I have an ancestor called Abram Festenberg - Abram Oved Festenberg. It is recorded that he was descended from 'Rabbi Avraham Able Kalish'. It is assumed it refers to Abraham Abele Gombiner. Does anyone know of a Festenberg descendant. Unless the reference is to Rabbi Avrohom Abale Traube - 'Abale Charif', A.B.D. Kalish ?
אברהם אבלי הכהן חריף [7] נולד בלאסק ב1737 הוא נפטר בקאליש כאב"ד קאליש בתאריך: ט"ו בשבט תקס"ט. 1809
Here is one GENI connection:
Abale Charif [2] is Abram Oved Festenberg's wife's first cousin once removed's wife's grandfather.
Abram Oved Festenberg
Frayde Festenberg
his wife
Szymche Margaliyos - Perl
her father
Frajde Margaliyos - Perl
his mother
Esther Prost
her sister
Shlomo Zalman Prost Levi, ABD Zlotchov
her son
Freidel Frost (Traube טרויבע) פרידל פרוסט
his wife
Binyamin Zeev Wolf (b) Traube בנימין זאב וולף טרויבע
her father
Partially undocumented branch of Abale Charif [2]