Philippe du Preez, b6c4 - Children born after the father has died?

Started by Private User on Saturday, May 31, 2014
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Private User
5/31/2014 at 10:56 AM

Hi everybody
Please check on his timeline: How come he had some children after he died? Any explanations?

Private User
5/31/2014 at 3:41 PM

Have moved the extra 3 children to where I think they belong - daughters of Pieter daniel and Johanna Hendrina Grobbelaar - hope this now OK

Private User
5/31/2014 at 9:43 PM

Thanks June!

6/2/2014 at 6:37 AM

Chris I also have this idea(gedagte) that the child was baptised after the dad died. Keep in mind that sometimes even 7-10 chidren, ranging between the ages 1 day and 20 years could have all been christened/baptised on the same day due to the seldomness of the oppertunity of a "doopdag".
I try and changes all the days of birth where it is the christening/baptism date to born before such and such a date. That is the best we can do.
My thought.

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