Charles De Forest - New Information - Updated Tree

Начал Private User понедельник, 22 сентября 2014
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Private User
22.9.2014 в 8:02 до полудня

New Information has been uncovered regarding the children of Charles Forest. It was thought they were the children of Marie Chiasson dit Lavallee, but new evidence suggest they are from his second marriage with Marie-Josephe Poirier.

Here is the detailed information:

So this effects the maternal ancestry of:
* Unknown Profile
* Paul Pierre Forest
* Marguerite Leblanc
* Ursule-Modeste Ursule Forest
* Anne Marie Forest
* Ursule-Modeste Ursule Forest

I'll also note that Unknown Profile & Paul Pierre Forest seem to be the same person, but didn't merge as the spouses were different - requires investigation.

We also need to get some more information on Charles Forest death date of 1783 as several sites have 1805. We currently have him married to in 1790 and having Charlotte Forest in 1791. Different Charles Forest?

Private User
22.9.2014 в 8:03 до полудня

Explanatory note from S. A. White: The godparents of Jean-Baptiste Hébert, son of François Hébert and Marie-Josèphe Poirier, were Jean Cormier and Anne Cormier (Parish register of Beaubassin, 21 May 1741). These were the child’s uncle by marriage on his father’s side and his grandmother on his mother’s side. This latter relationship has been confirmed by the results of a mitochondrial DNA test for one of Marie-Josèphe Poirier’s maternal-line descendants which indicate that Marie-Josèphe inherited from her own maternal side the genetic signature of Geneviève Lefranc (haplotype W). Now, Anne Cormier was a daughter of Marguerite LeBlanc, whose mother Catherine Hébert was Geneviève Lefranc’s daughter (see S. A. White, “L’ADN des mères d’Acadie,” Centre d’études acadiennes, Genealogical collections, Miscellaneous). The last source mentioned parenthetically is a file that contains all of the maternal lineages and mtDNA test results I have collected since 2006, plus a few associated materials. A lot of this material is not available on your website. (Reference is to my web site at acadian ancestral home. Lucie LeBlanc Consentino).
Here is a translation of Paul Delaney’s note:
Explanatory note from Paul Delaney: Marie Hébert was the daughter of François Hébert and Marie-Josèphe Poirier. The dispensations for the third degree of consanguinity granted upon the marriage of Casimir Bourg, grandson of Ursule Forest (daughter of Charles Forest and his wife “Mary”), to Marie Bourg, granddaughter of Marie Hébert (Parish register of Barachois, 22 Nov. 1830) and upon that of Dominique Bourg, grandson of Marie Hébert, to the above Casimir’s sister Marguerite Bourg (Parish register of Cap-Pelé, 10 Sept. 1832), show that Marie Hébert must have been either a half- sister of Ursule Forest or of Marguerite Haché. The absence of any dispensations in the records when Moïse Bourg, another of Marie Hébert’s grandsons, married Marcelline Bonnevie (Parish register of Barachois, 15 Sept. 1828) and when François Léger, yet another of Marie Hébert’s grandsons, married Marguerite Bonnevie (Parish register of Grande- Digue, 14 July 1817) meanwhile eliminates the possibility that such a relationship might have existed between Marie Hébert and Marguerite Haché (the grandmother of the Bonnevies). The dispensation for the second to the third degree of consanguinity granted to Louis Léger, another of Marie Hébert’s grandsons, when he married Ursule Forest’s brother Paul Forest’s daughter Marguerite (Parish register of Cap-Pelé, 30 Oct. 1820), then gives us the proof that Marie Hébert and all the children of Charles Forest and “Mary” had the same mother, because Paul was the eldest of those children and Ursule the youngest. Consequently, the wife of Charles Forest who is called simply “Mary” in the civil register of Franklin Manor was the same Marie-Josèphe Poirier who had first married François Hébert about 1740.

23.9.2014 в 12:59 после полудня

How could Charles De Forest have a child after his death?
Charlotte Forest

Private User
23.9.2014 в 2:38 после полудня

Ya - that's what I was asking in the last paragraph of the first post. Is the death date correct... Was he married to Marie Josephe Girouard or was she married to someone else.

23.9.2014 в 4:04 после полудня

dispensations degree of consanguinity granted ..

.we mabe have a clue to a brother .at this time be head of family include take the children brother or sister . and maybe the widow if one die

father of charlotte can be

Joseph De Forest; Francois De Forest; Matthieu-ReneDeForest; Child Forest; Jacques De Forest et Jean-Pierre De Forest

Private User
18.11.2014 в 9:14 до полудня

I think I found an answer to the death date. I think his death was confused with his cousin of the same name. His cousin Charles Foret died in 1783. This Charles Forest died in 1805.

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