I'm 99% sure that his father is Isaac (Isasche) Perkins (1571-1639) with mother Alice 2 (Unknown) Perkins. His Profile is @ Abraham Perkins, Sr., of Hampton He is my 8th ggf.
Isaac ("Issache") Perkins also has family info @: Isaac Perkins of Ipswich
My problem is that I have also found some online sites w genealogies that list Abraham (with the same wife/children) but with John & Judith (Gater) Perkins as his parents. John is the son of Henry who is the son of Thomas. I have a problem with John being his father as John & Judith weren't married until 1608--one site said in "9 Oct 1608 as recorded in the register of the church of St John the Baptist in Hillmorton". I am fairly sure that Abraham was born 28 Jan 1608 (http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=98819259 and several other sites give this date)
This is a family with tooooo many Abrahams (and Isaacs & Thomas')!!!
Much of my documentations comes from: Excerpted from Genealogical and Family History of the State of Maine (1909), by Henry Sweetser Burrage and Albert Roscoe Stubbs. Lewis Historical Pub. Co. Available online on Google Books or archives.org. (I will look for this online site.)
Here is one site that shows 3 generations with John as Abraham's father: http://www.moonsmusings.com/genealogy/perkins.html
Here is one site that shows 3 generations with Isaac as Abraham's father: http://cindyhcasey.com/MORROW/perkins.bak
Here is are 2 sites w Isaac as father: http://www.boydhouse.com/michelle/hussey/isaacaliceperkins.html and
My only source of info has come from the internet so am relying on work and sources provided by others. Any one with "hard" proof for his father (and mother) would be greatly appreciated!!!
Chain from me to Abraham (1608):
Me--> Cecelia Poplett (1918-1981) --> Lee Lello Poplett (1895-1942) --> Anna Mae (Perkins) Poplett --> Bernon Helme Perkins (1830-1899) --> Sands Perkins IV (1792-1860) --> Sands Perkins Esq (1757-1846) --> Nathaniel Perkins (1710/11-1767) --> Abraham Perkins (1681-1746) --> David Perkins (1654-1736) --> Abraham Perkins Sr (1608-1683)
Thanks to any one who may be able to help me find more definitive "proof" of who Abraham's parents are.