Hi Benjamin, from what i understand the biblical tree isn't attached to the living tree (ie to anyone currently living). If you are seeing a profile that is attached it has probably been created when it shouldn't have been.
If you find these, under the Actions button is Report. If you report them, Customer Service regularly goes through them and deletes incorrect ones. It may take them a while as people seem to love creating them.
There might or might not be a historical figure who had children who claimed kingship in Scandinavia, and was later identified with the mythological god "Odin".
All we know is that we have tales telling of people who descend from Odin; we don't know if they claimed to be descended from a god, their n'th descendants added the god into their lineage for reasons of their own, or if they claimed to be descended from a man that their descendants then called a god.
We'll likely never know. All we know for sure is that the tales exist and were written down by 1350 or so - because we have manuscripts dating that far back.
All else is, to some degree, speculation.
(note: if you want to cut your own connection to these people, the most fruitful times to look at are between 800 and 1200. Scholars say that there are no (zero, nada, nil, none) well documented lines of descent from antiquity. So if you look for profiles in that date range, and find someone who doesn't have documentation, or where the story looks "odd", it's probably a fiction inserted by an 18th century genealogical fantasist in order to "prove" the noble descent of some person who wanted it proved.)
@benjamin apologies - I have seen many times that it's a norm to tag people to who you're replying, since otherwise it may be unclear who I'm responding to (in many cases there are other intermediate messages). I didn't know you desired a different treatment. If I remember this in the future, I'll try to avoid it.
If we get relationship locking (so that we can stop people from adding them back), I'm in favor of removing all the ancestors that are impossilbe (centaurs, cows licking their offspring out of a salt rock....) - those descriptions belong in the "about me", not in the ancestries.
The stories ... those we should preserve.
Forgive me, but I find this kind of discussion a bit frustrating, not least because "biblical Adam" should be about 128 generations, so there are some serious shortcuts taken. :)
We do not as yet have relationship locking. We can disconnect nodes, do so frequently, but they are put back by naifs.
The way to help is to identify the unlikely medieval connection between years 800 and 1200, start a discussion from that profile, suggesting disconnect.
The day will come soon enough when we can isolate off the mythological, but the technology is not in place as yet. However, working together, we "can right now" work on the medieval tree.
But we can't do it without helping each other.
Erica Howton and Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן, I think I have found where the 'biblical tree' and the 'modern tree' are perhaps incorrectly connected (but I could be completely wrong)
Joseph, Vizier of Egypt, (Prophet, Nabi Yusof) is in the 'biblical tree' project with 4 children
Ephraim . is not in the project
Ephraim . is not in the project
Ephraim . is in the project
Menashe . is in the project
Menashe is the father of Descendant of Manasseh, Joseph's son. Generations Missing and grandfather of Rokovunisei (Nai) Cepi Egypt . and this is where the "About Me' stops referencing the bible and there appears to be about 3000 years missing.
As I said I could be completely wrong but if you could have a look and disconnect at the appropriate spot that would (temporarily) fix one of the issues (until someone adds another connection).
Thanks Leanne
Good one! This is the way to do it .
I've disconnected Descendant of Manasseh, Joseph's son. Generations Missing from Menashe . as parent and noted this in the profile overview.
Keep 'em coming.
Okay - I am no longer connected to King David of Israel
Can everyone else check and let me know if you are still connected and I will try to work out the possibly incorrect connection
Can you also please check if you are connected to God Almighty . as I think that it fixed that one too.
More to do. I connect through Saint Joseph
Forgive me if I send you on a wild goose chase - father and son estimated to be born 500 years apart
Elai ap Rhain born c447, his son Elisedd ap Neufedd c998
looks like estimated dates. I'm going to tag Private User to take a look at
Isabel verch Gwerystan b 994 and her grand daughter in law Ceindrych verch Rhiwallon b 1610
This one Enoch / Idris is MP'd with bible references 3138BC.
His father Sayyid Hussein bin Imaam Muhammad al-Jawad is not MP'd, has no bible references and is born estimated 816-864
His grandfather has actual dates of 811 - 4000 years between grandfather and grandson.
Yes - there's a parent conflict Enoch / Idris
Son of Sayyid Hussein bin Imaam Muhammad al-Jawad;
Jared . and Baraka / Baltsa / Beltsea
Husband of Edna .
Father of Baraki'il .; Methuselah .; Regim .; Elimelech .; Melca . and 9 others
Brother of Azriel .; Yardukil; Elimelech .; Mahnaukh; Other Sons & Daughters . and 1 other
So I am disconnecting from Sayyid Hussein bin Imaam Muhammad al-Jawad as father
Familytree Adam -> David and Naatan
Familytree Mattatan -> Yeshua
All the names of the sums so there are about 76-77 generations.
The year is about 0-33 / AD?
(google translate)
Kaikki nimet kun laskee yhteen niin on noin 76-77 sukupolvea.
Vuosi on noin 0-33/jKr ?