George Aldrich, Jr. - George Adrich 1605 1692

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This is by Marcus M. Aldrich, Mendon, MA, 1908:

George Aldrich

The first learned of George Aldrich is of his marriage, September 3, 1629, to Katherine Seald, and as about three years later he emigrated to America from Derbyshire, England, It is presumed that Derbyshire was where the marriage took place. The first found of him in America is In 1654, when a one-acre houselot was set off to him in Dorchester. Houselots In those days were generally larger than an acre, but as George Aldrich was a tailor by trade, the smallness of his houselot is explained. Whether he built a house on this one-acre lot we do not know; neither is it known how long was his stay in Dorchester, but it was for some little time at least, for we find that both he and his wife Katherine became member of the Dorchester church. In 1640 we find our ancestor in the town of Braintree as owner of about eight acres of land with buildings, and as he came from Braintree when coming to Mendon, and the births of the greater part of his children are' recorded there, it is presumed that from 1640, or thereabouts, to 1663, Braintree was his home."

"As stated above, George Aldrich was a tailor, and it is concluded that it was by this trade he gained subsistence, for with but one acre of land at Dorchester and only eight at Braintree, it would appear that he was paying but little attention to agriculture. It is also found that of sons, John and. Peter, thus leaving him with but thirteen and one-third acres in his home lot. As he was about 60 years of age when coming to Mendon it is doubtful about his ever engaging much in farming here. The authorities who had the matter in charge, fixed for the rule of settling the new township of Mendon, that those who had been accepted as worthy to become members of the seemingly select company should reach the new territory before the seventh month, 1665, and, as stated above, Ferdinando Thayer and George Aldrich were among the first to comply with this requirement."

"At Mendon George Aldrich had a houselot set off to him a little southerly of the present Mendon village, which lot today comprises the southerly portion of the Gilbert Gaskill farm; and the house where George Aldrich lived, and some three or four generations after him, must have stood, in the vicinity of the Gilbert Gaskill vegetable garden, opposite the Gaskill house."

"Until 1786 the homestead of George Aldrich was in the hands of his descendants. At this time Rev. Caleb Alexander, the sixth settled minister of Mendon, bought the ancient Aldrich homestead, together with the John Harber houselot, (which sometime previous had come Into possession of Stephen Aldrich, a great grandson of the first George) the above-mentioned Gaskill house being situated on the John Harber houselot."

"George Aldrich had eleven children, all of whom were born before his coming to Mendon, his youngest, son, Jacob, being seven years old at that time. George died In Mendon "arch 1, 1682 and his wife Katherine Jan. II, 1692. His first child., Abel, was probably born In England, and. as I find no trace of him or his birth date, it is concluded that he died there. Joseph, his second child, married Patience Osborne and came to Mendon with his father, he also becoming a proprietor. Joseph's houselot of 20 acres comprised the northerly portion of the N. R. George farm, extending across the road and taking in the southerly portion of the present home place of Julius A. George. The house of Joseph Aldrich stood in the vicinity of where our former village blacksmith, the late John Barry, lived and died. Joseph Aldrich stayed in Mendon until about the time of his father's death in 1682 when he removed to what is now Smithfield, Rhode Island, in which state many of his descendants are still found, including the Hon. Nelson W. Aldrich, the financial leader of the United States Senate, whose daughter married John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Joseph Aldrich was of the Quaker faith and tradition has It that on this account his house was spared at the burning of the town in 1676 by King Philip's warriors. The next three of George Aldrich's children all died young. John, the sixth child, married Sarah Thompson, daughter of John and Sarah Thompson of Mendon. He had a third part of his father's houselot and may properly be termed a proprietor. His lot of 15 1/3 acres comprised the southerly portion of the said N. R. George farm and his house is supposed to have been In the vicinity of where the Nathan George "yellow house" so called, formerly stood, In front of the town's burying ground. John Aldrich removed from Mendon to Bridgewater about the time of the King Philip war, where he is supposed to have lived until his death. "

"Peter, the eighth child, has not been positively traced but he is believed to have removed to Long Island and become the progenitor of the Aldrich branch who for many generations have existed there. Mercy, the ninth child, married John Randall, a son of Robert Randall of Weymouth, and as the births of some of their children are recorded in Mendon, it is evident that they lived here for a while at least. It is found, however, that they subsequently removed to Weymouth and spent their days on his father Robert's farm. Martha, the eleventh child of George Aldrich, married John Dunbar, and while they had a son born in Mendon, I have gained no further knowledge of them worthy of mention."

