Anneke Jans - Parents of Anneke Jans

Started by Malcolm Edward Higbee-Glace on Wednesday, March 18, 2015
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3/18/2015 at 6:26 PM

@Anneke Jans I don't know who is messing around with the heritage of this site, but they obviously don't know what they are doing.

Anneke's parents can not be those of her first husband. Her parents names are Johannes and Tryntjie Van Maasterland. She is not the half sister of any of the Jans family. Nor is she the half sister of any of the Roelofson family. It is genetically impossible.

she had 4 children by her first marriage to Roelof Janson (Janzen) Roelof was the son or Jan, hence the last name was Janson. That was the practice among their people in their day. Hence, his children were the children of Roelof, had the last name of Roelofson.

Sarah Roelofson Kiersead, I can't remember her second husband
Caterina Roelofson Van Brugh
Fytzie Roelofson Hartgers
Jan Roelofson

She had 5 children by her second marriage to Everardus Bogardus

Willem Bogardus
Cornelius Bogardus
Jonas Bogardus
Peter Bogardus
Annetjie Bogardus Sybrant

Both Jan Roelofson and Cornelius Bogardus died prior to their mother Anneke.

3/19/2015 at 9:21 AM

anyone have records/documents?

3/20/2015 at 12:23 AM

Checking the profiles, I can't see any changes over the past few hours that may have altered the line-up. But, the way it stands now, Anneke Jans is not related to the parents of her first husband.
The fact is, there is so many confusion in literature about who these people where, and much of that stems from the incorrect interpretation of the patronymics. Malcolm, you're right to highlight that issue.
One point though... In a Dutch context, we don't consider (or treat) patronymics as "last names". Rather, we consider them together with first names. This has the substantial benefit that we eliminate confusions about that the last names were. So, when there were no proper last names, we'd leave the last name field simply blank.
I suffises to check the Dutch WieWasWie and other regional historical centers to see that this is the common practice in The Netherlands.
Of course, the excellent reason for adopting such common practice is that, when you have both a patronymic and a last name, the patronymic obviously is not entered into the last name field.
I'm insisting on this because it may help everyone to avoid more problems in the future (and, let's keep in mind that New Netherland practices were those of the Dutch Republic).
I can't get into the Anneke Jans issue (again) right now, but am happy to help correct if anything is wrong. However, what I will do is put Master Profiles on a few of the people around her, so that we put an extra beak on any errors that may slip in. If the Master Profile protection prevents anyone to do legitimate updates, don't hesitate to get in touch with me and I'll help solve the problem!

3/20/2015 at 10:01 AM

@ Anneke Jans - parents of Anneke Jans

I have the lineage of my family from a document that was prepared in the late 1890s-early 1900s as part of the Trinity Church Law Suit. It was commissioned by my Great great grandfather David Higbee.

Furthermore, I have spent considerable time at the Library of the History of New York City, where the original books, manuscripts, and other items relating to research material for this subject are held. It clearly backs up my claim.

I would like the Master Profile changed back to what it should be when I filled it out in the first place. I hate it when people mess with merging other people's files.

3/21/2015 at 6:17 PM

I am Beverly Stowitts Kroening, and I started this page. All I did when I started was to input what my Grandfather Stowitts had researched--I do not know how correct he was, but he was completely into the family tree. Plus, he did have records of everything, especially about family after about 1680. Since the time of me (Beverly) putting in all of the names that he researched, this site has been taken over by many numbers of people. That is about all I can say; I have not personally added anything, other than a few names on my mother's family side, since about 2011. So, don't blame me--I can barely read the thing.

3/22/2015 at 10:38 AM

I don't blame you, by any means, Beverly. I'd just appreciate the site being corrected by the site manager. As I say, I have had direct access to the NYC Historical Society Archives, from which I have derived my information. It's a fascinating source. When I made the appointment to start my research. The librarian was quite familiar with Anneke and the family. He had a number of books ready for me to view upon my scheduled arrival. Thousands of family members have wanted to see records of this family over the centuries. Anneke is my 10th Great grandmother. Her home was within the walled city in lower Manhattan. The 62 acre farm was located outside of the walled city confines. Trinity Church does not stand on Anneke Jans property. The farmland was to the north of where the church stands by a few blocks.

3/28/2015 at 12:20 PM

Apparently, Anneke Jans is my 9th great grandmother, so I guess that means we are related.

3/29/2015 at 12:44 PM

Beverly, indeed we are 10th cousins. We share that common Great Grandmother. Even though you are related to the children from the Roelofson lineage, I from the Bogardus lineage.

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