Evert Evertszen Pels - Sources

Started by Alex Moes on Sunday, September 25, 2016
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From the notes in his About there seems to be some doubt as to whether he married in Netherlands or America.

The Amsterdam archief suggests to me they married before emigrating, i have found this entry but have yet to locate a copy of the record:
naam bruidegom:
Pels, Evert Everts
naam bruid:
Sijmons, Jannetje
DTB 457, p.50
Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK.

Have i mentioned that the Paywall has been removed from the Amsterdam Archief?

Here is a link to the marriage, top right


Evert is 25 and Jannetje is 18

It looks to me that Evert is from Statijn.

But i have no idea where Statijn is. There was a ship named the Statijn which apparently translates to Stein.

Googled Statijn and Statyn with no luck

Pieter Smit is listed as a uncle, "oom", but I am not sure who's uncle :(

If i had to guess I would say Jannetje's as she is quite young.

Update: Pieter Smit was Evert's uncle as his parents were not present at the wedding, Jannetje's mother (Clara) was present for her.

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