"I will now go back to the tenth child, Jacob, who married Ferdinando Thayer's daughter Huldah, and from here on the title of my paper, "The Thayer-Aldrich Tribe" applies. Jacob Aldrich and Huldah Thayer were married November 5, 1675 and in the main it will be upon their descendants that the remainder of this paper will treat. Jacob settled in Mendon on the Aldrich homestead which was bequeathed to him by his father, and while I do not wish to speak disparagingly of my own side of the house, I feel forced to admit that of the innumerable descendants of Jacob Aldrich and Huldah Thayer the Thayer blood has predominated. They had a family of twelve children, the most of whom grew to adult age. To six of their sons sixty-five children were born, and with eighteen children born to their daughters, eighty-three grand children are credited to Jacob Aldrich and Huldah Thayer."

[Turner, Prettyman, York Family tree.FTW]

They came to America November 6, 1631, first setting in Dorchester,Mass., and then in
Braintree. In 1663 they came to the region which was incorporated four years later as Mendon. George Aldrich was a tailor both he and his wife died in Mendon
A tablet in founder's Park lists George Aldrich as the second settler of Mendon.

Abbrev: Aldrich
Title: George Aldrich Genealogy (1971), Vol. 1, pp. 27-36.
Author: Alvin James Aldrich
Text: A tablet in founder's Park lists George Aldrich as the second settlerof Mendon
Page: Vol. 1, pp. 27-36


PROBATE: Suffolk County, MA Probate Records, FHLC film #584128
Vol. 6, page 868 (original page 531) The wording, spelling are retained here.
1631, November 6- Came to America from Derbyshire, England.

Fisrt settled in Dorchester, MA- he was made a freeman there 7 December 1636, then Braintree, MA.

1663, 7th Month- One of the first six pioneers who settled in the territory which was incorporated as the town of Mendon, MA in 1667.
1631, November 6- Came to America from Derbyshire, England.

Fisrt settled in Dorchester, MA- he was made a freeman there 7 December 1636, then Braintree, MA.

1663, 7th Month- One of the first six pioneers who settled in the territory which was incorporated as the town of Mendon, MA in 1667.
George Aldrich (1), the immigrant ancestor was born in Derbyshire, England. He sailed from England, November 6, 1631, and settled at Dorchester, Massachusetts. He was admitted a freeman December 7, 1636, and in the same year he and his wife Katherine joined the Dorchester church. His wife deposed June 18, 1670, that she was about sixty years old.
George Aldrich, M ;Birth: 1605 in London, England
Death: 1 MAR 1681/82 in Mendon, Massachusetts, USA
Source:t 14 AUG 2008 (from George Larson II, M.A,

Father: George Aldrich
Mother: Joan Thurgood

Marriage 1 Katherine Seald b: 1610

He settled in Mendon in 1663, having lived some years in the meantime in Braintree. He sold his land there to Richard Thayer, of Braintree, June 9, 1663. He was a tailor by trade. His will was dated at Mendon, November f, 1682, and proved April 26, 1683. He bequeathed to wife, to children Joseph, John. Jacob, Mary, Sarah Bartlett, Mercy Randall and Martha Dunbar. He died March 1, 1682-83.

He married, September 3, 1629, Catharine Seald, Their twelve children:

Joseph, born June 4, 1635, married Patience Osborne;
Mary, baptized 1637;
Miriam, buried January 27, 1640;
Experience, born February 2, 1642, at Braintree;
John, born April 2, 1644;
Sarah, born January 6, 1646, married Bartlett;
Peter, born April 14, 1648;
Mercy, born June 17, 1650, married Randall;
Miriam, born .March 16, 1652;
Jacob, born February 28, 1653, of whom later;
Martha, born July 10, 1656.
Source: SEE Curtis Bean
1320865 Item 3

Format: Books/Monographs (With Film) Language: English Publication:
Cedar Rapids, Iowa : A.J. Aldrich, c1971-c1982 (Decorah, Iowa :
Anundsen Publishing) Physical: 6 v. : ill., coat of arms, facsims.,
maps, ports.

The Aldrich Family Genealogy by Ralph E. & Pearl L. Aldrich Ralph E. (1902-1984) - - Pearl L. (1903 _ 1991).

Bibliography at the Aldrich Family Genealogy Page.

