We started with Norm Galston an interesting topic:many Famous American Actors (families) came from Hungary over the years...
Peter Lorre, Paul Newman, Tony Curtis, William Shatner, Goldie Hawn, Ernie Kovacs & a lot more. It would be interesting to chat about them......
Peter Lorre (Ružomberok, Žilina Region, Slovakia 26 June 1904 – 23 March 1964) was a Hungarian-American actor. He began his stage career in Vienna before moving to Germany where he had his breakthrough, first on the stage, then in film in Berlin in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Lorre caused an international sensation in the German film M (1931) in which he portrayed a serial killer who preys on little girls.
and a question:Who knows anything about ?Freischberger= his grandfather's brother?
Father:Arthur Sigmund Newman, Sr
The NEWMAN-STERN CO. was one of the nation's largest and best-known sporting-goods stores. The company began as the Electro-Set Co., organized in 1915 by brothers Arthur S. and JOSEPH S. NEWMAN† and Arnold L. Stern, which specialized in radio parts and electrical toys for boys.
NEWMAN, JOSEPH SIMON (6 Dec. 1891-10 Nov. 1960) earned his living as a founder of the NEWMAN-STERN CO. and gained renown as a writer of light verse. Born in New London, O., he was the son of
Hannah (from Poland) and Simon (from Hungary)
who soon brought him to Cleveland.
Hannah and Simon were raising a remarkably creative and successful group of offspring. Their hat shop, for in-stance, would one day be immortalized in 1943 in Polly Poppingay, Milliner, a popular chapter book for children written by GertrudeNewman, who by then had already published another children’s book, The Story of Delicia, a Rag Doll.
Lillian, too, was a writer, producing verse in Yiddish. Ottile would become a schoolteacher and go on tohead the drama group at the Euclid Avenue Temple, probably the most prominent synagogue in Cleveland; one of her sons, Richard Newman Campen, would graduate from Dartmouth College andforge a career as a noted historian of midwestern art and architecture.
List of Hungarian American Actors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hungarian_Americans
Hungary in Hollywood: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls009555763/
Trivia, From the Tony Curtis Autobiography.
Tony's father, Emanuel Schwartz, wanted to be an electrician. Emanuel's father took him 150 miles by donkey & buggy from Mateszalka to Budapest to an Electrician to become his apprentice. When they got there the Electric shop was closed so He took Emanuel next door to the tailor and made him the tailor's apprentice. "But papa, I want to be an electrician...can't we wait one more day?" "No, I have to get back...and this donkey will never make the trip twice!"
Emanuel the tailor, made his way to New York, America, where he met Tony's mother, Helen, also a Hungarian refugee....They were married in 1924.
Tony Curtis spoke only Hungarian until he was 6...in the street he learned Yiddish & English, but Hungarian was his mother tongue. For the rest of his life he loved all things Hungarian ...he loved to go to Hungarian Restaurants and would to join in the conversations whenever he heard the language spoken.
RE: Who knows anything about ?Freischberger= his grandfather's brother?
What did you need?
My wife Rosie's family is related to everyone in the world...and
Indirectly to Peter Lorre:
Emanuel Winkler her husband →
Emma Freischberger his sister →
Bernhard Bernat Freischberger
her husband → Leopold Freischberger
his father → ? Freischberger
his father → ? Freischberger
his brother → Ladislaus Laszlo Freischberger
his son → Elvira Löwenstein
his daughter → Peter Lorre
her son
In addition to many actors of Hungarian descent...the Famous Hungarian Directors & Producers are a who's Who of Hollywood:
* George Cukor - film director
* Michael Curtiz (né Kertesz) - director of Casablanca (Academy Award)
* Joe Eszterhas - screenwriter ( Basic Instinct, Flashdance )
* William Fox (producer) - founder of 20th Century Fox
* Alexander Korda - director
* László Kovács (cinematographer) - cinematographer ( Easy Rider )
* George Pal - director, producer, cinematographer
* Sam Raimi - film director, producer and brother of Ted Raimi
* Andrew G. Vajna - movie producer, co-founder of Carolco Pictures.
Rambo, Terminator, Basic Instinct, Total Recall, Evita )
* Vilmos Zsigmond - cinematographer, Academy Award winner ( Close Encounters of the Third Kind )
* Adolph Zukor - founder of Paramount Pictures
* William S. Darling - designer, 3 Oscar awards
* Joe Pasternak - producer of Universal Studios
* King Wallis Vidor, American film producer, screen writer and film director. * Charles Vidor refugee of 1848 Hungarian Revolution.
* André de Toth - film director
* Steven Spielberg - Jewish Hungarian ancestors
Bela Lugosi had birthday on 20 October.
Béla Ferenc Dezső Blaskó (20 October 1882 – 16 August 1956), better known as Bela Lugosi, was a Hungarian-American actor, famous for portraying Count Dracula in the original 1931 film and for his roles in various other horror films.
Perhaps we can make a project from this issue
GOOD IDEA, altough we have so many projects and few talks.....
notable citizens of the United States of Hungarian ethnic or national origin or descent, whether partial or full.
