How can Atossa be the mother of Kassandane and yet listed as the daughter of Cyrus II the Great, King of Persia and Kassandane
@Atossa, queen Consort of Persia MP
Birth: circa -550 Persia
Death: circa -475 (75) Persia
Immediate Family:
Daughter of @Cyrus II the Great, King of Persia and @Kassandane
Wife of Pharnaces I of Phrygia; Gaumata; Cambyses II, King of Persia and Darius I 'the Great' King of Persia
Mother of @Kassandane
Kassandane MP
Birth: -580 Persia
Death: -529 (51) 525 BCE, Persia (Persia)
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Pharnaces I of Phrygia and @Atossa, queen Consort of Persia
Wife of Cyrus II the Great, King of Persia
Mother of Cambyses II, King of Persia; @Atossa, queen Consort of Persia; Smerdis, King of Persia and Roxane
Maven :-)
From http://www.iranchamber.com/history/atossa/atossa.php
Atossa The Celestial and Terrestrial Lady of Ancient Iran By: Shirin Bayani Portrait of a Persian lady (from Persepolis) Atossa, the daughter of Cyrus the Great, wife of two Achamenian kings, Cambyses and Darius and mother of Xerxes is the most prominent lady in the history of ancient Iran. Not much is known about her life, except that she has witnessed the reign of the four first Achamenian kings and that she has played a decisive role in the long period of turbulence and significance ...
Atossa's mother, the Cassandane Queen, Pharnaspes's daughter and a Persian lady of noble birth was the favorite wife of Cyrus the Great. That's why among Cyrus's children those born to the Cassandane Queen had preference to those from his other wives....
as a result of this article these may be duplicate profiles for the above.
Immediate Family:
Father of Cassandra, Queen Consort of Anshan
Added by: Bente Brox on October 21, 2011
Managed by: Bente Brox
@Cassandane, queen Consort of Anshan MP
Birth: circa 657 of, Persia
Death: Iran
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Pharnaspes Achaemenian
Wife of Cyrus I, king of Anshan And Media
Mother of Cambyses I, King of Persia, King of Ashan
@Pharnaces I, Governor of PersepolisMP
Birth: between -560 and -605 Iran
Death: circa -497 (63) Anshan, Iran
Immediate Family: Son of Arsames, King of Persia and ?
Husband of @Atossa, queen Consort of Persia
Father of @Kassandane and Artabazus I of Phrygia
Brother of Hystaspes - Vishtasp, Prince of Anshan
Cyrus II the Great, King of Persia is your 79th great grandfather.
→ Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother → James aka Jim Edward (Morton-Russell) Handy Jr.
her father → James aka Jim (Ruthven) Handy SR.
his father → Marion aka Marrian Ruthven - Handy - Satchell
his mother → Alexander (Thompson) Ruthven
her father → Robert (Witherspoon) Ruthven, Sr.
his father → John Andrew (Henderson) Ruthven
his father → John (Peadie) Ruthven
his father → John (Hutcheson) Ruthven
his father → George John (Reid) Ruthven
his father → William Alexander (Clerksone) Ruthven
his father → William (Gray) Ruthven
his father → Mary Seton
his mother → Sir Patrick Gray, 4th Lord Gray
her father → Gilbert Gray of Buttergask
his father → Elisabeth Stewart, Countess of Argyll
his mother → John Stewart, 1st Earl of Atholl
her father → Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots
his mother → John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
her father → Katherine Swynford, Duchess of Lancaster
his mother → Sir Paon de Roët
her father → Maria Christina d'Avesnes
his mother → Phillipa, countess of Luxembourg
her mother → Henry van Luxemburg, V
her father → Ermesinde de Namur, countess of Luxembourg
his mother → Agnes of Guelders
her mother → Hendrik I, count of Guelders
her father → Ermengarde of Zutphen
his mother → Otto II, graaf van Zütphen
her father → Adelheid von Lothringen Zutphen
his mother → Liudolf, Count of Zutphen
her father → Mathilde of Germany. countess Palatine of Lotharingia
his mother → Theophanu, Empress Consort
