A duplicate of this profile - Unknown Profile - has a different father to the Isaac Marais that we have.
Angela Joan Wasyliszyn has the father as Jean Marais.
Can we compare sources?
Isaac Marais has no sources added. He was added by Dr Roger David Dixon in 2009. Perhaps Private has some information as the notes have the following.
<Judi Marais-Meyer register
Hugenote Museum argief
D Catryn - Frankryk>
The wife Rachelle Millocheau similarly has no back up source.
http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/bosmandevriesbuys/I602.html and http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g8/p8561.htm are the most reliable of references - neither give the names of any parents.
The duplicate Unknown Profile is a mystery as the middle name is not one I have ever seen associated with the Marais SV - perhaps Angela Joan Wasyliszyn can share her source for both Jean and Charles Petrus.
Angela needs to supply her sources for names in the outstanding merge nearby at Pieter Boeiens, SV/PROG which is another example of names being differently presented. The issue in this case is whether the names added need to be as on the earliest known source (in which case that source needs to be added) whether the alternate spelling of the name(s) belongs in the AKA field or just in the notes.
It's possible that Angela is using MH matches. In other places on the tree she has extended the line backwards quite plausibly, so - our decision is possibly going to be whether to get a flashmob work party together to see if we can find the origins of the sources together. Angela and others interested in this area could all get involved.
On the matter of Names - Mike has said he will try and put together a new set of Naming options for fields, that will allow us to enter
the Original/Source Name in the Data Naming Fields (that appears to the right of the profile photo);
and the modernised translation per language in the Display Field (that appears above the profile) .
In this example of Pieter Boeiens, it seems likely to me that we might find ourselves entering:
-Boeiens - the Original Name, in the DATA NAMING FIELDS;
-Boyens; Bojens etc - Spelling Variations in his lifetime - in the AKA FIELD;
-Booysens - The modern version he is known by - in the DISPLAY NAME FIELD
Personally, I prefer the original name to show in Display as well, but I think that might not be the majority perspective.
This might need a separate SA Discussion, though - and is probably best left until Geni has reworked the Naming Fields, in case we end up having to have the discussion twice.
Sharon Doubell and Private User there were two Charles Marais' that came into the country.
June maybe you can remember that we had horrific problems with the other Charles prog with unknow parents married to a Hendrina Johanna de Beer on 20/4/1766.In that famlily there is a b7 Gerhardus Peetrus ≈ 11/6/1780 X 12/1/1800 Maria Adriana Vermeulen.
As far as The parents of our Charles I had the sources way back. The parent are for sure Jean Marais and Rachelle Millesau and the sources wee there, as supplied by a French researcher who send the pre marriage document set up before the marriage of Cahrles and Catherine. They also had another son, Jean, that is our prog, called Jean who had taken up the oath as a catholic and stayed behind.
I took photo's of all Charles, Catherine and there childrens signatures in the Hugenot museum in 2009 and poted them as there profile photos that has vanished. But I still have them
Charles and Catherine arrived with 4 children Charles - aged 19), Claude - aged 24
Isaac - aged 10
Marie - aged 6.
So I definately agree that I did my homework well on this family as well as Catherine's when Marais and Deirdre stayed in Switzerland and could get it cheap from the French archives.
Hope it make sense. Hoop dit maak sin.
Sorry Private User and Sharon Doubell there were ample sources loaded by myself for Claude as well- way back. O my word. Big families always a mess up.
Johan is here so I must get off now.
Hold thumbs the get my PC running. The new one.☺