Öxen-Thorir (Øxna-Tore) Ásvaldsson, 810 - name

Started by Alex Moes on Saturday, September 26, 2015
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9/26/2015 at 9:47 PM

I am thinking about changing the English name fields to Thorir Ásvaldsson with display name as "Oxen-Thorir" then setting other language tabs in appropriate spelling (Norwegian: Øksna-Tore, Icelandic: Öxna-Þórissonar and Old Norse: Øxna-Þórir)

I am not finding a lot of information but it seems he had a large herd of cattle which is where his nickname comes from but I found that story on a Spanish website of all places so if anyone has a better reference....

Private User
9/27/2015 at 2:57 AM

Please do not change the name. Öxna is an axe

Private User
9/27/2015 at 3:17 AM

Sorry: Öxen means ox or bull. Anyvay: do not change the name

Private User
9/27/2015 at 4:07 AM

Correct, - and the profile-image, showing an ax is mis-leading and should be removed. May be an image of the bull-head at Eidbo should be used.

The saga tells about Okse-Tore/Øxna-Tore (Thore with the bulls, if you want an english description) tells that he delivered 80 bulls as food supply to Harald Hårfagre's army when they passed by Eidbo where he lived.

Without knowing icelandic, "Öxna-Þórissonar" is referring to his sons (Þórissonar = sons of Thore)

Private User
9/27/2015 at 4:50 AM

I shall remove the Axe and put a Picture of an ox to the profile.

Private User
9/27/2015 at 6:46 AM

I have uploaded the image I mentioned above, - its an old "cave painting" of a bulls head marked with Okse-Tore Eidbo. Who the artist is is unknown and the traditions tells that is is over 100 years old.

Private User
9/27/2015 at 7:19 AM

Thank you

9/27/2015 at 4:12 PM

Obviously i dont speak Icelandic either, your version makes more sense given the context i found it in.

Which saga is the story of the bulls in? I was going to quote Landnámabók as the main source for this profile but it sounds like the saga would be more appropriate.

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