Top of Page

Notes, Questions, Errata
Our Aldriches in the 1778 Census
See this recap of our Aldriches in the 1778 censuses taken by the British
Identity of Wives?

Biography from: Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of Worchester County vol 2, Pp 40-1
"ALDRICH FAMILY. George Aldrich (1), was the immigrant ancestor of the Aldrich family of Mendon and Uxbridge. The name was spelled Aldridge and Oldridge in the early records, and some branches of the family still prefer the spelling Aldridge, but the famous Rhode Island family and the descendants in Worcester county, Massachusetts, have for many generations adopted the spelling Aldrich.

George Aldrich was born in Derbyshire, England, about 1605. He was a tailor by trade. He sailed for America, November 6, 1631. He married in England, September 3, 1620, Catherine Seald. She was born in 1610 according to her deposition made June 18, 1670, when she gave her age as sixty years. Aldrich was admitted a freeman December 7, 1636. He settled first in Dorchester, Massachusetts, and he, with his wife Catherine, was member of the Dorchester Church in 1636. He lived in Braintree from about 1640 to 1663, when he settled in Mendon, one of the first seven settlers. He sold his place at Braintree to Richard Thayer, June 9, 1663. He died at Mendon, March 1, 1682. His wife died there January 11, 1691.

His will was dated at Mendon, November 2, 1682, and was proved April 26, 1683. He bequeathed to his wife and to children: Joseph, John, Jacob, Mary Bartlett, Mercy Randall and Martha Dunbar.

Children of George and Catherine (Seald) Aldrich were: Abel; Joseph, ancestor of Senator Aldrich and the Rhode Island family, married Patience Osborne; he was born June 4, 1635; Mary; Miriam, buried at Braintree, January 27, 1640; Experience, died at Braintree, February 2, 1642. The following children were born at Braintree: John, April 2, 1644; Sarah, January 16, 1646, married (???) Bartlett; Peter, April 14, 1648; Mercy, June 17, 1650, married (???) Randall; Miriam, March 16, 1652; Jacob. February 28, 1653, of whom later; Mattithiah (as the old clerk chose to spell Martha), July 10, 1656, married (???) Dunbar."

On-Line Biographies
George Aldrich at the Aldrich Page. A transcription of a piece of a work by Marcus M. Aldrich, Mendon, MA, 1908.

Notable Kin

See Notable Aldrich Kin Page, which includes:
William Howard Taft - President of the US
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller - Vice President under Ford (his Comstock cousin)

Sources and Resources

Aldrich, Alvin James. The George Aldrich genealogy, 1605-1977 : an attempt to trace, in both the male and the female lines, the posterity of George Aldrich who came from Derbyshire, County Derby, England, in the year 1631, to Dorchester, Colony of Massachusetts, also a genealogical account of the descendants of John and Sarah (Aldrich) Bartlett. -- [Decorah, Iowa : Printed by the Anundsen Pub. Co.], 1971-1988. 6 v. : ill. ; 24 cm. Vol. 6 has title: The George Aldrich genealogy, 1605-1988. (title a.e.) George Aldrich genealogy, 1605-1988. Vol. 3-6 published in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, by the author. Includes indexes. 1. Aldridge family. I. Title. CS71.A375 1971 929'.2'0973 78-167700 AACR 2 Genealogies by the Library of Congress since 1986 Section I
Available on LDS Films:
Vol. 1
1320650 Item 5
Vol. 2
1035613 Item 2
Vol. 3
1036334 Item 4
Vol. 4
1035613 Item 3
Vol. 5
1035613 Item 4
Vol. 6
1320865 Item 3

Format: Books/Monographs (With Film) Language: English Publication:
Cedar Rapids, Iowa : A.J. Aldrich, c1971-c1982 (Decorah, Iowa :
Anundsen Publishing) Physical: 6 v. : ill., coat of arms, facsims.,
maps, ports.

The Aldrich Family Genealogy by Ralph E. & Pearl L. Aldrich Ralph E. (1902-1984) - - Pearl L. (1903 _ 1991).

Bibliography at the Aldrich Family Genealogy Page.

Our Aldriches in the 1778 Census
See this recap of our Aldriches in the 1778 censuses taken by the British
Identity of Wives?

Related Links:

The Aldrich Family Association Page
Aldrich GenForum

Rootsweb Aldrich Surname Page

Surname Web - Aldrich

The Aldredge/Aldrich Page

Aldrich One-List at One List

Comprehensive Aldrich Outline Descendant Chart - (No sources given)
material from this excellent site:
Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998 by Norris M. Taylor, Jr.
George Aldrich was born in England and married Katherine Seald Aldrich in England on Sep 3, 1629. They emigrated from England to Dorchester, MA on Nov 6, 1631.

