Headsup that my Dad's Y DNA results have been populated to the Doubell ancestor on our SA tree. If my paper trail is correct, then all male Doubells in SA carry the Y chromosome R-M269 (also called R1b1a1a2) - now concentrated in Western Europe, where "[t]he frequency is about 92% in Wales, 82% in Ireland, 70% in Scotland, 68% in Spain, 60% in France (76% in Normandy), about 60% in Portugal, 45% in Eastern England, 50% in Germany, 50% in the Netherlands, 42% in Iceland, and 43% in Denmark. It is as high as 95% in parts of Ireland. It is also found in some areas of North Africa, where its frequency peaks at 10% in some parts of Algeria. M269 has likewise been observed among 8% of the Herero in Namibia." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_R1b
At the moment, the ancient path of R-M269 appears to have been a migration from Western Asia via southeastern Europe.