Dear All
With apologies for not engaging sooner....I have been extremely busy with other (income earning!) work.
I have relied upon the all the reputable and available SA resources for the Du Toit link to Lille and thence to Abraham/Abram Dut Toit, and have done some of my own research on Lille records (remotely and online it has to be said) to verify the line. I suspect the link to Lille is very sound, as it is to one of two Francois Du Toits - identified in the discussion above,
I have been cautious about asserting certain/determined links to either of the Lille Du Toits for obvious reasons (as you will see from what is quoted from my entry in the email chain below), but agree entirely with Sharon (quoting Boucher). The balance of probabilities (based on credible sources both in SA and Lille) is that the line goes back through Pierre to Abraham.
I intend to instruct Lille genealogists to investigate further to confirm or disprove this, but as you will appreciate this requires both time and money - not to mention overcoming the language barrier. I do not speak French to the level required to write to a Lille researcher, and there are limits to what I am able to spend. I hope to be able to instruct later this year and am in the process of identifying a reliable and reputable researcher in Lille - another difficult task.
May I ask that in the meantime, the line as I have put it up on Geni be retained - with strict caveats from moderators. It is extremely unhelpful to go online as I did today to find two or three generations "missing", along with all the work I have done on them to date.
If of course I am missing something in the way in which I use the Geni site, and I can in fact access the entries I previously made, I'd be most grateful for guidance as to how to do so.
Best regards