Jeanne Mille, PROG - Was her husband Andre or Claude?

Начала Sharon Doubell понедельник, 24 октября 2016
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24.10.2016 в 5:52 до полудня

While we and Booyens (; have Jeanne Roi, PROG married to Andre Roi, M Boucher has Andre as her father-in-law, and his son, Claude, as her husband:

"Jacques and Jean Roy were at the Cape before 1690, but the former evidently died soon after his arrival. If Jean named his Drakenstein farm for his birthplace, his origins must be sought at Lourmarin. ..There was also an Andre Rey at Lourmarin and this Christian name was given to one of the Cape settler’s children. Andre’s son Claude Rey married Jeanne Mille in August 1684: This marriage might indicate another connection between Cape refugee families. Jean Rey appears in Walloon church records in Amsterdam, but there was evidently more than one fugitive there so named.
• M. Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA: Ch 7: Cape Settlers III: from South-Eastern France and Adjoining Territories p193

24.10.2016 в 2:04 после полудня

Hi Sharon,

Relayed the question to dr Harry Booyens in Vancouver, Canada. He had to refresh his memory by diving into the French CNRS database, and confirmed the information that Jeanne Mille was married to André Rey.
Harry's specific response is as follows (Information from CNRS):
NAT assistance a Francfort-sur-le-Main Aard van hulp
DAT 1687 10 31 Datum van hulp
SOM fl.21 alb.15(pour tous) Bedrag van hulp
DES Hollande Bestemming
IT1 Morges Ek dink dis hul EEN punt van registrasie langs die pad
DT1 1687 09 Datum van sodanige registrasie
IT2 Geneve Ek dink dis hul ANDER punt van registrasie langs die pad
DT2 1687 09 Datum van sodanige registrasie
ORP Provence Povinsie van oorsprong
ORC Provence(haute)
ORL Luberon, Lourmarin Streek en dorp
NFM REY Andre et MILLE Jeanne “patronymic information of a married man when the couple met”*
MET laboureur beroep: arbeider

*: “Informations patronymiques d'un homme marié lorsque le couple est réuni”

‘n Tweede inskrywing wat op HAAR fokus gee die identiese inligting, behalwe dat die laaste lyntjie (natuurlik) lees:
NFR MILLE Jeanne et REY Andre “Informations patronymiques d'une femme mariée lorsque le couple est réuni”

Is dit goed genoeg bewys?
Harry has also provided lengthy information on the family "Rey from Lourmarin" from the same source, which I could add if required.

Trust that this will disprove M.Boucher's information as far as Jean Mille & André Rey is concerned.

24.10.2016 в 2:05 после полудня

Частный профиль - just to call him into the discussion when he is on Geni.

24.10.2016 в 11:56 после полудня

Johann Ahlers, you're a star! I searched a bit for an email address to contact him, and ask him myself - but didn't realise he was on geni. I love his work!!

I wonder if Boucher mixed them up in a typo, and we have a parent for Andre then?

25.10.2016 в 12:16 до полудня

Hi Sharon,
Thank you, but Harry is the star! He is not very active on Geni, but I'll relay to him and see whether we could get him hooked (again) on this family.
Have a great day,

25.10.2016 в 12:18 до полудня

=Harry has also provided lengthy information on the family "Rey from Lourmarin" from the same source, which I could add if required.= Yes please.

25.10.2016 в 12:20 до полудня

I see he is my 6th cousin. I've invited him to all the projects where I've cited his excellent work :-)

25.10.2016 в 10:00 до полудня

Herewith, as requested, the rest of the stuff provided by Harry (information from CNRS, France; analysis by H Booyens) on the Rey family from Lourmarin:
Die hele “Rey van Lourmarin” stel inskrywings lyk soos volg, en hiervan kan ‘n mens die hele prent uitwerk:

Notice n°22317
NAT assistance a Geneve en 1687-1688
DAT 1687 09 15
SOM fl.26 s.03
ORP Provence
ORC Provence(haute)
ORL Luberon,Lourmarin
NFM REY Andre et sa femme

Notice n°22318
NAT assistance a Geneve en 1687-1688
DAT 1687 09 15
SOM fl.26 s.03
ORP Provence
ORC Provence(haute)
ORL Luberon,Lourmarin
NFR ----- et REY Andre

Notice n°22319
NAT assistance a Geneve en 1687-1688
DAT 1687 09 15
SOM fl.26 s.03
ORP Provence
ORC Provence(haute)
ORL Luberon,Lourmarin
NER REY Andre,2 enfants de

