Comfort Starr - Comfort's "will"

Started by Daryl William Barnett on Monday, July 20, 2015
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Comfort Starr's will was signed on April 22, 1658/59 and the inventory states that he died on January 2, 1659. In the Will, he mentioned:

sons Comfort, John, Thomas (deceased)
daughters Maynard (deceased), Elizabeth Ferniside, Hannah
the four youngest [children} of Thomas
grandson Symon Eyre
brothers-in-law John Morley and Faithfull Rouse
daughter-in-law, wife of late son Thomas
Comfort Starr. — 22 Aprill 1659. Will. My body to be burryed within ye vsuall place of buriall in Boston, so neere my late wife as may be possible with conveniency. I giue vnto Samuell Starre, my large book of Martyrs, with ye frame belonging therevnto ; vnto Euery one of my Grand Children, 12d apiece, in English money ; vnto ye fiue dau", of my dau. Maynard (deceased) £10. apiece, to be payd to either of them, as they come to ye age of 16 yeare ; vnto my sonne Thomas Starre, (deceased) his children, £10 apiece, to be payd vnto each as they either of them come vnto 18 yeares of age; vnto my sonne Thomas, his fower youngest, one Mare to be disposed & equally devided at ye discretion of my Supervisors; if they thinke meete, ye Mare to be sold, then, my will is, either of them Children should have one quarter pt of what said Mare is sold for ; vnto my grand Child, Symon Eire, £6. p. Annu to be payd him yearely, vntill he come unto ye age of 18 yeares ; it being so giuen by me vnto him for ye Advancement helpe & furthering him in Learneing. For ye assurance of ye due paymt of ye said £6. yearely, I Engage my now dwelling house, That he, or his Guardian, or those who have ye oversight of him, shall and may lawfully enter into ye said house, and distreine for euery defect so much as shall satisfy ye said sume yt is not payd, & ye charge or charges ye ariseth by reason of such distresse for ye non paymt of ye said £6. yearely, ye overplus to be returned. My minde & will is, That if ye said Symon Eire desist goeing forward in Learneing, yt is yt he doe not goe vnto some Gramar Schoole & to some Academia, or to be with some godly Minister whereby he may be instructed in ye Toungs, Arts & Sciences, then ye said Annuall paymt of ye said £6. shall cease. My minde is, yt ye said Symon Eire should enjoy his house & land yr vnto belonging wch apptaineth vnto him, of right, by inheritance, And also, yt my Executor shall pay vnto him yt wch I am Engaged vnto him by ye Honored Court, yt is, about £60, w dl is as much as I haue receiued of his, by my Administring of his moveable goods after ye death of his prents. My sonne John to be my Executor. The rest of my Estate in New England I giue to my sonne John Starr, and vnto my dau. Elizabeth Ferniside, equally to be devide betweene them ; then, yt my sonne John shall devide his share into three pts ; one third of it shal be given vnto his Children, vnto Euery one a equall share, [The portion of Elizabeth to be divided in the same manner.] If my dau. Hannah Starr come into New England, my mind is, yt [she] shall haue my siluer guilt double salt Celler. I giue vnto my dau. Hannah Starr, all my debts du e vnto me in old England. I giue vnto said Hannah, £50 sterling to be payd vnto her, out of ye Rent, as it ariseth of my house & land,wch I haue in Eshitisford, in Kent, in old England. I giue vnto my sonne, Comfort Starr, my before mentioned house & land in Eshitisford, pvided my said dau. Hannah be payd ye aforesaid £50 ; And also provided, yt my sonne Comfort Cause to be payd at Boston, for ye vse of my Grand Children, for my Executor , to distribute to Euery one of my Grand-Children in good Kersy & Peniston & Cotton to ye worth of 40s. a pecce, to be payd within 4 yeares after my decease. Vnto my dau. Elizabeth, all my Right of yt Land wherevpon her now dwelling house is built, & also ye Land adjoyneing, from ye high way before theire house, downe backward, vnto ye mill pond. I appointe my beloved Brothrs in Law, Mr John Morley & Faithfull Rouse my Supervisors, vnto either of ch I will, 20s. a peece. I giue vn to my dau-in-law ye late wife of my sonne Thomas Starr, one siluer bossed wine Cupp. It is my minde (in regard of ye scarcitie of money in this Countrey) yt my Executor shall pay my Legacies, if he Can Conveniently, with shop pay, but if he Cannot so suite or fitt them, then he shall pay them in such Comodities as this Countrey brings forth, except such legacies yt is Expressed to be payd in money or siluer. Comfort Starr.

"in ye prnce of Christopher Gibson, John Collins, Richd Taylor, William Read.

2 Feb. 1659, d Taylor, & Wm Read deposed."

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