Sorry. I fixed the problem earlier today based on a private message. Did not realize there was also a public discussion. Someone had done one of those odd little merges with an unsourced tree full of errors. One of those that make us all weep. It was a simple matter of spending two hours sorting out the problems ;)
Thanks @Justin Durand I was seeing one <private> on my view or in the new GEDCOM I brought down about noon today -
I am just determined to salavage this miss I have offline some how from a gedcom from GENI a couple of years ago - I keep goign around in circles - I started with dad and he the only direct person in the GEDCOM not me or my mother and this parental gedcom for some reason is showing 98% from my mother when I do comparing on GENI
A lot of weeping :-(
Judi, when you encounter private profiles in the historic tree it's best to post a message in the Curators Please Assist page.