▼ American people of Hungarian descent
► Hungarian emigrants to the United States
► Hungarian expatriates in the United States
► Hungarian-American history
► American people of Hungarian-Jewish descent
► American people of Hungarian-Romani descent
► American people of Hungarian-Romanian descent
► Warhola family
I would like to discuss about the immigrants of 1849.,
e.g. Perczel Mór Perczel de Bonyhád there are open questions there e.g. wives(s) of Sándor Perczel de Bonyhád, bonyhádi: Anna Némethy; Emilia Berecz who knows about them?
and the many children - think he had 19 and in his profiles are much more....
chat about Diaspora
e.g. on October 4, 2015 at 2:04 pm in
http://hungarianfreepress.com/2015/10/04/is-george-pataki-denying-h... about George Pataki, Governor grandson of János Josef Pataki Birth: June 15, 1883 Kopocsapati, Hungary
kell-e szégyenkeznünk? do we have to shame us?
szerintem még akkor sem, ha történetesen rokonunk is (we are connected) but we can not be proud.
George Pataki, Governor conveniently forgot about the Hungarian grandparents. (btw the Governor is Viktor Mihály Orbán's uncle's wife's husband's first cousin's husband's uncle's wife's fourth cousin thrice removed's wife's fourth great grandson's wife's first cousin.)
The Hungarian American Coalition immediately issued a Facebook warning: “Gov. Pataki, you only mentioned your Irish and Italian grandparents on Morning Joe this morning. If you count on Hungarian-American votes, don’t forget to mention your Hungarian ancestry next time!” (Watch Gov. Pataki after 4th minute.)
To be honest, I don’t blame Pataki. He knows well that his Hungarian background won’t bring votes, in fact the Orbán Government’s reputation is so horrific that he might actually lose supporters. His fellow republican, Senator John McCain has called Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán “a neo-Fascist dictator” and Pataki also knows that most Hungarian Americans are registered democrats and they won’t be eligible to vote in closed primary states.
On September 29 the Hungarian American Coalition hosted its annual Gala Dinner in Washington DC at the House of Sweden. Gov. Pataki was there and assured his pals that he is extremely proud of his Hungarian grandparents. Of course he did so behind closed doors, not on cable television in the middle of an election campaign!
A common thinking is started with Private User about people who started new life in Australia. (http://www.geni.com/projects/German-settlement-in-Australia/16515 and http://www.geni.com/discussions/132806?msg=1057074#reply). He has his origin in Mecklenburg- Germany but also from Austria-Hungary. One question is immigrants vs. settlement : where in the project structure should we collect communities of amigrated nationalities.
Each country with a significant Hungarian population probably has an Association similar to this one.
The American Hungarian Foundation & Museum:
This fact is certainly surprising! Cleveland was at one time the city with the second largest population of Hungarians in the world (after Budapest).
Theodore von Kármán May 11, 1881 – May 6, 1963)
He is regarded as the outstanding aerodynamic theoretician of the twentieth century.
Von Karman was a Hungarian-American mathematician, aerospace engineer and physicist who was active primarily in the fields of aeronautics and astronautics. He is responsible for many key advances in aerodynamics, notably his work on supersonic and hypersonic airflow characterization.
Von Kármán was born into a Jewish family in Budapest, Austria-Hungary as Kármán Tódor. One of his ancestors was Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel.
He studied engineering at the city's Royal Joseph Technical University, known today as Budapest University of Technology and Economics. After graduating in 1902 he moved to Germany and joined Ludwig Prandtl at the University of Göttingen, and received his doctorate in 1908. He taught at Göttingen for four years. In 1912 accepted a position as director of the Aeronautical Institute at RWTH Aachen, one of the country's leading universities. His time at RWTH Aachen was interrupted by service in the Austro-Hungarian Army 1915–1918, where he designed an early helicopter. He is believed to have founded the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in September 1922 by organizing its first conference in Innsbruck.
In 1944 he and others affiliated with GALCIT founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which is now a Federally funded research and development center managed and operated by Caltech under a contract from NASA.
In 1946 he became the first chairman of the Scientific Advisory Group which studied aeronautical technologies for the United States Army Air Forces. He also helped found AGARD, the NATO aerodynamics research oversight group (1951), the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (1956), the International Academy of Astronautics (1960), and the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics in Brussels (1956).
Private User, FARKAS Mihály László, Gábor Balogh, Dr. Bakay Mária (C), Private User
Would it be possible to find sources to verify the Hungarian ancestral family of Louis C.K. who is considered one of the greatest stand up comedians of all time?
According to Wikipedia his grandfather was Dr. Geza Székely Schweiger/Schweitzer, a surgeon.
Dr. Geza’s parents are listed at another site as Mauricio Szekely and Ana Schweiger/Schweitzer?
If the tree could be verified and traced even further back it would be wonderful!
Louis Székely] (born September 12, 1967), known professionally as Louis C.K., is an American comedian, actor, writer, producer, director, and editor. He is the creator, star, writer, director, executive producer, and primary editor of the acclaimed FX comedy-drama series Louie.