Notice n°75131
NAT assistance a Schaffhouse en 1687
DAT 1687 09 30
SOM fl.04 kr.16
ORP Provence
ORC Provence(haute)
ORL Luberon,Lourmarin
NFM REY Andre et sa femme

Notice n°75132
NAT assistance a Schaffhouse en 1687
DAT 1687 09 30
SOM fl.04 kr.16
ORP Provence
ORC Provence(haute)
ORL Luberon,Lourmarin
NFR ----- et REY Andre

Notice n°75146
NAT assistance a Schaffhouse en 1687
DAT 1687 09 30
SOM fl.02 kr.40
ORP Provence
ORC Provence(haute)
ORL Luberon,Lourmarin

Notice n°75147
NAT assistance a Schaffhouse en 1687
DAT 1687 09 30
SOM fl.02 kr.40
ORP Provence
ORC Provence(haute)
ORL Luberon,Lourmarin
NOR REY Jacques

Notice n°97313
NAT assistance a Francfort-sur-le-Main
DAT 1687 10 31
SOM fl.21 alb.15(pour tous)
DES Hollande
IT1 Morges
DT1 1687 09
IT2 Geneve
DT2 1687 09
ORP Provence
ORC Provence(haute)
ORL Luberon,Lourmarin
NFM REY Andre et MILLE Jeanne
MET laboureur

Notice n°97314
NAT assistance a Francfort-sur-le-Main
DAT 1687 10 31
SOM fl.21 alb.15(pour tous)
DES Hollande
IT1 Morges
DT1 1687 09
IT2 Geneve
DT2 1687 09
ORP Provence
ORC Provence(haute)
ORL Luberon,Lourmarin
NFR MILLE Jeanne et REY Andre

Notice n°97315
NAT assistance a Francfort-sur-le-Main
DAT 1687 10 31
SOM fl.21 alb.15(pour tous)
DES Hollande
IT1 Morges
DT1 1687 09
IT2 Geneve
DT2 1687 09
ORP Provence
ORC Provence(haute)
ORL Luberon,Lourmarin
NEM REY Jean,REY Andre,fils de

Notice n°97316
· NAT assistance a Francfort-sur-le-Main

· DAT 1687 10 31

· SOM fl.21 alb.15(pour tous)

· DES Hollande

· IT1 Morges

· DT1 1687 09

· IT2 Geneve

· DT2 1687 09

· ORP Provence

· ORC Provence(haute)

· ORL Luberon,Lourmarin

· NEM REY Jacques,REY Andre,fils de

Hieruit kan jy sien:

1. André Rey en Jeanne Mille was getroud
2. Jacques en Jean was hul seuns
3. Hul bestemming was Holland
4. Hulle het gekom uit Lourmarin in die Luberon streek van die provinsie Provence
5. Hul roete was
a) Lourmarin net noord van die Durance rivier en oos van die Rhône
b) Geneve (Sep 1687) net-net binne Switserland; dan
c) Morges (Sep 1867)net-net wes van Lausanne op die noordoewer van Lake Genéve; dan
d) Schaffhausen op die grens van “Duitsland” net wes van die Bodensee; en dan
e) Frankfort op 31 Oktober 1687.

Ek weet nie wat met hulle gebeur het tussen Morges en Schaffhausen nie.

Dalk was wel ‘n Claude Rey, maar hy toon nie as afkomstig van Lourmarin nie.

Notice n°62048
NAT assistance a Schaffhouse en 1689 ( Twee jaar later)
DAT 1689 05 07
SOM fl.01 kr.48
ORP Geneve
ORC sans coll.(Geneve) Skynbaar onbekende oorsprong
ORL Geneve
NOR REY Claude

Daar was geen ander Jeanne Mille vanaf Lourmarin nie.

Dalk is Jeanne Mille later weer getroud en wel met Claude Rey
Daar was WEL ‘n Etienne Rey van La Roque d’Antheron oorkant die Durance rivier. Dis naby Lourmarin.

Notice n°75779

NAT assistance a Schaffhouse en 1687
DAT 1687 10 09
SOM fl.02 kr.08
ORP Provence
ORC Provence(basse)
ORL Luberon,La Roque d'Antheron
NOR REY Etienne

That’s it!

25.10.2016 в 10:25 до полудня

:-) Thankyou

25.10.2016 в 10:44 до полудня

Only a pleasure - great people in my network... ;-)

25.10.2016 в 10:55 до полудня


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