Eochaid Cairbre Riata mac Conaire, Rí na Dál Riata - COnflict on Parents

Started by Judith "Judi" Elaine (McKee) Burns on Monday, October 10, 2016
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- one father is private issue needs to be addressed

This problem should be addressed by one of the curators. Perhaps, Justin will be able to correct the problem.

His parents aren't private. Not sure what the problem is.

Sorry. I fixed the problem earlier today based on a private message. Did not realize there was also a public discussion. Someone had done one of those odd little merges with an unsourced tree full of errors. One of those that make us all weep. It was a simple matter of spending two hours sorting out the problems ;)

Thanks @Justin Durand I was seeing one <private> on my view or in the new GEDCOM I brought down about noon today -

I am just determined to salavage this miss I have offline some how from a gedcom from GENI a couple of years ago - I keep goign around in circles - I started with dad and he the only direct person in the GEDCOM not me or my mother and this parental gedcom for some reason is showing 98% from my mother when I do comparing on GENI

A lot of weeping :-(

Judi, when you encounter private profiles in the historic tree it's best to post a message in the Curators Please Assist page.


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