Marie Gauch b2 - Sources for her death date & place?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, June 15, 2014
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Does anyone have sources to authenticate her death date & place?

Several secondary sources state that Marie and her mother Jacqueline du Cret died during the journey to the Cape of Good Hope. We have very few primary sources to consult to gather details on Marie and Jaqueline. I've been able to access the following:

1) The entry in the membership registry for De Oude Waalse Kerk Amsterdam on 16 April 1690 for Andre and Jacqueline "Avril le 16. Andre Gauche et sa femme Jaqueline ducret."

2) The baptism record for Marie carried out in De Oude Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, 31 May 1690 "Le 31 ditto (may) Marie fille de Andre Gauses & Jacqueline du Cret Temoins Edouart Willet & Maria van Beningem"

3) A burial entry in the "Begraafregister" for the St. Anthonis Kerkhof Amsterdam on the 5th June 1690 simple stating "KV (Kind Van) Andries Gauch 4e [Anjer]dwarsstraat"

We know that Andre and his son Ettiene arrived at the Cape in 1691 on the Spierdijk. From the Dutch-Asiatic Shipping site, we can see that the Spierdijk sailed from Texel on the 15th November 1690 with 8 passengers on board of which none died during the trip to the Cape ( I therefore think that it is likely that Marie and Jacqueline died before Andre set out to the Cape of Good Hope. Considering the short period between Marie's baptism and the entry in the burial registry, one could surmise that mother and child may have died due to complications at birth, a not too uncommon problem of the age in which they lived.

Thankyou Louis - that's excellent info. Can you help me understand the reference please. I might be being dof but what does
'On Board I II III IV V VI'

And how do you know from this that noone died on board?

Jacqueline Decré, SM profile has this on it: "Marriage: Marriage to: Andre Gouws (Gauch), (Stamvader) 1678 Geneve,Switerland Death: Sterf op die skip,aan maagkoors en word te see te ruste gele .Kap Moerdyk preek en vra die Huggenote om te herconsidereer 1690 Spierdijk - Ship to Cape Maagkoors" Although I still need to figure out who put that info there.

Hi Sharon

If you click on the roman numeral at the top, you should get a pop-up window displaying the explanation for the column heading, but they are as follows:

I - The number on board at departure.
II - The number dying between the Netherlands and the Cape.
III - The number who left the ship at the Cape.
IV - The number who came on board at the Cape.
V - The number dying on the whole voyage.
VI - The number on board on arrival in Asia.

So for the second column there are no recorded deaths between the Netherlands and the Cape.

The about text on Jacqueline's profile is news to me, have not seen it before and from the revision history seems to have been put on by "The Geni Team". The reference to a "Kaptein Moerdyk" also seems out of place as the skipper of the Spierdijk for this journey was Sieuwert de Jong

Thanks Louis. That is very convincing - especially the captain's name being wrong on top of it all. I will check at the vergadering tonight - but I think the version where she never gets on the boat is the correct one.
You're a star.

Yes - the speaker - using Swanepoel's book on the family - agrees that she never got on the boat.

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