After an early childhood spent in Mexico City (his father is a Mexican-Hungarian economist, his mother an Irish-American computer programmer), Louis moved to Massachusetts; when his parents divorced, his mom raised Louis and three siblings on her own.
(1) C.K. was born in Washington, D.C.,the son of Mary Louise Székely (née Davis), a software engineer, and Luis Székely, an economist.
C.K.’s parents met at Harvard University, where his mother was completing her degree in a summer-school program. They were married at St. Francis Church in Traverse City, Michigan. C.K. has three sisters.
C.K.'s paternal uncle Dr. Francisco Székely is an academic and an international consultant on environmental affairs who served as Mexico's Deputy Minister of Environment (2000–2003).
(2) C.K.’s paternal grandfather, Dr. Geza Székely Schweiger, was a surgeon.
Székely Schweiger was a Hungarian Jew whose family immigrated to Mexico, where he met C.K.'s paternal grandmother, Rosario Sánchez Morales.
Sánchez Morales was a Catholic Mexican.C.K.'s grandfather agreed to have his children raised Catholic, but was (according to C.K.) "quietly Jewish".
(3) Louis’s paternal grandparents were Geza Székely Schweiger/Schweitzer (the son of Mauricio Szekely and Ana Schweiger/Schweitzer) and Rosario Sánchez Morales (the daughter of ? Sánchez and ? Morales).
C.K.'s mother grew up on a farm in Michigan. She graduated from Owosso High School in Owosso, Michigan. She attended University of Michigan and graduated from Ohio State University Phi Beta Kappa.
C.K.'s maternal grandparents were M. Louise Davis and Alfred C. Davis.
At age seven, C.K. left Mexico with his family to move back to the United States and settle in Boston.
C.K.'s parents divorced and when he remarried, C.K.'s father converted to Orthodox Judaism, the faith of his new wife.
C.K. has said that his father's whole family still lives in Mexico.
Louis has said that his paternal grandfather did not tell his paternal grandmother that he was Jewish (until, presumably, a later stage in their relationship). Louis’s father was raised Catholic, and so was Louis. Later in life, Louis’s father converted to Judaism (the faith of Louis’s stepmother).
Louis’s mother has Irish and German ancestry. She was also raised Catholic.
Louis’s maternal grandfather was Alfred C. Davis (the son of John Parker Davis and Amelia Martin). Alfred was born in Michigan, to Canadian parents. John’s father was Irish.
Louis’s maternal grandmother was Margaret Louise Andree (the daughter of Alwin Ewald Andree and Lana L.). Alwin was born in Michigan, to Ewald Andree and Augusta Wilde, and was of German origin. Lana was born in Michigan, to a Canadian mother.
Kármán Tódor mellett sok zseniális tudós (matematikus, atomfizikus, vegyész . . .) származik Magyarországról. A "marslakók" nagy része (Gábor, Kármán, Kemény, Neumann, Szilárd, Teller, Wigner) Budapestről, méghozzá az Új-Lipótvárosból jutott el a világhírig.
Remek olvasmány szól róluk és a "hollywoodi" magyarokról:
( "A magyarok Amerikában sokkal előbb megteremtették Hollywoodot, mielőtt az ennél ártalmatlanabb atombombát megcsinálták volna."
-Norman Macrea, az Economist főszerkesztője.)
Marx György: A marslakók legendája
(Olvasható a Természettudományi
és tudománytörténeti
dokumentumok e-könyvtárában.)
ex-ek a szinészvilágban:
Philippe Wiener de Croisset →,
Jacqueline De Croisset his wife→
Yul Brynner her ex-husband →
Marlene Dietrich his ex-partner→
Gary Cooper her ex-partner →
Lupe Vélez his ex-partner →
Johnny Weissmuller: her ex-husband
Hello everyone,
My name is Alexander Nagy Varga and I'm looking for information about my ancestors.
Dezsö Nagy Varga (my grandfather) was born in 1925 in the city of Sard (Sardu?) / Transilvania. In World War II, he fought as a field aspiring between the years 1938/40 and became a prisoner of war in Badablink field. Somehow, my grandfather went to Munchen and played in Munchen 1860 football team (refugees championship?) And we have the medal he won (the year 1947). He wanted to go to Australia along with his friends, but for some reason, he accepted an employment contract in Brazil. They left the port of Bremen with 800 people and arrived in Rio de Janeiro on 02.14.1949 and since then was, until his death in 2014.
About his grandfather Farkas Nagy Varga (grandfather's Dezsö) I just know he died in 1962 and he was "secretary of the woods" (I think it might be something like the environment) in Hungary. I think it's some kind of position of the government, my grandfather did just that and maybe someone here knows information about a job or something like that.
These are some of the information that I have about them. All help is very welcome. Thank you all for your time.
Alexander Nagy Varga.
To Alexander Nagy Varga: I suggest posting your question to the Ancestry message boards. (They're free.) Someone with an Ancestry account may be able to turn up something on Farkas. (As far as I know, Ancestry has the only genealogical records from what is now Romania that are available online.)
FamilySearch does have two immigration cards for Dezső: https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V1S4-XJB
The data on them is identical, but the numbers and signatures are not the same. I guess they were filled out and signed in duplicate?