According to the Geni tree, Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King) is shown as the son of Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen, MaHaShiks, MaHaRaM son #1 and Abigail Ogla Katzenellenbogen, the latter being the daughter of Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim". This seems like an obvious error. The birth dates of Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King) and Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim" are just 11 years apart!
One plausible solution is that a son of Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King), Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen who had the same name as his paternal grandfather Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen, MaHaShiks, MaHaRaM son #1 was the son in law of Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim". But again that doesn't fit with the current information on Geni, where wife, Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen is given as the daughter of Rabbi Moses ben Israel Isserles, "RaMA"?
Can someone clarify all this?
Janet, this katzenellenbogen lived in korotschin R' Benjamin Katzenellenbogen, Rosh Beth Din Krotoschin don't know if that's what you're looking for.
Kevin Lawrence Hanit, whose maternal ancestry are you referring to? Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King)?
Private User, Kevin Lawrence Hanit
My sources seem to confirm this. Abigail Ogla Katzenellenbogen was indeed the mother of Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King) but not a daughter of Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim".
I can't seem to find a source of wife, Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen being a daughter of Rabbi Moses ben Israel Isserles, "RaMA"? Does anyone have a source?
(The closest I could get is that her daughter Rbzn. Dina Katz Heschel married Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Head, Cracow Yeshiva whose first wife was the daughter of someone else called Moshe Isserlis - Rabbi Moshe Lazers Isserles, of Cracow. That sounds far-fetched.)
Another confusing aspect of this puzzle is the "About" comment in the profile of Miriam Olga Isserlis (Miriam Olga Isserles (Luria), Maharshal's daughter), the daughter of The Maharshal, Rabbi Shlomo Luria, and the wife of Eliezer Isserlis (brother of the Remuh). When comparing Miriam Olga to HaLevush's alleged unlikely daughter Abigayil Olga, take note of two similar traits: the middle name Olga, and Miriam's 1530 birthdate. The most glaring contradiction shows Abigayil Olga as being born in 1525 and her alleged father, HaLevush, being born in 1530. On top of those unresolved issues, you have Abigayil Olga's alleged husband Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen born in 1521 and her alleged son (King-for-a-day) Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen born in 1542.
Private User do you have a source for wife, Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen being a daughter of Rabbi Moses ben Israel Isserles, "RaMA"?
I wouldnt know if Mrs. Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen was a daughter of Rabbi Moshe ben Israel Isserles, "RaMa" הרמ״א or not. But i am a descendant of the 'wolf' family who are descendants from the Bach. And in sefer nefesh hadam it says that the wolf family are also descendants of the Rabbi Meir Katzenellenbogen, [Maharam of Padua] and Avraham Yehoshua Heschel [of Cracow] (Hanukat HaTorah) but no mention of Rabbi Moshe ben Israel Isserles, "RaMa" הרמ״א.
For the record, Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen, MaHaShiks, MaHaRaM son #1 is mentioned in the responsa of Rabbi Moses ben Israel Isserles, "RaMA" (http://hebrewbooks.org/1204) from this page: http://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=1204&pgnum=187 till this page: http://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=1204&st=&pgnum=190.
They call each other relatives.
Not the normal connotation of 'sheari'.
(Additionally, if I'm not mistaken Rabbi Meir Katzenellenbogen, Maharam of Padua is also referred to as 'sheari' by Rabbi Moses ben Israel Isserles, "RaMA". Needs to be checked if that was possibly before the marriage of Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King) and Deborah Rivkah Wahl-Katzenellenbogen, dunno).
Exactly! I'm confident that wife, Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen was not a daughter of Rabbi Moses ben Israel Isserles, "RaMA", thanks for pointing out the age discrepancies. The book Otzar Harabonim (Friedman) seems to say he was but as of now I know of no other source.
I'm equally (or perhaps, even more) sure that Abigail Ogla Katzenellenbogen was not a daughter of Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim" nor was Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King) a grandson.
As I suggested in my first post, if there was a close connection between Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim" and Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King) it would most likely to have been through the marriage of their children (i.e. 'mechutanim'). This would perhaps explain the confusion - the name Shmuel Yehuda. I have found confirmation of this in the book Shalshelet Hayuchasin (Lieberman).
It would be helpful if the curators and managers of these profiles, and anyone else in the know, if they could shed some light...
Just to make things more compliacted... this might actually help...
Shmuel Halevi Segal, of Bialystok details in the preface of his book http://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=598&st=&pgnum=4 his descent from Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim" via a daughter called אלקא (probably Elka).
Perhaps this is where the mix up started. Abigail Olga whoever she was, was not a daughter of Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim" it was a daughter called Elka. The lineage brought in the afformentioned book has all been entered into Geni (by Menachem Mendel Labkowski, perhaps somewhat hesitantly judging by the ?s) and connected to Abigail Ogla Katzenellenbogen.
Rabbi Joseph Levinstein, A.B.D. Serock a respected geneologist writes in a letter brought here - http://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=46897&st=&pgnum=12 that Elka was married to someone called Avraham of Kremnitz who was a son of Rabbi Chaim Wahl, [Maharal s.in law] son in law of MaHaRaL of Prague - המהר״ל מפראג. (MaHaRaL of Prague - המהר״ל מפראג and Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim" are sometimes referred to as 'mechutanim' i.e. their offsprings married.) This further explains the mix-up - the surname Wahl shared by Avraham of Kremnitz and Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King).
Rabbi Chaim Wahl, [Maharal s.in law] is not shown currently to have a son called Avraham.
P.S. The theory that Rabbi Joseph Levinstein, A.B.D. Serock suggests that Avrohom of Kremnitz was the father of Meir Kremnitzer, of Kalish seems inconsistent with what is written at the front of the book [http://hebrewbooks.org/19198 Orach Mishor] from the latter's son Rabbi Yohanan Kremnitzer, Dayan in Mezeritch, Lissa that Meir Kremnitzer, of Kalish's father was Rabbi Yitzhak Kremnitzer.
Yigal Burstein Private User, Kevin Lawrence Hanit.
Meir Wunder in his book Elef Margaliot (see https://www.geni.com/discussions/131365) lists a daughter of Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim" called Volka married to someone called Shmuel Wahl "who is presumed to be Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen, MaHaShiks, MaHaRaM son #1 son of Rabbi Meir Katzenellenbogen, Maharam of Padua. This is the version currently showing on Geni if one assumes Volka is Abigail Ogla Katzenellenbogen, itself a somewhat baseless assumption.
As outlined above this presumtion is most definitely incorrect if one examines the dates of when these people lived.
Regarding an earlier discussion raised about the MaHashik, R. Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen, being related to the RaMa, R. Moses Isserles, another way that they were related is through their grandmothers, who were sisters.
MaHashik's paternal grandmother, the wife of R. Isaac Katzenellenbogen, was Julia Luria (1466-1510)
Julia-Malka wife, Yitzhak of Ellenbogen,
a daughter of R. Yechiel Yehuda ben Aharon Luria (1430-1470).
RaMa's maternal grandmother, the wife of Eliezer Lipmann Shrentzels (1460-1558), was another Luria daughter, Dreisel Miriam Luria (1470-1559)
Dreizel Miriam Zeisel Schrenzel, [ReMA Gd.mother].
As Dreisel Miriam and Julia were sisters, the RaMa and the MaHashik were second cousins.
(In addition, as referred to earlier, the RaMa could have also identified as being linked to the MaHashik through the RaMa's niece, Devorah Drucker, the daughter of his sister, Kendel Isserles (b.1530). Devorah Drucker was married to Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen, the son of the MaHashik.)