Would maternal lineage progenitors be included in this Project? By this I mean your mother's, mother's ... (+ 'x' generations of ancestral mothers) mother, back to the first ancestral mother who arrived in this country. She would be your mtDNA ancestral mother - the one from whom you inherit your mtDNA; the person who is the 'first in line', at the 'top' of the R-H side of your pedigree chart. In my case she was Engeltje Cornelisse vd Bout, a Rotterdam orphan girl, who was brought to the Cape by the VOC as a bride for one of the colonists (Bartholomeus Koopman) in 1688. (She was born in 1670 in Rotterdam, of unknown parents). I have traced my maternal lineage back to her, and have written an article on this matter (in conjunction with Prof. Thea de Wet of UJ), which article was published in FAMILIA 48 (4) 2011, pp. 171-176.
I would be interested to find out how many of our participants have done a similar study to find out who their maternal lineage progenitors were.
Are there other descendants of Engeltje vd Bout among our participants in this Project?