Henrik Klasson Fleming - Alkuperäislähteet/original sources…

Started by Risto Virtanen on Saturday, January 30, 2016
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Toivoisin että lähteiksi tarjottaisiin vain alkuperäislähteitä tai asiantuntijoiden tekemiä tutkimuksia.

I wish only original sources or research by experts were accepted as sources

Myheritage ei edusta kumpaakaan/ is neither…😕👎

Yes, that would be nice but how many inkuinables do you know about? And how many of these are available to the genealogists in Finland?

It's kind of King's speach "I have a dream" I think.

As you speak finnish you can check the sources that are in the Geni-profile now. It would be, as we say in swedish, "en Gudi behaglig gärning". (Something that pleases God very much.

There are some references in the Geni-profile and maybe you can validate them? I'll not discuss MyH's qualitites here on Geni. The users of MyH have to discuss that among themselves.

I´m not responsible for Henrik Klasson Fleming in my familytree at Geni.
Other persons are responsible as Rune Klas Nyman and Lasse Söderström.
Please contact them. I´m sorry I can´t help you.

Kristina Lund

I'm not pointing finger at any individual. It's just a general observation and wish for all ancestors…🤔

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