Jacob Barney I - Anne Witt Barney was not the wife of Jacob the 1st, she was the wife of Jacob Barney !!. She did not die in Rehoboth Ma. She died in Newport, RI, I Margaret Harding Davis found her gravestone

Started by Margaret Helen Harding Davis on Sunday, August 17, 2014
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  • Margaret Helen Harding Davis
    Geni member

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Anne Witt Barney was not the wife of Jacob I, she was the wife of Rev. Jacob Barney II I had heard rumor from Cliff Barney past editor of The Barney Family News. They thought that was were she was buried, but Valentine Barney said no he thought she was Buried in Newport, RI in the" Old Burying Ground ". Since I live just outside of Westerly, RI it was an easy check trip from here to Newport, RI . My husband and I went into the large History museum there and they told me " No she is here ". So we found her grave. She is buried next to her grandson Harry Hampton ( he was very young) Ann Witt Barney ( only suspect that her grandson was ill ) Somewhere In this I will enclose a photo of her grave and Harry Hamptons too. I cleaned up the stones and then photographed both stones.

Margaret Harding Davis @ Ann Witt Barney

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