Many users have been being very helpful in trying to clean up the world tree, but we need to create a different method of dealing with the vast number of medieval duplicate profiles, & we'd like your help:
LET US EXPLAIN: When the unsourced medieval duplicates get merged in by people who don't have curating tools, it takes us hours and hours -- sometimes days and days -- to clean up the tree conflicts and the data conflicts, as we merge in the rest of the line. Unless you have curating tools, please do not merge in profiles that date before 1500. This high up in the tree the potential for exponential Tree Conflict errors is far more work to fix than lower down. It also leaves the relatively well established Geni Medieval Tree in a permanent state of embarrassing chaos.
INSTEAD Please rather attach to this project or this Discussion any unsourced duplicate profiles, & the Medieval Curators will figure out what to do with them.
So! That is your new goal! Send us all those duplicates. We need help finding them. Either
1.Attach them to the project, or
2. Put their profile link in the Discussion below.