Maycke Hendrickse van der Burchgraeff - Locations

Started by Alex Moes on Thursday, February 26, 2015
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Current Birth: Lavereld, Zuid Holland, Netherlands
Current Death: Renssalaerswyck, Albany County, New Netherlands

There is no such place as Lavereld and i can't find even a hint that it is an old name no longer used. Google it and all u will find is a bunch of family tree websites. Searching for it with Google Maps returns a cemetery in New york. Searching for it with returns no results at all.

I suggest changing birth location to "4128 Lakerveld, Netherlands" see

The death location i am not sure of but "Albany County" and "New Netherlands" is self contradicting. Albany County was created on November 1, 1683 long after the English take over so has no relevance to Maycke who died 20 years prior. In fact if the death date is accurate then Maycke died 5 months before the English took control.

Alex, I'll look tomorrw. It's 1:40 AM

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