Folke "Filbyter" was disconnected from his parents Raoul Payen de Beaumont and Agatha Payen de Beaumont by Alex Moes.
I have disconnected as this couple looks like an attempt to link Folke to Foulques IV "le Réchin" de Château-Landon, Comte d'Anjou
Folke "Filbyter" was disconnected from his parents Raoul Payen de Beaumont and Agatha Payen de Beaumont by Alex Moes.
I have disconnected as this couple looks like an attempt to link Folke to Foulques IV "le Réchin" de Château-Landon, Comte d'Anjou
Regarding his wife Bertrande Jorgrimsdotter.
As a blank profile i can't begin to guess where the name Jorgrimmesdotter comes from.
The Swedish and English wikis gloss over the lack of evidence but says "Han finnes ikke i noe historisk kildemateriale som kan bevis hans eksistens.", ie there is no historic evidence for Folke. Given no historic evidence for the most prominent family member where could his wife's name come from? Is it a literary reference from Folkungaträdet (1905), by the Swedish writer Verner von Heidenstam or Frans G. Bengtsson's The Long Ships?
It is her name in the novel by Heidenstam:
There are 3 Richard Count of Evereaux:
Richard Évreux, Count
Richard, Count of Évreux
and this MP
Richard I, count of Evreux
all seem duplicates same death date.