George and Katherine had 11 children: Abel, Joseph, Mary, Miriam, Experience, John, Sarah, Peter, Mercy, Jacob (my lineage), and Mattithiah (or possibly, Martha - records are not clear).

Jacob Aldrich was born in Braintree on Dec 12, 1652 and died in Mendon on Oct 22, 1695.

"God brought me to America from Derbyshire, England, 6 November in the year 1631." These are the words of George Aldrich, the progenitor of the American Aldrich race.

He was made freeman of the Massachusetts Bay Colony on December 07, 1636 in Dorchester, MA. Only freemen could vote and hold office and church membership was a prerequisite for being granted freeman status.

In 1639 - "Goodman Oldriges was received the gift of a vyolette coat from the estate of Judith Smead."

On 2/24/1640, land was granted by the general Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony to George Aldrich and several others all of Monaticott, Mount Wollaston.

He lived in Braintree in 1644. The Suffolk County Register of Deeds has an entry for 6/9/1663 " George Aldridge, tailor, and Katherine his wife sold to Richard Thayer for £30 one dwelling houseat Montreol in Braintree 2 orchards 8 acres bounded east and west on Richard Thayer North on Joseph Crosky South on Montreol River (this property was situated near the present site of Monsons Mills).

In 1663, before the seventh month came to the territory which in 1667 was incorporated into a town and called Mendon. He became one of the first pioneers of the town along with 6 other men.

"...George Aldrich was a tailor, and it is concluded that it was by this trade he gained subsistence, for with but one acre of land at Dorchester and only eight at Braintree, it would appear that he was paying but little attention to agriculture. It is also found that of sons, John and. Peter, thus leaving him with but 13 1/3 acres in his home lot. As he was about 60 years of age when coming to Mendon it is doubtful about his ever engaging much in farming here. The authorities who had the matter in charge, fixed for the rule of settling the new township of Mendon, that those who had been accepted as worthy to become members of the seemingly select company should reach the new territory before the seventh month, 1665, and, as stated above, Ferdinando Thayer and George Aldrich were among the first to comply with this requirement."

"There is a huge unmarked boulder, in The Old Cemetery in Mendon, Ma. and many throughout the years have written George1 is buried under this boulder.. The reasoning being that George's land abutted the Old Cemetery and it was the natural location to inter his remains. Also other Aldrich's are buried near that site. However, in Uxbridge, Ma., (once part of Mendon, ) on the corner of Glendale Rd. & Aldrich St. is an old Cook/Aldrich Historic Cemetery."

"At the entrance of this cemetery stands a Memorial stone & large plaque that was erected by descendants of the first George and his son, Jacob, and this plaque reads, " Buried Here <nowiki>----------</nowiki>" George Aldrich, Jacob Aldrich, Seth Aldrich, Samuel Aldrich, lyman Aldrich, Sylvanus Bucklin Aldrich, Edward Irving Aldrich and that this Burying Ground was restored by Richard Stoddard Aldrich 1955; 8th in direct line of George Aldrich."

"The question is, did the family of George drive 10 miles in 1683 to bury George in Uxbridge (then also Mendon) or did they go less than a half mile and inter his remains in the Old Cemetery, that abutted his land????"

