King David of Israel / דוד המלך - King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 100th great grandfather.

Started by Janne-Olavi Kinnunen on Saturday, December 10, 2016
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8) My father... King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 100th great grandfather.
Thank you Geni profile support team.
(sorry my bad english)

Hello relative! Such a small world. It's so much fun finding out how I am related to people from Bible times!

It is amazing how this happening. I always thought my Dad's side were bums cause he left us. Then I find out his family were of Kings, and my 129th great grand father was God Almighty. My Mother's side I cant get pass the 20th great grand father. So where do you live? I'm in Indiana USA.

King David of Israel / דוד המלך is my 95th great grandfather. Greetings from Norway Børge Ivar Johansen

King David is my 95 great grandfather

85th Great Grandfather

according to geni I'm not related to King David,but according to a family tdadition we are as from my mother side we belong to the great family of the Bidermans of Lelov


98th Great Grandfather and all of you are my cousins, interesting paths and many from my Scottish side. Greetings from Scandinavia Finland!

Ok, Thanks for all the answers.

King David is my 100th GGF

Which I think is awesome...

King David is my 94th GGF! All of my Jewish lines appear to be coming true Spain and surrounding areas. That makes me a very long lost cousin of all the rest of you.

There are quite a few different kings and queens that have descent paths from King David. Through King Charles II, King David is my 90th GGF, through John of Brienne King of Jerusalem, hes my 84th GGF. I am also a descendant through Urraca Queen consort of Castille, and through Isabelle of Angouleme Queen consort of England, King Johns wife. I noticed that shortest descent paths arent always listed, but there are many paths.

King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 97th great grandfather.

I am also a ggrandaughter of King David. He is my 92nd great Grandfather! My goodness we must all be related I did one person and he took me to a branch of the family I didn't know about!!!!

He is my 97th ggr. Amazing!

Geni support team in Houston we have a problem

Adam of Eden of Eden is your 88th great grandfather. Geni - Adam . (-3760--2830).
Adam of Eden
Follow Geni king of Israel, David's direct male line back. Geni This discovery is impossible according to the Bible. David is a descendant of Adam. David's right of direct father line can be found in the Bible.

Geni Houston support team meillä on ongelma

Seuraa Genissä Israelin kuningas Davidin suoraa isälinjaa taaksepäin. Tämä Geni löytö on Raamatun mukaan mahdotonta. David on Aatamin jälkeläinen. Davidin oikea suoran isälinja löytyy Raamatusta.

Israeli Jews, Hebrews, author of the Bible, to find a direct father line of David.


Israelin juutalaisten, hebrealaisten, kirjoittamassa Raamatusta, löytää Davidin suora isälinja.

I Do belive in the bible.But not Geni.I ve found relations vith Adam And Eve.But shouldent be sure about it.Theres a lot of hebreen Kings and kings betwine me and Adam son of Good. So My tips is,Dont trust this line at all.

Jesus was a Jew who was advocating a renewed Judaism with focus from King David's time, the religion concerned exclusively Jews. It's a wonder how it become open for all!

Read the bibel and you get a answar

He is my 97th maternal grandfather.

Janne-Olavi Kinnunen ...I had the same problem when tracing back to Adam. King David showed to be my 92nd great grandfather but Adam showed to be my 78th great grandfather. So I thought I will click on each ones father all the way back to Adam and see what I came up with. Well I did just that and when I got to Seth it said he was my 123rd great grandfather and then when I clicked Adam his father it said that Adam was my 78th great grandfather. It is using another route I think. Geni searches all the trees and sometimes there is more than one of the lines that leads back to that person so he could be my 78th grandfather in one line and my 124th grandfather in another I guess. It is strange. lol

I do indeed believe that my parents are my genetical parents. However, I have no DNA proof with 99.99 % probability.
* My father did only tell us about our half sister in the last week of his life. I am grateful to him for her, she is a lovely person, so he could have told earlier. So much for dark secrets.
* Now some really simple mathematics: If delta is the decimal probability that the father is NOT really the genetic father, i.e. that somebody lied, then the probability that the father is the genetic father is 1-delta. With N generations from the child to a certain male predecessor, like a famous person, the probability that this male predecessor is really related this way is P=(1-delta)^N.
* With the P=0.5 (50%), and delta=0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 or 0.05, then N=138, 69,39,23,17 or 14 generations with 50 % probability that the Nth grandfather is the given one.
* If you say that it is only 95% probable for each generation that the mother did not lie about the real fathers name, then one can track back the grandfathers name with 50 % probability.
* As for King David he is maybe N=95 generations away from me. If all parenthoods have a 1 % not-correct probability, then it is 38 % probable that I am related to King David in these 95 generations. If ... 3 % not-correct .. 0.1 % probable that .. in 95 generations.
* Please let us stick to facts and use thrustworthy sources and DNA. Everything else is a fairytale.
* Still, a relationship with Captain Kidd might lead to the gold treasure over that funny old book I inherited from my grand-grandfather who was a sailor ... ;) 😊

Wonderful point, Håkon. Thanks for that.

Thank you Justin Durand.

@håkon I'm afraid I have to disagree with your statemeent "Please let us stick to facts and use thrustworthy sources and DNA. Everything else is a fairytale."

If we were to consider "Only trustworthy sources and DNA", and disregard any statement for which we don't have at least a larger-than-99% probability that it is true, we might as well give up; our trees will be blank.

If we're going to have any information at all, we have to (in my opinion) store the best information we have. When there are mulitple competing theories that have some evidence for them, we have to take note of both, and pick one that's our working hypothesis.

I regard the Geni tree as a means of collectively, collaboratively organizing the sources we have. Even though the long relationship lines that we find in it are more in the nature of entertainment than of fact, I think the organization itself has value.

Harald, the important point is that history and genealogy are cultural, not (necessarily) biological. Someone is the father because he appears as the father in legal records, which means he met the cultural definition of "father", not because he was necessarily the biological father.

I'm not disagreeing with your points, but I think Håkon makes an equally valid point.

We all understand that the biological dimension of our genealogy begins to falter the further back we go. And, in fact, there is probably no one alive today who has any significant DNA inherited from King David (unless perhaps he has male-line descendants who carry his y chromosome). Yet, the odds are overwhelming that if King David really has any living descendants, we are probably all his descendants.

It's like a Zen koan. We are all truly descendants of our ancestors but not descendants of our ancestors.

Yes. Thank You Justin. Thank. You. ;)

And yes, a very good mathematical point from Hakon.

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