her mother → Konstantinos Skleros
her father → Gregoria Skleros
his mother → Bardas Mamikonian
her father → Basileios Mamikonian
his father → Bardas Mamikonean
his father → Hmayeak Of Mamikonid Mamikonian, Noble of Adrianople
his father → Artavazd Mamikonian, II
his father → Myartes (Hmayeak III)
his father → Artavazd I Mamikonian, Nakharar Taron
his father → Hamazasp II Mamikonian
his father → Dawith / David Mamikonian of Taron, I
his father → Vahan II Mamikonian, Prince of Taron
his father → Mousegh I of Armenia, Sparapet Armenia
his father → General Hmayeak II Viceroy Mamikonian, I
his father → Vardan Mamikonian Viceroy of Armenia
his father → Hmayeak Mamikonian
his father → Sahakanush
his mother → Isaac the Great of Armenia
her father → Saint Nerses I the Great
his father → Bambish of Armenia
his mother → Khosrov III, king of Armenia
her father → Tiridates III, king of Armenia
his father → Khosrov II, king of West Armenia
his father → Tiridates II the Great, king of Armenia
his father → Khusraw I, king of Armenia
his father → Vologases V, king of Parthia and Armenia
his father → Vologaeses IV, king of Parthia & Armenia
his father → Mithridates IV, king of Parthia
his father → Vonones II, King of Parthia and Media Atropatene
his father → Darius II, king of Media Atropatene
his father → Athenais
his mother → Antiochos I Théos, King of Commagene
her father → Mithridates I Callinicus, king of Commagene
his father → Sames II, king of Commagene
his father → Ptolemy I, king of Commagene
his father → Orontes IV, king of Armenia
his father → Arsames I, king of Armenia, Sophene & Commagene
his father → Samos I, satrap of Commagene
his father → Aroandes (Orontes) III, King of Armenia
his father → Mithridates / Mithrenes, King of Armenia
his father → Orontes II, king of Armenia
his father → Rodogoune
his mother → Artaxerxes II Mnemon, king of Persia
her father → Parysatis
his mother → Artaxerxes I, King of Persia
her father → Xerxes I 'the Great', king of Persia
his father → Atossa, queen Consort of Persia
his mother → Cyrus II the Great, King of Persia
her father
WOW 89 generations - that is fascinating
Oh my God!!! Descendants of Cyrus the great became Armenian Kings!? I believe that because Artaxata, the capital of ancient Armenia is the name of Persian Kings. This is huge information!! No wonder there was Armenian Massacre. Cyrus the great could have been Immanuel which prophet Isaiah mentioned as his son and Messiah. And Messiah should have been born from Davidic branch line, same as Isaiah.
The family tree of Japanese first dynasty also has the name Cyrus and Artaxata, of course in Japanese(Chinese) letters so nobody notices. And the first person of the family tree is Amenhotep. Ancient Japanese also worshipped God Knaton, which sounds like Akhenaten, and also God Misyag which sounds like Hebrew Messiah. Egyptian 18th Dynasty might have been Jewish lineage in Moses era (Exodus), because Amenhotep IV believed in monotheism.
And and… recent descendants of Cyrus were 33rd degree masons!? Mozart’s opera “Magic Flute” shows the link between mason and Zoroaster. Anti-Jewish conspiracists say bad things about mason and Pyramid’s eye.
Oh, bother.
Well, looking at the line as it exists at the moment, I see these problems:
Maior Pais Romeu is born 1120 to a father born before 1040 -- Paio Pires Romeu yeah, maybe, maybe not -- any sources?
The curator's note for Aboazar Lovesendes, senhor da Maia says ancestry unknown -- I'm cutting and locking
Here and up for a while we have no sources: Bariq bin Uday
"claims have been made" -- Haritha Bin Imru Al-Qais
and while I was doing this Justin cut some other lines that aren't certain -- yay!
On the last two, I am finding some recent academic works that might be looked into before you just sever everything. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mksg/aae/2013/00000024/00000...
