No he isn't real. He is a norse god that is mention among other writings in the mythological part Ynglinga saga written in the 13th Century by Snorre Sturlason in his book Heimskringla.
There is absolutely no evidence that Odin has been a real person, and the vikings looked upon him as the main god in the norse mythology.
All we can claim for certain is that documents describing the early history of several Scandinavian royal dynasties claim a descent from Odin. Those claims have been included on Geni, just like a lot of other claims that come from reasonably old documents.
It's not very probable that all these claims of descent are true. It's a reasonable-sounding theory that there is no historical person corresponding to this place in these family trees.
Still, so far, we're representing this descent on Geni, since the documents describing it are well known. I think the right way to think about it is "I descend from someone who claimed to be descended from Odin". Usually just documenting that is enough work for anyone!
We have leaders that are worshiped as gods even today, so rejecting Odin as a possible real person because of that is probably not a good argument, and the only documents we have are detailed in ancestor lines, back to for example Odin.
If Odin was a real person I can guarantee that most people of earth probably have him as an ancestor. The argument of that is pure maths. What most people have problem with is having a reliable line going back to before 1600 and especially behind the black death.
Very interesting information Private User , Harald Tveit Alvestrand , May Alta , Remi Trygve Pedersen . I am keen to learn more about this ancestry. Where can I find the books or publications and what is it called ? Please can anyone direct me. Thank you.
As a Norwegian, I think the most fun source is Snorre Sturlasson's "Heimskringla" - as well as giving the legendary history of the lineages, it gives the stories of the Norwegian kings of the earliest centuries, up to approximately 1170 (at least in my edition, it cuts off just before Sverre Sturlasson enters the picture) . Lots of swordfighting!
This book was written around 1220, so you'll definitely want a translation!
There are good popular history books for the period too - I don't have any specific recommendations.
Interesting discussions on Odin, who is stated as being my 37th great grandfather. Like Shaun, I am going to research him. My great grandfather was born in Valla, Island of Tjorn, Sweden, and it has been amazing to see the royal lineages going back from this particular line through the matriarchs and patriarchs, crossing borders. No doubt, to use Harald's terminology, with "lots of sword fighting" along the way, the reason why some did not make old bones.
Prof. Dr. Engr. Shaun José Rodrigues, Coralie Kay Mattson and anyone else looking to start learning about Odin.
I would suggest as a first introduction to Odin you should start by reading the About section of Odin's profile: Odin, {Norse God} (there are portions in several languages but keep going all the way to the end as it swaps around).
Then have a look at https://www.geni.com/projects/Odin-s-Kin/12244
After that an interesting read is https://www.geni.com/projects/Descents-from-Antiquity/12283 although not so focused on Odin.
If that's not enough information about Odin to get you started then most of those pages have links to further reading at the bottom of them :)
Thank you Alex Moes , Harald, May and Coralie. Its really fascinating how '' lots of sword fighting '' actually populated the world and his descendants are spread across. The world now truly belongs to him and his empire. :)
Remi Trygve Pedersen, How do you/I correct the Geni tree connections?
Odin is Joshua's 40th great grandfather.
→ Tony Krueger
his father → Pamela Ed Krueger
his mother → Eloise Verona Frazee
her mother → Howard Piper
her father → Helen Elizabeth Piper (Loveland)
his mother → Emory Manning Loveland
her father → Ziba Loveland
his father → Elisha Loveland
his father → Pelatiah Loveland
his father → Hannah Loveland (Hills)
his mother → Abigail Hills
her mother → Caleb Benjamin
her father → Abigail Benjamin
his mother → Mary Eddy
her mother → Elizabeth Ruck
her mother → Bridget Munn
her mother → Catherine Saxby
her mother → Flora Mackintosh
her mother → John Mor MacDonald
her father → Iain "Og an Fraoch" MacDonald
his father → Angus Og MacDonald of the Isles
his father → Aonghas Mor mac Domhnaill, Lord of Islay
his father → Domhnall, Progenitor of the Clan Donald
his father → Ragnall mac Somhairle, Lord of the Isles
his father → Ragnhildis Olavesdottir
his mother → Olaf I "Morsel", King of Man & the Isles
her father → Godfred II Crovan, King of Man, Dublin & the Isles
his father → Wife of Harald the Black
his mother → Ragnfred of Norge, c. 923
her father → Eirik I Haraldsson «Blood-axe» Blodøks
his father → Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway
his father → Halvdan Gudrødsson «the Black» Svarte
his father → Gudrød Halvdansson «the Hunter» Veidekonge
his father → Halvdan Eysteinsson «the Meek» den Milde
his father → Eystein «Fret/Fjert» Halfdansson
his father → Halfdan Olafsson «Whiteshanks» Kvitbein
his father → Olaf Ingjaldsson «Tree Feller» Trätälja
his father → Gauthild Algautsdotter, av Götaland
his mother → Algaut, king of West Götaland
her father → Gautrek "the mild", king of Gotland
his father → Gauti, King of Götaland
his father → Odin
his father
Bill, you check every link between every person for correctness, preferably by using as primary sources as possible.
I would start checking around Lady Catherine Saxby and her ancestry.
This one and her ancestry is definetly a big problem: Wife of Harald the Black and should be disconnected from her parents.