Kimberly Louise Fraser - Done. I also gave them circa birthdates based on the baptisms and gave them birth orders and MPed them because there are two Johns and two Elizabeth/Elisabeths in danger of being merged. Hopefully you will add a lot more now that they are visible.
Can some one please kill the zombie so this merge can happen:
Thank you
Willemina [Wilhelmina] Margaretha [Margritha] van Spronsen
father, grandfather and six great-grandparents are apparently zombies
Johann Michael Weaver, Sr.
is not a zombie but an abandoned tree. Geni could not find a suitable manager. Is it possible for a curator to complete the requested merge with this private, abandoned profile?
Kimberly Louise Fraser,
I think I got them all. please check. also, you didn't post a link in the last comment.
All done.
The merges you had requested that became visable while I was killing the zombies are also completed.