A statement of the history of the men of Scotland begins here.
Two sons of Eochaid Munremar i. Erc and Olchu. Erc, moreover, had twelve sons i. six of them took possession of Scotland i. two Loarnds i. Loarnd Bec and Loarnd Mor, two Mac Nisses i. Mac Nisse Becc and Mac Nisse Mor, two Ferguses i. Fergus Bec and Fergus Mor. Six others in Ireland i. Mac Decill, Oengus, whose seed, however, is in Scotland, Enna, Bresal, Fiachra, Dubhthach. Others say that this Erc had another son who was called Muredoch.
Olchu, son of Eochaid Munremar, had, moreover, eleven sons who live in Murbolc in Dal Riata, Muredach bolc, Aed, Dare, Oengus, Tuathal, Anblomaid, Eochaid, Setna, Brian, Oinu, Cormac.
Fergus Mor, son of Erc, another name for Mac Nisse Mor, had one son i. Domangart. Domangart, moreover, had two sons i. Gabran and Comgell, two sons of Fedelm, daughter of Brion, son of Eocho Mugmedon. Comgell had one son i. Conall. Conall, moreover, had seven sons, i. Loingsech, Nechtan, Artan, Tuatan, Tutio, Corpri. Gabran, moreover, had five sons i. Aedan, Eoganan, Cuildach, Domnall, Domangart. Aedan had seven sons i. two Eochaids i. Eocho Bude and Eochaid Find, Tuathal, Bran, Baithine, Conaing, Gartnait. Eocho bude, son of Aedan, had, moreover, eight sons i. Domnall brecc and Domnall Dond, Conall Crandomna, Conall Becc, Connad Cerr, Failbe, Domangart, Cu-cen-mathair. Eochaid Find, moreover, had eight sons, i. Baetan, Predan, Pledan, Cormac, Cronan, Feradach, Fedlimid, Capleni. These are the sons of Conaing, son of Aedan i. Rigallan, Ferchar, Artan, Artur, Dondchad, Domungart, Nechtan, Nem, Crumine. Four sons of Gartnait, son of Aedan, i........ two sons of Tuathal, son of Morgand, son of Eochaid Find, son of Aedan, son of Gabran.
Fergus Bec, moreover, son of Erc; his brother killed him. He had one son i. Setna, from whom are the Cenel Conchride in Islay i. Conchriath son of Bolc, son of Setna, son of Fergus Bec, son of Erc, son of Eochaid Munremar.
Oengus Mar and Loarnd and MacNisse Mar, these are the three sons of Erc.
Oengus Mar, son of Erc, had two sons, i. Nadsluaig and Fergna. Fergna had seven sons i. Thathal, Aed, Letho, Rigan, Fiacha, Guaire, Cantand, Eochu. Nadsluaig, moreover, had two sons i. Barrfhind and Caplene. Two sons of Barrfhind i. Nem and Tulchan. Tulchan had four sons i. Cronan, Breccan, Daman, Conmend. Others say that this same Barrfhind son of Nadsluaig had four sons, i. Aedan, Luagaid, Crumine, Gentene, who is also called Nem. Barrfhind, son of Nadsluaig, had three sons, Lugiad, Conall, Galan, a Cruthnech his mother. It is they who divided land in Islay.
Oengus Becc, moreover, son of Erc, had one son i. Muridach.
A cet treb in Islay, twenty houses, Freg a hundred and twenty houses, Rois sixty houses, ros Deorand thirty houses, Ard hEs thirty houses, Loch Rois thirty houses, Ath Cassil thirty there, Cenel nOengusa thirty houses, Callann.... But small are the feranna of the houses of the Cenel nOengusa i. thirty-one feranna. The expeditionary force, moreover, for sea-voyaging, two seven-benchers from them in an expedition.
They are the three thirds of Dal Riata i. Cenel nGabrain, Cenel nOengusa, Cenel Loairnd Moir.
These are the sons of Loarnd Mor i. Eochaid, Cathbad, Muredach, Fuindenam, Fergus Salach, Dau, Maine. Others say that Loarnd had only three sons i. Fergus Salach, Muredach, Maine. They are the three thirds of the Cenel Loairnd i. Cenel Shalaig, Cenel Cathbath, Cenel nEchdach,Cenel Murerdaig. Cenel Fergusa Shalaig has sixty houses. The expeditionary force of the Cenel Loairnd, seven hundred men, but the seventh hundred is from the Airgialla. If it be an expeditionary force, moreover, for sea-voyaging, two seven-benchers from every twenty houses of them. Five sons of Fergus Salach i. Coildub has thirty houses, Eogan Garb has thirty houses, his wife is Crodu, daughter of Dallan, son of Eogan, son of Niall, Fergna has fifteen houses, Eogan has five houses, Baitan has five houses. Muredach, son of Loarnd, had two sons, i. Cathdub and Eochaid. Eochaid, son of Muredach, moreover, had five sons, i. Ferdalach hs twenty houses, Baotan has twenty houses, cormac has twenty houses, Bledan and Cronan twenty houses between them. Three sons of Cathbad, moreover, i. Brenaind, Ainmire, Cronan.
