Though there has been many recent claims stating that Mary of Magdaline is suppose to be The Spouse of Jesus of Nazareth... there has also been claims that Mary of Bethany is The Spouse of Jesus of Nazareth. In some circles, there are some that say both Mary's are one of the same?
In looking at the both Mary's, it would seem that Mary of Bethany has a more logical religious-historical account than Mary Magdeline. This is based in The Gospels, of Jesus having a clearer association with Mary of Bethany, Her Sister Martha and Her Brother Lazarus, where Mary Magdeline is more alone and seems to have a mixed reputation, while Mary of Bethany has more of a supportive reputation and similar to Mary Magdaline, more involved in the time between The Crucifiction and The Resurrection Mystery, where one seems more likely than the other.
Suppose if Mary Magdeline and Mary of Bethany are one of the same... then the stories need to be united and I rest my argument, but of not, then I side with Mary of Bethany as her being the possible Spouse of Jesus.
Another point of view is The Judaic Law known as "The Levirite Law of Marriage" (Mentioned in The Book of Ruth), whereby a Widowed Female and her children can be brought into another families household, whereby in a form of Common Law, A male member of the family (Brother-In-Law, Direct Cousin and other close Male relation) takes them into their household. If Jesus and one of The Two Mary's, being Widowed with their children were brought in under this fashion, then this is permitted and there is no conflict of marriage rites, again... this seems to go in the favored direction of Mary of Bethany.
This confusion of "The Two Mary's" is what's causing this conflict who is The Real Spouse of Jesus. This is what needs to be researched and corrected.
Again this issue is brought up again in the Religious-Historical clarification of both Mary of Bethany and Her Sister, Martha, leaving Palestine and going to what is Franc or France., but again Mary Magdaline is 'placed' there also in Fanc or France and alone... a very least likely historic fact than what is told of Mary of Bethany and Marta.