the children of Anneke were married more than once. So you will find names such as Van Borsum, Stoothof, DeKay, Kregier, and Rodenburg associated with these names as well. You should be mistaken by these false leads. The names of these people are just due to remarriage. Husbands and wives died young back then, as did many of their children.
I hope this clears things up.