Liubigotona Rey Godo (nacida Princesa de los Visigodos) - Hijacked?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Monday, July 18, 2016
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7/18/2016 at 4:45 AM

This profile appears to have been hijacked from Alpais' (parents Unknown) to Liubigotona Rey Godo (nacida Princesa de los Visigodos)??

7/18/2016 at 4:52 AM

As the Curator note is quite explicit, I am returning the profile to its original identity as the Unknown mother of Alpais, and cutting the spurious relationships which have been added to her.

7/18/2016 at 5:23 AM

I see her partner - clearly Curated as
"Curator Note from Sharon Doubell (18/8/2015):
Alpais' parents are Unknown.
English Wikipedia says "Domesticus" Dodo is her father, but in the Chronicle of Bèze (apparently written by Johannes de Beze in the 12th century) he is her brother."

has also been hijacked & turned into Ervigio rey de los visigodos:
Ervigio, King of the Visigoths
I'm cutting the reationship and removing my Curator note - so the profile can be used to build that line from.

7/19/2016 at 9:39 AM

Luibigotona was merged into Unknown mother of Alpais by Colin Bruce Milne.
13 Jul at 11:59 PM?

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