A Hundred and fifty men, the ship expedition, went forth with the sons of erc, the third fifty was Corpri with his people.
This is the Cenel nGabrain, five hundred and sixty houses, Kintyre and Crich Chomgaill with its islands, two seven-benchers every twenty houss in a sea expedition.
Cenel nOengusa has four hundred and thirty houses, two seven-benchers every twenty houses in a sea expedition.
Cenel Loairnd has four hundred and twenty houses, two seven-benchers every twenty houses in a sea expedition.
It is thus throughout the three thirds of the Dal Raidda.
Genelaig Albanensium
(Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland)
mc culiuin
mc ilduib
mc ehausantin
mc aeda mc chinaeda
mc alpin m echach
mc aeda fhind
mc echach
mc domangairt
mc domnaill bricc
mc echach buide
mc aedain
mc gabrain
mc domangairt
mc fhergusa
mc eirc
mc Eochach Munremair mc Oengusa
mc fhergusa ulaig
mc fhiachach
mc thathmail
mc fhedlimid lamdoit
mc chingi
mc guaire
mc chindtai
mc chorpri rigfhotai
mc chonaire choem
mc moga lama
mc chorpri chrom chind
mc daire dorndmair
mc chorpri fhind moir
mc chonaire moir
mc etersceoil
mc eogain
mc ailella
mc iairm
mc dedad
mc shin m roshin
mc thrir
mc rothrir
mc airndil
mc mane
mc fhorgo
mc fheradaig
mc ailella eraind
mc fhiachach fhir mara
mc oengusa thurbig
mc themrach
Mael coluim
mc cinaeda
mc mael cholum
mc domnaill
mc chusantin
mc chinaeda (Cinaeda Mac Alpin, first King of the Scots)
mc alpin
Pedigree of the Cenel Gabrain
mc consamla
mc chanai gairb
mc gartnait
mc aedain
mc gabrain
Pedigree of Cenel Loairnd moir
mc fherchair fhotai
mc fheradaig
mc fhergusa
mc cholman
mc boetain
mc echdach
mc muredaig
mc loairnd mair
mc eirc
mc echach munremair
Pedigree of the Cenel Comgaill
mc domnaill
mc chathmai
mc ruadrach
mc fherchair
mc muredaig
mc boetain
mc nechtain
mc fherchair
mc fhingin
mc echdach
mc loingsig
mc chomgaill
mc domangairt
mc m nisse mair
mc eirc
mc echach munremair
Pedigree of the Cenel nOengusa
mc boidb
mc ronain
mc aedain
mc chableni
mc nadsluaig
mc ronain
mc oengusa
mc eirc
Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland
Rawlinson B. 502 (c. 1120 AD).
¶1696] Máel Coluim macc Cináeda m. Máel Coluim m. Domnaill m. Causantín m. Cináeda m. Alpín m. Echdach m. Áeda Find m. Domongairt m. Domnaill Bricc m. Echach Buidi{facsimile page & column 162d} m. Áedáin m. Gabráin m. Domongairt m. Fergusa m. h-Eircc m. Echdach Muinremuir m. Óengusa Fir m. Feideilmid m. Óengusa m. Feideilmid m. Cormaicc m. Croithluithe m. Find Féicce m. Achir m. Echdach m. Fiachach m. Feidelmid m. Cincce m. Guaire m. Cintae m. Coirpri Rigfhota m. Conaire Cáem m. Lugdach m. Cairpri Chrommchinn m. Dáire Dornmáir m. Cairpre m. Conaire Móir m. Eterscéla m. Éogain m. Ailella Áin m. h-Éir m. Dedad m. Sin m. Roshin m. Triir m. Rothriir m. Airnnil m. Maine m. Forggo m. Feradaig m. Ailella Érann m. Fiachach Fir Mara m. Óengusa Turbich Temra m. Echach Altlethain m. Fir Cetharraid m. Fir Raith m. Fir Anaraith m. Fir Almaich m. Láebchuire m. Ailella Casfiaclaich m. Conlaíd m. h- Irero m. Meilge m. Cobthaich m. Úgaine Máir m. Echach Buadaig m. Duach Ladcrai &rl.