"This question will probably never be answered in our life time nor any other... I believe the Uxbridge Memorial plaque to be just that; a Memorial Plaque to George & Jacob erected by his descendant and his remains are probably under the boulder in the Old Cemetery in Mendon.. " [Written for " Pickering Pitchforks" May-1994 by Alice Pickering Palladini].
[Aldrich National Association website, ].
George Aldrich
"Our Aldrich Family, compiled by Mildred Aldrich Chambers, 1986 : Self Published" and "Some Ancestral Lines : A Record of Some of the Ancestors of Guilford Solon Tingley and his wife Martha Pamela Meyers" Raymon Meyers Tingley, Rutland, VT : The Tuttle Publishing Co., Inc., 1935
History of Berlin Connecticut by Catherine M. North, pg. 145
George Aldrich, 1605 - 1683 "God brought me to America from Derbyshire,
England, November 6, 1631." These are the words of George Aldrich, the
progenitor of the American Aldrich race, and in which his unqualified
faith In the over-ruling power of God In all things is clearly
expressed. George Aldrich was born at Derbyshire, England and was
christened in 1605. He married Katherine Seald September 3, 1629, in
Derbyshire. They came to America in November 1631 probably on the ship
Lyon, first settling in Dorchester, Mass. On February 24, 1640, he was
granted a 20-acre parcel of land in Mt. Wollaston, which became Braintree
that same year. In 1663 they came to the region which was incorporated
four years later as Mendon. George and his family were among the seven
proprietor families of Mendon. The family may have moved to Swansea for a
few years, returning to Mendon by 1680. George Aldrich's occupation was
a tailor. He was about 60 years of age when coming to Mendon. The rule of
settling the new township of Mendon was those who had been accepted as
worthy to become members of the seemingly select company should reach the
new territory before the seventh month, 1665, and Ferdinando Thayer and
George Aldrich were among the first to comply with this requirement. At
Mendon George Aldrich had a houselot set off to him a little southerly of
the present Mendon village, which lot later comprised the southerly
portion of the Gilbert Gaskill farm; and the house where George
Aldrich lived, and some three or four generations after him. Until
1786 the homestead of George Aldrich was in the hands of his
descendants. A tablet in Founders' Park in Mendon, Worchester county, MA
lists George Aldrich among the proprietors. George Aldrich had eleven
children, all of whom were born before his coming to Mendon, his
youngest, son, Jacob, being seven years old at that time.
George Aldrich & Katherine emigrated to the new world 11/6/1631. They settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts where their first three children were born. They then moved to Braintree where they had the remainder of their family. In 1663, George moved his family to Mendon as one of the founders of the town.
Name: George ALDRICH
Given Name: George
Surname: ALDRICH
Suffix: ("the Immigrant")
Sex: M
_UID: 7682DA61A3E9D645A684DDCEE49232075EF8
Change Date: 13 JUL 2003
Birth: ABT 1600 in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England, UK

from SAVAGE:

ALDRIDGE, or ALDRICH, GEORGE, Dorchester, freem. 7 Dec. 1636, by w. Catharine had, beside Miriam, bur. 27 Jan. 1640; and Experience, wh. d. 2 Feb. 1642; and at Braintree, John, b. 2 Apr. 1644; Sarah, 16 Jan. 1646; Peter, 14 Apr. 1648; Mercy, 17 June 1650; Miriam, again, wh. d. 1 Dec. 1651, or 10 Mar. 1602, as the rec. reads; Jacob, 28 Feb. 1653; and Mattithiab, 10 July 1656. He was one of the first sett. at Mendon, 1663.



George Aldrich was born at Derbyshire, England, in about 1605. He is said to be the son of George Aldrich and Joan Thurgood. He married Katherine Seald September 3, 1629, in Derbyshire. She was born in about 1610. They came to America in November 1631 probably on the ship Lyon, first settling in Dorchester, Mass. On February 24, 1640, he was granted a 20-acre parcel of land in Mt. Wollaston, which became Braintree that same year. In 1663 they came to the region which was incorporated four years later as Mendon. George and his family were among the seven proprietor families of Mendon. The family may have moved to Swansea for a few years, returning to Mendon by 1680. George Aldrich was a tailor. He died March 1, 1683 and his wife Katherine died January 11, 1691, both in Mendon. A tablet in Founders' Park in Mendon lists George Aldrich among the proprietors.


1 2 3
Immigration: ABT NOV 1631 Dorchester, Suffolk, MA U. S. A. 2
Event: one of the first settlers of Mendon, MA Misc 1663 2
Death: BET 2 NOV 1682 AND 26 APR 1683 in Mendon, Worcester, MA U. S. A. 2
Will: 2 NOV 1682 Mendon, Worcester, MA U. S. A.
Marriage 1 Katherine SEALD b: ABT 1610 in Derbyshire, England, UK

Married: 3 NOV 1629 in Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK


Has No Children Abel ALDRICH
Has No Children Joseph ALDRICH b: 4 JUN 1635 in Dorchester, Dorset, England, UK
Has No Children Mary ALDRICH
Has No Children Miriam ALDRICH
Has No Children Experience ALDRICH
Has No Children John ALDRICH b: 2 APR 1644 in Mendon, Worcester, MA U. S. A.
Has Children Sarah ALDRICH b: 16 JAN 1644 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA U. S. A.
Has No Children Peter ALDRICH
Has No Children Mercy ALDRICH
Has No Children Miriam ALDRICH
Has No Children Jacob ALDRICH
Has No Children Mariam ALDRICH
Has No Children Martha ALDRICH

