Rabbi Yaakov Kalafari known as Yaakov (Rashes(Rashkes)) Dayan of Posen

Started by Private User on Wednesday, September 28, 2016
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Private User
9/28/2016 at 9:01 AM

I am looking for the identity of Rabbi Yaakov Rashes Kalvary. He was a senior Dayan in the Beth Din of Rabbi Akiva Eger (Rabbi Akiva Eger). (I believe there is a famous painting depicting them and a third Dayan walking together).

Is he R' Yaakov Kaliphari (Rashes) (mother was possibly called Rasche)

Or Rabbi Jacob Kalifari A.B.D. Meisling

Or is he a son of Jitschak "Itzig" Aizik Kalifari?

[Or was he the son of a Yitzchok son of Rabbi Yosef Hadarshan (Preacher) Calahorra (Kalifari), ABD Mohilev? Was Jitschak "Itzig" Aizik Kalifari a son of Rabbi Yosef Hadarshan (Preacher) Calahorra (Kalifari), ABD Mohilev? or was there another Yitzchok?]

Or someone else entirely perhaps?

In one source (אבות עטרה לבנים, ליפשיץ) he is listed as a son of Yitzchok. Another source, (tombstone) as a son of Aryeh Leib (but no indication that he was the Posen Martyr!). Were there two? Unlikely.

9/28/2016 at 10:12 AM

Re the famous painting you mention, Dayan Yakov Kalvary is noted as accompanying Rabbi Akiva four times in the Julius Knorr painting, Der Marktplatz in Posen, which if I am reading this correctly can be found in the Israel Museum Archives.
ie. http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/Content/381538/Jews%20of%20Posen%20Provinc...

Page: 1308
Specific Locations

Cohen, Richard I. [Yerachmiel], “‘And Your Eyes Shall See Your Teachers’: The Rabbi as Icon,” Ts, Vol. 58, 1993, No. 4, pp. 407-452. Re: Akiba Eger, pp. 422-431. Discussion of the Julius Knorr painting, Der Marktplatz in Posen, p. 424; “Our Rabbi Akiva Eger, z”l [Zichrono livracha—of blessed memory] when he was 74 years of age in a street in the city of Posen, accompanied by two rabbinic judges of the city, R. Jacob Kalvary and R. Moshe Landsberg z”l,” p. 425; and two other portraits of Eger, p. 427. See also next entry. For additional information, see “d. The Israel Museum” in the chapter on Israeli Archival Sources.

—, Jewish Icons: Art and Society in Modern Europe, Berkeley: University of California Press, ©1998, 358 pp., including notes, pp. 261- 318, bibliographical references, pp. 319-348, and index, pp. 349-358. N7415.C556 1998. “The Popularization of the Rabbinic Figure: The Case of Akiba Eger,” pp. 128-134, and notes 35-53, pp. 287-289. Reproduction of the Julius Knorr painting, Der Marktplatz in Posen, p. 129 and note 40, p. 288; “Our Rabbi Akiva Eger, z”l [Zichrono livracha—of blessed memory], when he was 74 years of age in a street in the city of Posen, accompanied by two rabbinic judges of the city, R. Jacob Kalvary and R. Moshe Landsberg z”l,” p. 130 and not 41, p. 288, as described on p. 129 [erroneously indicating that the buildings in the background are from the Knorr painting]; three other portraits of Eger reproduced on pp. 131, 132, and 133. See also the previous entry. (Scroll p.1308) http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/Content/381538/Jews%20of%20Posen%20Provinc...


“Stary Rynek od Zachodu” (Old Market Viewed from the West), Juliusz Knorr, ok. 1838, oil on canvas, 2,64x2,31 m, Pozna1⁄2 Historical Museum: In the middle of the crowd there is a group of Jewish street peddlers; in the opposite corner is Rabbi Akiba Eger walking with the assistance of persons identifiable as Moses Landsberger and Jacob Kalvary.
(Scroll p. 77) http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/Content/381538/Jews%20of%20Posen%20Provinc...


In Prints and Drawings Division, there are three items of interest:

1. “The Great Learned Rabbis of Israel,” Graph-Kunstantalten Breslau, “Made in Germany.” No. 1556-5-43 in Box 71: Portraits. Akiba Eger of Posen pictured on top right; his son, Salomon Eger of Posen, on bottom, fourth from right. The same item is illustrated in Cohen, Richard I. [Yerachmiel], “‘And Your Eyes Shall See Your Teachers’: The Rabbi as Icon,” Tsiyon, Vol. 58, 1993, No. 4, pp. 407-452, at p. 446. See also Cohen, Richard I., Jewish Icons: Art and Society in Modern Europe, Berkeley: University of California Press, ©1998, 358 pp., including bibliographical references, pp. 319-348, and index, pp. 349-358. N7415.C556 1998. “The Popularization of the Rabbinic Figure: The Case of Akiba Eger,” pp. 130-134, and notes, pp. 287-288. Reproduction of the Julius Knorr painting, Der Marktplatz in Posen, p. 129; “Our Rabbi Akiva Eger, z”l [Zichrono livracha—of blessed memory], when he was 74 years of age in a street in the city of Posen, accompanied by two rabbinic judges of the city, R. Jacob Kalvary and R. Moshe Landsberg z”l,” (Scroll to P. 85) http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/Content/381538/Jews%20of%20Posen%20Provinc...

