James Miller Sr. - Serious errors on this and all subsequent profiles!

Started by Private User on Tuesday, March 24, 2015
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Private User
3/24/2015 at 7:46 AM

They went from Scotland to Charlestown, MA, *NOT* Virginia.
They moved from there to VERMONT, not Virginia.
First New England generation had two daughters Mary - one died young, one married somebody Field. NOT Strachey.

Entire family MUST be reworked based on this information: http://www.usgennet.org/usa/vt/county/windham/millerdr.html

Private User
3/24/2015 at 7:55 AM

I think somebody mashed up at least two Miller families, and then used documentation for one family on the other one. (Do not do this!)

3/24/2015 at 8:27 AM

The first thing I do in an instance like this is go to the merges and start undoing recent merges. Sometimes that's the fastest, most economical way to untangle the two (or more profiles). Sometimes it turns out that the merge was fine and I have to take a moment to remerge.

3/24/2015 at 8:29 AM

But in this instance i see that the recent merge was not the problem and the older merges are too distant to undo :(

3/24/2015 at 11:23 AM

so will someone incharge....change this. or do WE have to change it in our own tree? I am descended from daughter Isabella Lewis, so not much Miller but would like to see the corrections.

Private User
3/24/2015 at 5:35 PM

IMHO it went wrong from the get-go due to misdocumentation. :-(

Now I have to figure out just whotheheck is supposed to be whose and where - REdoing work that should have been done correctly in the first place. :-P

3/24/2015 at 6:11 PM

I'll be happy to put on Curator's Notes, MP, and field lock. With common names and often no dates or locations or About, this happens.

Private User
3/24/2015 at 7:14 PM

Okay, I think I figured out what happened. Remember that Geni barf-up last month, when releasing abandoned-tree profiles had a side effect of piling up whole slews of Bad "Pending Merges"?

I just got through breaking up 35(!) Pending Merges to a John Miller a little farther down the tree...ALL of them Bad, so *obviously* bad that no human being would or could have tried to match them.

I think a couple of less glaringly bad merges slipped by.

Private User
3/24/2015 at 8:31 PM

Got the Massachusetts/Vermont family sorted out and separated from the Virginia family. (If they are related, it's not that closely.)

The Virginia family currently starts with James Miller, of "Rowlston Creek" - no idea if his origins are Scottish also.

3/24/2015 at 8:37 PM

The Scots-Irish in Virginia were more like in the 1700s than in the mid 1600s, so I'm guess that he was not Scottish.

Private User
3/24/2015 at 8:47 PM

By the way, Elizabeth "Isabella" Yard needs her children verified - it looks as though she's been pig-piled.

Private User
3/24/2015 at 9:14 PM

Interesting note from the papers of the "Tristram and Jane", 1637:

26 April [1637]. Account submitted by Joseph Clifton, executer of Daniell Hopkinson, merchant of the Tristram and Jane of London, Mr. Joseph Blowe, for servants carried on her late voyage to Virginia:

Miller James, who paid for his own and his wife's passage Browne William, turned over to James Miller (all on same line) http://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/tristramjane.htm

(*All* other persons listed were basically cargo.)

3/24/2015 at 10:09 PM


I hope that I was not the cause of the Miller family errors.

The reason that I ask is that the link that you listed above is for the Miller family at the top of the tree that I am in.

I don't know if you took people from this tree and inserted your new profiles.

Private User
3/24/2015 at 10:33 PM

As noted, a month or thereabouts ago Geni did a mass release of "abandoned tree" profiles, but a bug got into the process - it made "Pending Merges" of any names that looked even remotely possible.

Before the bug was trapped and removed, some people trustingly accepted the bogus matches. What made them so insidious was that the bug *inserted the name of the former manager* as the source of the merge request. That led people to think the matches "must be okay" - when in many cases they were not.

Although the bug has been removed, some clusters of bogus pending merges still lurk - I stumbled over and broke up a 35-member cluster earlier today, further down the Miller tree (Virginia side). No two of them were close enough for a "proper" match.

I think that's basically what happened - the bug threw up a bad match as a "Pending Merge" and somebody (maybe even a curator - it was *supposed* to be curators-only, but wasn't!) made a bad assumption.

The two families have been sorted out, and precautions taken against future mismerges.

I got into this through a side door, trying to figure out if the John Waters who married Arabella Strachey (widow of Henry Cox) was any connection to "my" Waters line (possibly, but not a close relative).

Private User
3/24/2015 at 10:35 PM

To be a bit more specific, I didn't *remove* anybody - I severed a few relationships, and merged a few duplicate profiles. And I didn't work with Augustine Miller's line at all - mostly just the two daughters.

3/24/2015 at 11:06 PM

Thanks for your work on this family.

I just didn't know how you were correcting it.

4/8/2015 at 9:44 AM

So MY Isabella is from the VA. Millers.
and not the MA Millers?
This is what I have on GENI:

Isabella Miller MP
"Isabella; Lewis", "Mary W /Brent/", "Isabella; Miller"
(1640 - 1704)
Daughter of James Miller of York County, VA and Mary Miller
Wife of Maj. John Lewis "of Chemokins" and Robert Yard
Mother of Sarah Virginia Woodson; Elizabeth Lewis; Mary Muscoe; Capt. Edward Lewis and 14 others
Sister of Mary Strachey; James Miller; Edward Miller and Augustine Miller

8/3/2017 at 4:14 PM

James Miller, of "Rowlston Creek" Has gotten himself attached to parents without valid sources (trees are not valid sources). Disconnecting & relationship locking.

8/3/2017 at 4:19 PM

Disconnected James Miller, of Charlestown from James Miller (above). Will make new parents.

Private User
8/3/2017 at 4:35 PM

Ann 'Agnes' Campbell has just been disproved as "daughter of Sir Duncan Campbell" AND "wife of John Miller, Jr." She is one or the other, but not both - or there were two of her.

Sir Duncan's daughter married Sir Patrick Ogilvie, ninth lord of Inchmartin.

John Miller's wife may have been a collateral relative, or no relation (it was common for followers of a clan head to take the clan name whether they were relatives of his or not).


8/3/2017 at 4:53 PM

Yes, that discussion is what drew my attention to "this" error. I'll be on that next. Thank you so much for the sourcing efforts.

Private User
8/3/2017 at 5:35 PM

Did some work on the Ogilvies, and the "real" Anne/Agnes Campbell is now here: Ann 'Agnes' Campbell

8/3/2017 at 6:05 PM

James Miller of VA's wife was NG also, made a new one Mary Miller

This was all bogused up to get related to George Washington

Private User
8/3/2017 at 6:52 PM

Ah, I see. Wishful Thinking and/or Wild Mass Guesses. :-)

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