"George Aldrich was born at Derbyshire, England, in about 1605. He is said to be the son of George Aldrich and Joan Thurgood. He married Katherine Seald September 3, 1629, in Derbyshire. She was born in about 1610. They came to America in November 1631 probably on the ship Lyon, first settling in Dorchester, Suffolk Co., MA On February 24, 1640, he was granted a 20-acre parcel of land in Mt. Wollaston, which became Braintree that same year. In 1663 they came to the region which was incorporated four years later as Mendon. George and his family were among the seven proprietor families of Mendon. The family may have moved to Swansea for a few years, returning to Mendon by 1680.

"George Aldrich was a tailor. He died March 1, 1683 and his wife Katherine died January 11, 1691, both in Mendon.

"A tablet in Founders' Park in Mendon lists George Aldrich among the proprietors."
Harl Preslar Aldrich, A Branch of the Aldrich Family (1996), pp. 116. -tcd
("George Aldrich Genealogy", by A. James Aldrich, Vol. I., 1971.) Arrived in America 6 Nov., 1631. First settled in Dorchester, probably as a tailor on the 1-acre house lot set aside for him there, then in Braintree, Mass. In 1663, with 6 others, was a founder of Mendon, Mass.

He and his sons, John, Peter and Joseph were heads of families in Mendon in 1676, when the King Philip War started.

(Savage, Dict. of 1st Settlers of NE, vol. 1) George Aldridge or Aldrich, Dorchester, freeman 7 Dec 1636; by wife Catharine had, beside Miriam (bur. 27 Jan 1640); and Experience (d 2 Feb 1642); and at Braintree, John (b. 2 Apr 1644), Sarah (16 Jan 1646), Peter (14 Apr 1648), Mercy (17 June 1650), Miriam (again) (d. 1 Dec 1651, or 10 Mar 1602, as the record reads), Jacob (28 Feb 1653) and Mattithiab (10 July 1656). He was one of the first settlers at Mendon, 1663.
George Aldrich II b Sep 1605 Little Berkhampstead Hertfordshire Eng d 1 Mar 1683 Mendon Worcester MA bur Mendon arr 1631 m 3 Nov 1629 Derby Eng Catherine Seald 1610-1691

I posted the above two items as a backup of what was originally posted in the biography section but is not currently included. This is good stuff but it was very redundant and without citation. So we may wish to see if there is anything else we want to add back in the future. I really like the paper read in 1908 by Marcus M. Aldrich above. But he unfortunately never presented sources for any of it.

Thank you for the overview cleanup. Merges drag in redundant material, and preserving it on discussion is useful.

I've fixed the mother so she's no longer a wife, but I don't know how to resolve the conflicting data. Any info?

Joan Aldrich

I have no objection.
Paul Tiajoloff

Thanks Erica and Paul!

I always do a backup if I remove material from a profile just in case. Seems like the discussion forum is as good a place as any to store it :)

That looks much better Erica thanks! I reviewed all the maternal I could find and none of it contained anything specific about Joan Thurgood aside from her name and that she was from England. So I think born c 1577 England and died unknown is probably as close as I can offer at this point. But if I find more I will definitely post and update. But I can't even say who her parents are.

As to George's children:

Abel Aldrich was born in England about 1633 and died young. He never married Elizabeth:
Abel Aldrich

Experience Aldrich also died young and never married.
Experience (Aldrich) Bolter of Weymouth

She died at Braintree, MA 2 Dec 1641 just a few months old. So we need to either remove her spouse and children -or- just disconnect her as a child of George and just create a new Experience Aldrich who died young.

Torrey does have a marriage in Weymouth of Thomas Bolter (a weaver of Weymouth) to and Experience Aldrich in Weymouth on 16 Oct 1660 as his first wife. (see p 81 Bolter;lpg=PA81&amp;ots...). However, that Experience Aldrige is not the same person and her origins remain unknown.

Erica Howton Would you please MP this profile?

Experience Aldrich of Braintree
Experience Aldrich of Braintree

So it doesn't get merged and confused with this profile?

Experience (Aldrich) Bolter of Weymouth
Experience (Aldrich) Bolter of Weymouth


Thank you!

I would be interested to know the connection of Chester Holmes Aldrich, Architect to George Aldrich.
Much obliged.

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