Magdalena Zaayman, b3 SM - Place of Death Mauritius, not Cape?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Monday, November 3, 2014
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Crampton has Magdalena dying in Mauritius (not the CApe) in 1704, & her widower, Dr Johannes Bockelenberg, SV/PROG relocating to the Cape with their son - Johannes Bockelenberg, b2.
(The elder Johannes dies in the Cape within 5 years).
Crampton, Hazel (2014) ''The Side Of The Sun At Noon''. South Africa: Jacana p278

I'm changinh her deathplace, pending confirmation from other Geni users.Maw: 'Yell if you have contrary info.' :-)

Private can you check the b7 in the Curator note? The suffix has her as b3 SM. Do they refer to different things or is the one an update of the other?

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