→ Willem Voortman
your father → Maria Zwijnenberg
his mother → Johanna Philips
her mother → Cornelis Ambrosius Philips
her father → Johannes Theodorus Philips
his father → Sophia Pressburg
his mother → Isaac Chaim Preßburg
her father → Hirschl Michl Heymann Preßburg
his father → Rachel Levia Helene Pressburg (Freistadt)
his mother → Salman Zalman Austerlitz
her father → Levia Maor Austerlitz HaLevi
his mother → Raizel Maor Katan
her mother → Rabbi Veit Munk the Elder
her father → Rivka Miryam Frankel-Teomim
his mother → Nissel Reisel (Rachel?) Ursula Horowitz
her mother → Nevia Ashkenazi
her mother → Melech Shem Tov Stern, HaKohen
her father → David Astruc de l'Estoile
his father → Baruch de l'Estoile, ha Nasi
his father → nn Ha Cohen
his mother → Clarice de Lunel bat Abba Mari Yarhi
her mother → Abba Mari "Don Astruc" ben Moses Yarhi de Lunel
her father → Moshe ben Yitzhak HaLevi HaYarhi
his father → Yitzhak Isaac The Blind, Father of Kabbalah
his father → wife, Abraham ben David "Rabad" or "Rabad III" bat Abraham ben Isaac of Narbonne
his mother → Abraham ben Isaac Halevi of Narbonne, Raavad II
her father → Unknown wife of Yitzchak Ha'Levi Hayizhari bat Perfet Sheshet Nasi
his mother → Reina bat Barzilai (bat Mar Shealtiel)
her mother → Oroved ben Reuben Barzillai al-Bargeloni, Nasi & Qadi al-Denia
her father → Reyna ben Elijah Ha-Kohen
his mother → Elijah ben Solomon ha-Kohen, Gaon of Palestine Yeshiva of Tyre
her father → Solomon ben Azariah Gaon ha-Kohen
his father → Azariah ibn Abū ʾl-ʿAlā Israel Gaon, haKohen
his father → Abū ʾl-ʿAlā Israel ben Shmuel haKohen haNagid, Gaon of Sura
his father → Unknown bat Sherira, Gaon of Sura
his mother → Sherira bar Hanina, Gaon of Pumbeditha
her father → 2nd Daughter bat Mar Rab Mishoi 'Sheshna', haSofer b'Pumbeditha
his mother → Mar Rab Mishoi 'Sheshna' ben Yitzhak Sedeq, haSofer b'Pumbeditha
her father → Mar Yitzhak Sadoq
his father → Hillel "Hilai" Yishai ben "Mari", Gaon of Sura
his father → Meiri "Mari" ben Hananiah haKohen al-Nahr Peḳod, Gaon of Sura
his father → Hananya ben Haninai HaKohen ben Haninai haKohen al-Nahr Paqod, "Dayan of the Gate" Gaon of Sura
his father → Haninai al-Nehar Peḳkod ben Bustanai bar Adai, Exilarch & Gaon of Sura
his father → Adai binte Assad bin Hashim
his mother → Imam Assad bin Imaam Hashim
her father → Imaam Hashim (A'mr ul-U'la) bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf
his father → Abdu Manaf bin Imaam Quṣayy
his father → Qusai
his father → Fatima binte Sa'd bin Shibl
his mother → Sa'ad bin Shibl Azdshirah
her father → Shibl "Azdshirah" bin Bariq
his father → Bariq bin Uday
his father → Uday bin Haritha
his father → Haritha bin 'Amr Muzaikhiya
his father → 'Amr Muzaikhiya bin Aamir
his father → Amir ibn Harithah
his father → Haritha Bin Imru Al-Qais
his father → Iotape of Emesa, Queen of Nabataea
his mother → Sohaemus, Priest-King of Emesa
her father → Iotapa, Princess of Commagene
his mother → Iotapa of Atropatene
her mother → Athenais
her mother → Antiochos Théos, I, King of Commagene
her father → Mithridates I Callinicus, king of Commagene
his father → Sames II, king of Commagene
his father → Ptolemy I, king of Commagene
his father → Orontes IV, king of Armenia
his father → Arsames I, king of Armenia, Sophene & Commagene
his father → Samos I, satrap of Commagene
his father → Aroandes (Orontes) III, King of Armenia
his father → Mithridates / Mithrenes, King of Armenia
his father → Orontes II, king of Armenia
his father → Rodogoune
his mother → Artaxerxes II Mnemon, king of Persia
her father → Darius II, King of Persia
his father → Artaxerxes I, King of Persia
his father → Xerxes I 'the Great', king of Persia
his father → Atossa, queen Consort of Persia
his mother → Cyrus II the Great, King of Persia
her father → Cambyses I, king of Anshan
his father → Cyrus I, king of Anshan
Can someone please check if this is real?
There are many more royals linkt to my bloodline..