Exploring the Charlton Snarlton

Started by Private User on Friday, March 13, 2015
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The problems start here: Robert de Cherleton
He has been assigned, probably unreasonably, as a "son" of William de Cauntelo and Melisande de Gournay; but they are of Buckinghamshire and he is cited as born at Charlton Musgrove, Somerset. His family is also said to have held the manor of Charlton in Shropshire from the abbot of Shrewsbury for several previous generations. All of these things cannot simultaneously be true...are any of them?

His wife is named as Elinor de Cherleton (born Holand), daughter of Sir Thurstan de Holland; but the Hollands were at this point a Lancashire family, and while Sir Thurstan is credited with some nine or ten sons by two or perhaps three wives, there is no record of any daughters. And she also screws seriously with the birth dates of Sir Robert's sons, as her own birth date cannot be much before 1250 and possibly later.

Thomas Charleton, Bishop of Hereford cannot have been the eldest son - heirs were not allowed to enter the Church. Thomas de Charlton is recorded as Lord Privy Seal (then a clerical, not a secular office) 1316-1320 and as Bishop of Hereford 1327-1344. And *churchmen did not marry*, although some of them (against official policy) had mistresses.

John de Cherleton, 1st Baron of Cherleton - his birth date is given in Wikipedia as 1268, not 1286. Wikipedia is not authoritative; but an earlier rather than a later date is argued for by his prominence in the royal household from c. 1307.

Sir Alan de Charlton, of Appley Castle was certainly a younger and possibly the youngest son. He has been cited as marrying both Ela Charlton and Margery de Charlton, though in which order is much disputed. The matter has been "solved" here by replicating the previous generation and assuming a "Sir Alan de Charlton II" Alan de Charlton, II who predeceased his father. (This also resulted in two "throwaway" brothers with the exact same names as the 1st Baron Charlton of Powys and the Bishop of Hereford, but of no significance whatsoever.)

However it fell out, the line came down at this point to an only (surviving) son, Thomas de Charleton of Apley Castle, who had an only (surviving) daughter, Anna de Knightley, whose husband William de Knightley took her name.

Sir Thomas de Charlton's wife Anne de Charleton is not given in Burke, and the Visitations, as they sometimes do, have gotten the earlier generations impossibly garbled up. I find no justification for naming her a FitzAlan, and note that she has no connections.

The real mess starts here: Robert Charleton of Apley (Burke burkes the issue). That a Charlton of Apley, Shropshire, should marry a Shropshire Corbet is not to be wondered at - but that he should marry one twelve years his senior??? And with a mother Margaret Mallory who is NOT who she is presented as here? (Margaret was a Mallory by her second marriage ONLY - she was NOT born one.)

And it gets worse....

not really familar with the line of my 23-25 great grandparebts Private User to make any sort of acurate repair job

I agree - it looks like quite a snarl! But, if anyone can resolve it, i believe it's you! Discovered the most interesting thing (to me!) though: Ela la Zouche is both my aunt (marriage to Alan Cherleton) & my grandmother (marriage to Nicholas St Maur).
Will look forward to your future posts!

Patience, grasshopper....

The dating on William Charleton gets problematical. He could, and perhaps should, be backdated to c. 1470-1475, to give him time to *have* all those children - and to better match his wife. Or maybe the children's dates need to be moved to after 1500.

We're not on firm ground again until we come to William Charlton (Chorlton), MP William Charlton, Jr., MP http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1509-1558/member/ch..., fourth of five? brothers. Somebody apparently WAGged the birthdates of the older children pretty hard as there are 25 years(!) between William and his oldest brother Robert.

The Charltons appear to have gone to the dogs (or to daughters) hard and fast in these years, for by 1567 William, MP's only heir was Elizabeth, daughter of William, son of Francis, son of Robert (older brother of William, MP).

One of William's brothers, Alan, took himself out of the gene pool by becoming a Catholic priest. William himself had no children. What about the other one/two? (Note: Alan has been erased from the family pedigrees, but he appears in contemporary documents.)

John Charlton (third son, William MP's next-older brother) married Anne, widow of William Allen or Alen, and had one surviving son, Thomas Charlton of Shrewsbury, who married twice and had a son and a daughter by his first wife and another son by his second. But it looks very much as though only that daughter (Elizabeth Pope, m. Roger Pope of Lincoln's Inn) lived to grow up.

The line of Richard Charlton, second(?) brother, may have been tampered with. Robert Charlton, Fishmonger (later goldsmith), of Mincing Lane, London and Whitton Court, Salop (see: http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1660-1690/member/ch...) claimed a connection to Charlton of Apley, and had the money to make it so. But if he pulled a fast one, he had little good of it, for Job Charlton, MP was his only surviving son.

It looks as though the line WAS tampered with, because entries from the Register of (Rev.) Thomas Botelar, Vicar of Much Wenlock, do not match the Visitations.

"1538 Decbr 5 Wm son of Mr Richd Charlton Bailif of the franch'es was Christened Wm Charlton of Wombrige [this would be William, MP] brother of sd Richard and Sr [Rev] Alen Clif curate of Shipton and Mrs. Eliz. Eyton sister to sd. Ricd. and Wm. Chalrton, Gossibes [godparents]."

"1539 [no date] Cecilye daur of Mr Richd Charlton and Jone his wife xtned. Gosibbs T. Eyton Gent., Cecilye Norton sister to sd R[ichar]d and Mrs Cecilye Acton wife to Thos Acton Gent & daur of Mr Robt Cressett of Upton Cressett."

""12 March 1540-1. Thro lycens was christened at Wylley, Agnes
the daughter of Ric. Charlton of this towne of Wenlok and of
Jane his wife, gossibes were Sir Thomas Butler of Wenlok,
aforesaid Vicar, and mistress Agnes wif of Maistr Ric. Lacon,
Lord of Wylley aforesaid, and wif of Wm. Davys of Apley

The Visitations admit of no William, no Cecily, and no Agnes.