9/28/2016 at 10:44 AM

Also interesting, but in Italian is mention of the Dayan in,

"Friedrich Spiro filologo e libraio: Per una storia della S. Calvary & Co."
By Aldo Corcella

. . . In quell”anno suo padre, Jakob Calvary (o Calvary, Kalfari, Kaliphari), era a Posen dayan sotto il celebre Akiba Eger. La tradizione familiare faceva risalire la stirpe fino a Sslomon Calabra, . . . See Page 33:


Curator Private User might be able to help with translation.

Private User
9/28/2016 at 11:49 AM

here I am, what is it that you need exactly?

9/28/2016 at 12:26 PM

Private User It would be great if you could let us know if there is any information on this page that could answer Private User's questions relating to which of the Geni profile's listed might be Dayan Jakob Calvary family tree.


Private User
9/29/2016 at 12:19 PM

"Salomon Calvary was from Posen, where he was born on July 6, 1818. In that year his father, Jakob Calvary (aka Calvory, Kalfary, Kaliphari) was dayan in Posen under the famous Akiba Eger. Family tradition had it that his ancestor was Salomon Calahorra, who emigrated in 1500 from Spain to become physician to Polish kings. In 1600, his great-grandson Joseph would become rabbi in Posen, and his son would in turn be the famous dayan Arie-Lob, who was a victim of persecutions in 1736. Of the two male children of Arje-Lob, Jakob would become rabbi in Moisling (near Lubeck) and Elijah in Landsberg an der Warthe (Gorzòw Wielopolski), but their descendants would go back to Posen. In the branch descending from Elijah, family names Landsberg/Landsberger and Posen/Posenerwould prevail, while the Calvary family name would be preserved by Jakob's son and grandson: Isaac and Arje-Lob, respectively. Such family traditions are not all reliable, in particular the Sephardic origin. However, Salomon's father Jakob Calvary was certainly the son of Arje-Lob and of a certain "Bobe" Rasche. Born in the second half of 1700, after Poland's partition in the nineties he moved away from Posen at first, but went back around 1810 and was naturalized on September 8, 1834."

9/29/2016 at 12:47 PM

Private User, Thank you so much for the your excellent and clear translation into English of these invaluable genealogical details. I do hope this will help Private User with his research on this fascinating family originally from Spain.

Private User
10/5/2016 at 3:04 AM

Thank you Malka and Marco for your help! I have now updated the profile of Yaakov Calvary - R' Yaakov Kaliphari (Rashes).

Feel free to look and make any corections...

Private User
10/5/2016 at 1:32 PM

As to the discrepancies regarding the father of Yaakov Rashes I've found in Etz Chaim (Bobov) vol. 10 (korot haitim section) page 241 footnote 41 that the information in Avot Atarah Lebanim (Lipshictz) is incorrect. It seems his father was indeed Aryeh Leib.

The adventure continues.

In a lineage document from Yitzchok Nochum Prost, of Konin (and similar information is given almost word-for-word in the book sefer hayachas by Yitzchok Dovid Osher Lemel Levin) it is recorded (loose abridged translation): "the offspring of Nochum Chossid (https://www.geni.com/people/הרה-ג-נחום-חסיד-מפוזנא/6000000044414672420) are still in Poznan. They married into the family of Hanogid R' Yakar (https://www.geni.com/people/יקיר-Yakir/6000000009643544157) and R' Yehuda Leib (Yehuda Leib) is the brother in law of Harav Yaakov Rashes... and the Gaon ABD Warsaw author of Chemdas Shlomo (Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Lifshitz, Rabbi of Warsaw & Author of Chemdas Shlomo) is also from this family, for he was a son in law of R' Yakar (https://www.geni.com/people/יקיר-Yakir/6000000009643544157)."

Does anybody know which family members Nochum Chossid and R' Yakar married?
How Yehuda Leib is a brother in law opf Yaakov Rashes?
Is there an implictaion that Yaakov Rashes also married into the family of R' Yakar?


Private User
11/10/2016 at 2:28 PM

A link to the lineage document mentioned in the above comment: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjB-Z-O4Zw-PbD7HRnUtMhjK6-s
A link to the book sefer hayachas mentioned in the above comment: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjB-Z-O4Zw-PbvjWc7h87-9GylM

Private User
11/27/2016 at 8:47 AM

R' Yaakov Kaliphari (Rashes) is recorded as being a descendant of Rabbi Nosson Notta Shpiro, The Megaleh Amukos. Does anyone know how?

Private User
1/12/2017 at 1:53 PM

I expanded the scope of this discussion here - https://www.geni.com/discussions/164163

Private User
1/3/2022 at 7:25 AM

Would you be able to help me understand how R' Shlomo Zalman Lifshitz (Chemdas Schlomo) is related?

Private User
1/3/2022 at 7:35 AM

I still don't know.

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