Stephen Charleton has been fictitiously grafted onto this falsified tree, with a fictitious wife and a fictitious daughter.

On the subject of Sir Alan de Charlton, of Appley Castle and Alan de Charlton, II, it appears there really were two of him. Antiquities of Shropshire, Volume 9By Robert William Eyton, (pp. 56- 57, 316-317), details fines and other financial arrangements by which Alan de Charlton, *son of* Sir Alan de Charlton, and his wife Margery (FitzAer), traded some manors around and then "demised" his holdings back to his father for life. (Alan II really did have brothers John and Thomas also, but as no more is heard of them after these arrangements, they may have died without heirs.)

On the other hand, the same intensive studies of charters and arrangements indicates that there *were* Charltons in the Shrewsbury area for several generations prior to Alan and Alan, and that they were *not* Cauntelos.

I have a nasty feeling I know what became of Alan II's brothers. Alan II perished in the Black Death epidemic of 1348-49, and it may have taken his brothers also.

Well, this is interesting - the Visitations of London have an abbreviated version of the Charlton of Terne pedigree. It is given in two versions:

1) Starts with a Robert Charlton "of Terne in com. Salop", described as "a younger branch out of the house of Apley". No wife specified. Son Robert Charlton of Terne in com. Salop, married Alice daughter of Richard Tyler of Hardwick in com. Salop. Son (of Robert and Alice) Robert Charlton 2 Sonne of London now living 1633, married twice: first wife Emma da. of Thomas Harby of Adson esqr in comitatu Northampton - 2 sons, Job (who lived) and James (who did not), 3 daughters, Emma, Elizabeth, and Katherine. Second wife Anna da. of Richard Wiche of London merchant - 4 sons (Richard, Henry, Robert, Thomas; they all died), 1 daughter, Suzan.

Job, in fact, grew up to become http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1660-1690/member/ch... and start his own little dynasty of Charltons.

2) is shorter, because it starts with Robert Charlton and Alice Tyler, but it completely explodes any idea that Stephen Charlton, brother of Robert the goldsmith, could be the same person as Capt. Stephen Charlton of Virginia. Robert and Alice have 3 sons: Andrew Charlton of Terne (no wife or children mentioned), Robert Charlton of London merchant (see previous pedigree) and Stephen Charlton of London merchant living as of 1634, married to Elizabeth daughter of Robert Middleton of London brother to Sir Thomas Middleton (Lord) Mayor of London - 2 children, Robert and Elizabeth. (The "Thomas" who was "apprenticed" in 1623 must have either died or emigrated, because he isn't listed here.)

So there it is, folks: if Stephen Charlton "of Terne" was married to Elizabeth Middleton in 1634 and living in London with son Robert and daughter Elizabeth, he was *not* the same person as Capt. Stephen Charlton, who was living on the Eastern Shore of Virginia by the mid-1630s with a sister Grace (no Grace in that pedigree).

well finally something not about a egomanic with a power complex... good work

"Applause, applause! " (We need some icons on here) Maven, you are quite the "gravedigger"! Wonderful work!

Still working on the issue of the Charlton-Corbet marriage. Have ruled out "Mary Corbet daughter of Robert Corbet and Margaret not-born-a-Mallory" on the grounds of severe age mismatch in the wrong direction (older man, younger woman, yes - older woman, younger man, generally only for a second or later marriage, which this wasn't).

Robert had a younger brother, Roger, who tends to get left out of most accounts because he had no sons. He did have one daughter for certain (Margaret, who married Humphrey Stafford of Frome) - supposedly only the one, but who knows what further investigation might turn up?

Does anyone know if Oliver Marcus Stedall is still around? All the "Activity" I've seen on his page in the last year or so has been other people leaving notes on his page.

What's up is, he has a version of the "Charlton of Terne" tree, starting with Unknown Profile, but it has some variations (different name for his wife, middle names for descendants, etc.) and little or no explanation.

Found a string of Charltons of Middlesex who may, or may not, be connected to the Charltons of Apley and/or Terne:

Thomas Charlton of Hillingdon (Middlesex), MP, d. 1445 - father of

Thomas Charlton (c. 1417-1465), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Charlton_%28speaker%29 Speaker of the House of Commons, m. Benedicta Vernon - 2 sons, 3 daughters, including

Sir Richard Charleton, KB (before 1450-1485; killed at Bosworth; attainted of "treason" in one of Henry VII's shady legal maneuvers) - father of

John Charlton, living 1510, father of

Edward Charlton, living 1552, who petitioned for restitution in blood:

LR 15/153:

Letters patent exemplifying a writ of certiorari to John Mason, kt,
clerk of parliaments, and returned.
Tenor of an act of parliament, Westminster, 24 Nov 2 Edw VI [1548], in
second session 14 Mar 3 Edw VI [1549], on the restitution in blood of
Edward Charleton, gent. Writ tested at Westminster 26 Feb 6 Edw VI
[1552]. The act on petition of Edward Charleton, gent, son of John
Charleton, esq, son of Sir Richard Charleton, kt, attainted of high
treason, Henry VII. Returned 10 Mar 6 Edw VI [1552].
Note of examination by Richard Rede and Richard Lyell, clerks.

C 89/4/4

An act for the restitution in blood of Edward Charleton Act: 2 & 3 Edw
VI no 43


We can be reasonably sure these were not Charltons of Apley, as that lot either kept their noses out of politics or backed the winning side.

Private User I think pro users and curators can see last active date

Private, Pro users cannot see the date. Oliver has not been on since January of 2014.

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